/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Table on wheels


attached_itemsLazylist of the items that we have on our surface.


MovedHandles movement of the table itself, as well as moving along any atoms we have on our surface.
clear_item_referenceRemoves the signal and the entrance from the list.
on_item_movedHandles cases where any attached item moves, with or without the table. If we get picked up or anything, unregister the signal so we don't move with the table after removal from the surface.

Var Details


Lazylist of the items that we have on our surface.

Proc Details


Handles movement of the table itself, as well as moving along any atoms we have on our surface.


Removes the signal and the entrance from the list.


Handles cases where any attached item moves, with or without the table. If we get picked up or anything, unregister the signal so we don't move with the table after removal from the surface.