/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



absorbed_gasmixThe gasmix we just recently absorbed. Tile's air multiplied by absorption_ratio
absorption_ratioThe portion of the gasmix we're on that we should remove
activation_loggedBoolean used to log the first activation of the SM.
bullet_energyHow much the bullets damage should be multiplied by when it is added to the internal variables
common_radio_cooldownCooldown for sending emergency alerts to the common radio channel
countdownAn effect we show to admins and ghosts the percentage of delam we're at
current_gas_behaviorThe current gas behaviors for this particular crystal
damageThe amount of damage we have currently.
damage_archivedThe damage we had before this cycle. Used to check if we are currently taking damage or healing.
danger_pointThe point at which we consider the supermatter to be [SUPERMATTER_STATUS_DANGER] Spawns anomalies when more damaged than this too.
delam_priorityWhether the sm is forced in a specific delamination_strategy or not. All truthy values means it's forced. Only values greater or equal to the current one can change the strat.
delamination_strategyHow we are delaminating.
disable_damageDisables all methods of taking damage.
disable_gasDisables the calculation of gas effects and production of waste. SM still "breathes" though, still takes gas and spits it out. Nothing is done on them though. Cleaner code this way. Get rid of if it's too wasteful.
disable_power_changeDisables power changes.
disable_processDisables the SM's proccessing totally when set to SM_PROCESS_DISABLED. Temporary disables the processing when it's set to SM_PROCESS_TIMESTOP. Make sure absorbed_gasmix and gas_percentage isnt null if this is on SM_PROCESS_DISABLED.
emergency_pointThe point at which we consider the supermatter to be [SUPERMATTER_STATUS_EMERGENCY]
explosion_pointThe point at which we delam [SUPERMATTER_STATUS_DELAMINATING].
explosion_powerA scaling value that affects the severity of explosions.
external_damage_immediateExternal damage that are added to the sm on next [/obj/machinery/power/supermatter_crystal/process_atmos] call. SM will not take damage if its health is lower than emergency point.
external_power_immediateExternal power that are added to the sm on next [/obj/machinery/power/supermatter_crystal/process_atmos] call.
external_power_trickleExternal power that are added over time instead of immediately.
final_countdownAre we exploding?
gas_heat_modifierAffects the heat our SM makes.
gas_heat_power_generationAffects the power gain the SM experiances from heat.
gas_heat_resistanceAffects the minimum point at which the SM takes heat damage
gas_percentageThe list of gases mapped against their current comp. We use this to calculate different values the supermatter uses, like power or heat resistance. Ranges from 0 to 1
gas_power_transmission_rateAffects the amount of power the main SM zap makes.
gas_powerloss_inhibitionHow much power decay is negated. Complete power decay negation at 1.
gl_uidThe amount of supermatters that have been created this round
hallucination_powerHow much hallucination should we produce per unit of power?
holiday_lightsIf the SM is decorated with holiday lights
hue_angle_shiftHue shift of the zaps color based on the power of the crystal
include_in_cimsDo we show this crystal in the CIMS modular program
internal_energyRefered to as EER on the monitor. This value effects gas output, damage, and power generation.
is_main_engineOnly main engines can have their sliver stolen, can trigger cascades, and can spawn stationwide anomalies.
last_accent_soundcooldown tracker for accent sounds
last_energy_accumulation_perspective_machinesStores the tick of the machines subsystem of when the last zap energy accumulation occurred. Gives a passage of time in the perspective of SSmachines.
last_high_energy_accumulation_perspective_machinesSame as [last_energy_accumulation_perspective_machines], but based around the high energy zaps found in handle_high_power().
last_power_zapStores the time of when the last zap occurred
lastwarningTime in 1/10th of seconds since the last sent warning
moveableCan it be moved?
powerloss_linear_offsetThe offset of the linear powerloss function set so the transition is differentiable.
powerloss_linear_thresholdThe power threshold required to transform the powerloss function into a linear function from a cubic function.
psy_coeffVar that increases from 0 to 1 when a psychologist is nearby, and decreases in the same way
radioOur internal radio
radio_keyThe key our internal radio uses
saviorsLazy list of the crazy engineers who managed to turn a cascading engine around.
soundloopOur soundloop
supermatter_sliver_removedIf a sliver of the supermatter has been removed. Almost certainly by a traitor. Lowers the delamination countdown time.
temp_limitThe temperature at which we start taking damage
uidThe id of our supermatter
warning_pointThe point at which we consider the supermatter to be [SUPERMATTER_STATUS_WARNING]
warpReference to the warp effect
waste_multiplierMultiplies our waste gas amount and temperature.
zap_cutoffThe cutoff for a bolt jumping, grows with heat, lowers with higher mol count,
zap_energy_accumulationAccumulated energy to be transferred from supermatter zaps.
zap_iconTracks the bolt color we are using
zap_transmission_rateThe zap power transmission over internal energy. W/MeV.


accumulate_energyAccumulates energy for the zap_energy_accumulation key. Args:
calculate_damagePerform calculation for the damage taken or healed. Description of each factors can be found in the defines.
calculate_gasesPerform calculation for variables that depend on gases. Description of each factors can be found in the defines.
calculate_internal_energyPerform calculation for power lost and gained this tick. Description of each factors can be found in the defines.
calculate_temp_limitCalculate at which temperature the sm starts taking damage. heat limit is given by: (T0C+40) * (1 + gas heat res + psy_coeff)
calculate_waste_multiplierPerform calculation for the waste multiplier. This number affects the temperature, plasma, and oxygen of the waste gas. Multiplier is applied to energy for plasma and temperature but temperature for oxygen.
calculate_zap_transmission_ratePerform calculation for the main zap power transmission rate in W/MeV. Description of each factors can be found in the defines.
count_downCount down, spout some messages, and then execute the delam itself. We guard for last second delam strat changes here, mostly because some have diff messages.
discharge_energyDepletes a portion of the accumulated energy for the given key and returns it. Used for discharging energy from the supermatter. Args:
get_integrity_percentReturns the integrity percent of the Supermatter. No rounding made yet, round it yourself.
get_statusEncodes the current state of the supermatter.
holiday_hat_examineAdds the hat flavor text when examined
holiday_item_interactionConsume the santa hat and add it as an overlay
set_delamSets the delam of our sm.
sm_ui_dataReturns data that are exclusively about this sm.
tram_contents_consumeConsume things that run into the supermatter from the tram. The tram calls forceMove (doesn't call Bump/ed) and not Move, and I'm afraid changing it will do something chaotic

Var Details


The gasmix we just recently absorbed. Tile's air multiplied by absorption_ratio


The portion of the gasmix we're on that we should remove


Boolean used to log the first activation of the SM.


How much the bullets damage should be multiplied by when it is added to the internal variables


Cooldown for sending emergency alerts to the common radio channel


An effect we show to admins and ghosts the percentage of delam we're at


The current gas behaviors for this particular crystal


The amount of damage we have currently.


The damage we had before this cycle. Used to check if we are currently taking damage or healing.


The point at which we consider the supermatter to be [SUPERMATTER_STATUS_DANGER] Spawns anomalies when more damaged than this too.


Whether the sm is forced in a specific delamination_strategy or not. All truthy values means it's forced. Only values greater or equal to the current one can change the strat.


How we are delaminating.


Disables all methods of taking damage.


Disables the calculation of gas effects and production of waste. SM still "breathes" though, still takes gas and spits it out. Nothing is done on them though. Cleaner code this way. Get rid of if it's too wasteful.


Disables power changes.


Disables the SM's proccessing totally when set to SM_PROCESS_DISABLED. Temporary disables the processing when it's set to SM_PROCESS_TIMESTOP. Make sure absorbed_gasmix and gas_percentage isnt null if this is on SM_PROCESS_DISABLED.


The point at which we consider the supermatter to be [SUPERMATTER_STATUS_EMERGENCY]


The point at which we delam [SUPERMATTER_STATUS_DELAMINATING].


A scaling value that affects the severity of explosions.


External damage that are added to the sm on next [/obj/machinery/power/supermatter_crystal/process_atmos] call. SM will not take damage if its health is lower than emergency point.


External power that are added to the sm on next [/obj/machinery/power/supermatter_crystal/process_atmos] call.


External power that are added over time instead of immediately.


Are we exploding?


Affects the heat our SM makes.


Affects the power gain the SM experiances from heat.


Affects the minimum point at which the SM takes heat damage


The list of gases mapped against their current comp. We use this to calculate different values the supermatter uses, like power or heat resistance. Ranges from 0 to 1


Affects the amount of power the main SM zap makes.


How much power decay is negated. Complete power decay negation at 1.


The amount of supermatters that have been created this round


How much hallucination should we produce per unit of power?


If the SM is decorated with holiday lights


Hue shift of the zaps color based on the power of the crystal


Do we show this crystal in the CIMS modular program


Refered to as EER on the monitor. This value effects gas output, damage, and power generation.


Only main engines can have their sliver stolen, can trigger cascades, and can spawn stationwide anomalies.


cooldown tracker for accent sounds


Stores the tick of the machines subsystem of when the last zap energy accumulation occurred. Gives a passage of time in the perspective of SSmachines.


Same as [last_energy_accumulation_perspective_machines], but based around the high energy zaps found in handle_high_power().


Stores the time of when the last zap occurred


Time in 1/10th of seconds since the last sent warning


Can it be moved?


The offset of the linear powerloss function set so the transition is differentiable.


The power threshold required to transform the powerloss function into a linear function from a cubic function.


Var that increases from 0 to 1 when a psychologist is nearby, and decreases in the same way


Our internal radio


The key our internal radio uses


Lazy list of the crazy engineers who managed to turn a cascading engine around.


Our soundloop


If a sliver of the supermatter has been removed. Almost certainly by a traitor. Lowers the delamination countdown time.


The temperature at which we start taking damage


The id of our supermatter


The point at which we consider the supermatter to be [SUPERMATTER_STATUS_WARNING]


Reference to the warp effect


Multiplies our waste gas amount and temperature.


The cutoff for a bolt jumping, grows with heat, lowers with higher mol count,


Accumulated energy to be transferred from supermatter zaps.


Tracks the bolt color we are using


The zap power transmission over internal energy. W/MeV.

Proc Details


Accumulates energy for the zap_energy_accumulation key. Args:


Perform calculation for the damage taken or healed. Description of each factors can be found in the defines.

Updates: /obj/machinery/power/supermatter_crystal/var/damage

Returns: The factors that have influenced the calculation. list[FACTOR_DEFINE] = number


Perform calculation for variables that depend on gases. Description of each factors can be found in the defines.

Updates: [/obj/machinery/power/supermatter_crystal/var/list/gas_percentage] /obj/machinery/power/supermatter_crystal/var/gas_power_transmission_rate /obj/machinery/power/supermatter_crystal/var/gas_heat_modifier /obj/machinery/power/supermatter_crystal/var/gas_heat_resistance /obj/machinery/power/supermatter_crystal/var/gas_heat_power_generation /obj/machinery/power/supermatter_crystal/var/gas_powerloss_inhibition

Returns: null


Perform calculation for power lost and gained this tick. Description of each factors can be found in the defines.

Updates: /obj/machinery/power/supermatter_crystal/var/internal_energy /obj/machinery/power/supermatter_crystal/var/external_power_trickle /obj/machinery/power/supermatter_crystal/var/external_power_immediate

Returns: The factors that have influenced the calculation. list[FACTOR_DEFINE] = number


Calculate at which temperature the sm starts taking damage. heat limit is given by: (T0C+40) * (1 + gas heat res + psy_coeff)

Description of each factors can be found in the defines.

Updates: /obj/machinery/power/supermatter_crystal/var/temp_limit

Returns: The factors that have influenced the calculation. list[FACTOR_DEFINE] = number


Perform calculation for the waste multiplier. This number affects the temperature, plasma, and oxygen of the waste gas. Multiplier is applied to energy for plasma and temperature but temperature for oxygen.

Description of each factors can be found in the defines.

Updates: /obj/machinery/power/supermatter_crystal/var/waste_multiplier

Returns: The factors that have influenced the calculation. list[FACTOR_DEFINE] = number


Perform calculation for the main zap power transmission rate in W/MeV. Description of each factors can be found in the defines.

Updates: /obj/machinery/power/supermatter_crystal/var/zap_transmission_rate

Returns: The factors that have influenced the calculation. list[FACTOR_DEFINE] = number


Count down, spout some messages, and then execute the delam itself. We guard for last second delam strat changes here, mostly because some have diff messages.

By last second changes, we mean that it's possible for say, a tesla delam to just explode normally if at the absolute last second it loses power and switches to default one. Even after countdown is already in progress.


Depletes a portion of the accumulated energy for the given key and returns it. Used for discharging energy from the supermatter. Args:


Returns the integrity percent of the Supermatter. No rounding made yet, round it yourself.


Encodes the current state of the supermatter.


Adds the hat flavor text when examined


Consume the santa hat and add it as an overlay



Sets the delam of our sm.


Returns: Not used for anything, just returns true on successful set, manual and automatic. Helps admins check stuffs.


Returns data that are exclusively about this sm.


Consume things that run into the supermatter from the tram. The tram calls forceMove (doesn't call Bump/ed) and not Move, and I'm afraid changing it will do something chaotic