/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



aidisabledIs the AI locked from using the APC
alarm_managerRepresents a signel source of power alarms for this apc
areaReference to our area
areastringMapper helper to tie an apc to another area
auto_nameAutomatically name the APC after the area is in
away_general_accessUsed for apc helper called away_general_access to make apc's required access away_general_access.
beenhitused for counting how many times it has been hit, used for Aliens at the moment
cellReference to our internal cell
cell_10kUsed for apc helper called cell_10k to install 10k cell into apc.
cell_5kUsed for apc helper called cell_5k to install 5k cell into apc.
cell_typeType of cell we start with
chargemodeCan the APC charge?
chargingState of the apc charging (not charging, charging, fully charged)
coverlockedIs the apc cover locked?
cut_AI_wireUsed for apc helper called cut_AI_wire to make apc's wore responsible for ai connectione mended.
emergency_lightsShould the emergency lights be on?
environState of the environmental channel (off, auto off, on, auto on)
equipmentState of the equipment channel (off, auto off, on, auto on)
failure_timerTime to allow the APC to regain some power and to turn the channels back online
force_updateForces an update on the power use to ensure that the apc has enough power
full_chargeUsed for apc helper called full_charge to make apc's charge at 100% meter.
hacked_flicker_counterCounter for displaying the hacked overlay to mobs within view
has_electronicsState of the electronics inside (missing, installed, secured)
icon_update_neededUsed to stop process from updating the icons too much
last_chargingPrevious state of charging, to detect the change
last_nightshift_switchTime when the nightshift where turned on last, to prevent spamming
lastused_chargeTotal amount of power put into the battery
lastused_environAmount of power used by the environmental channel
lastused_equipAmount of power used by the equipment channel
lastused_lightAmount of power used by the lighting channel
lastused_totalTotal amount of power used by the three channels
light_on_rangeRange of the light emitted when on
lightingState of the lighting channel (off, auto off, on, auto on)
lockedIs the apc interface locked?
long_term_powerbuffer state that makes apcs not shut off channels immediately as long as theres some power left, effect visible in apcs only slowly losing power
low_power_nightshift_lightsTracks if lights channel was set to nightshift / reduced power usage mode automatically due to low power.
main_statusState of the apc external power (no power, low power, has power)
malfaiReference to our ai hacker
malfhackIs the apc hacked by a malf ai?
nightshift_lightsShould the nighshift lights be on?
no_chargeUsed for apc helper called no_charge to make apc's charge at 0% meter.
occupierReference to the shunted ai inside
offset_oldOffsets the object by APC_PIXEL_OFFSET (defined in apc_defines.dm) pixels in the direction we want it placed in. This allows the APC to be embedded in a wall, yet still inside an area (like mapping).
openedState of the cover (closed, opened, removed)
operatingIs the apc working
overloadused for the Blackout malf module
remote_control_userReference to our remote control
shortedIs the APC shorted and not working?
start_chargeInitial cell charge %
syndicate_accessUsed for apc helper called syndicate_access to make apc's required access syndicate_access.
terminalReference to our cable terminal
transfer_in_progressIs there an AI being transferred out of us?
unlockedUsed for apc helper called unlocked to make apc unlocked.
update_overlayStores the flag for the overlays
update_stateStores the flags for the icon state


AICtrlClickToggle APC power settings
AICtrlShiftClickToggle APC environment settings (atmos)
AIShiftClickToggle APC lighting settings
add_loadAdds load (energy) to the terminal's grid.
ai_click_altToggle APC equipment settings
autosetReturns the new status value for an APC channel.
availReturns the amount of energy the terminal's grid has.
available_energyReturns the surplus energy from the terminal's grid and the cell.
cable_actCalled when we interact with the APC with a cable, attempts to wire the APC and create a terminal
can_place_terminalChecks if we can place a terminal on the APC
cell_actCalled when we interact with the APC with a cell, attempts to insert it
chargeReturns the cell's current charge.
charge_from_etherealHandles charging our internal cell from an ethereal and their stomach
check_updatesChecks for what icon updates we will need to handle
discharge_to_etherealHandles discharging our internal cell to an ethereal and their stomach
disconnect_remote_accessDisconnects anyone using this APC via an APC control console and locks the interface. arguments: mute - whether the APC should announce the disconnection locally
early_processAPC early processing. This gets processed after any other machine on the powernet does. This adds up the total static power usage for the apc's area, then draw that power usage from the grid or APC cell.
electronics_actCalled when we interact with the APC with APC electronics, attempts to install the board
ethereal_interactSpecial behavior for when an ethereal interacts with an APC.
fork_outlet_actCalled when we interact with the APC with an item with which we can get shocked when we stuff it into an APC
give_away_general_accessUsed for away_general_access apc helper, which set apc's required access to away_general_access.
give_syndicate_accessUsed for syndicate_access apc helper, which sets apc's required access to syndicate_access.
install_cell_10kUsed for cell_10k apc helper, which installs 10k cell into apc.
install_cell_5kUsed for cell_5k apc helper, which installs 5k cell into apc.
pseudocircuit_actCalled when we interact with the APC with an electroadaptive pseudocircuit, used by cyborgs to install a board or weak cell
set_full_chargeUsed for full_charge apc helper, which sets apc charge to 100%.
set_hacked_hudApplies hacked overlay for malf AIs
set_no_chargeUsed for no_charge apc helper, which sets apc charge to 0%.
setsubsystemUsed by external forces to set the APCs channel status's.
surplusReturns the surplus energy from the terminal's grid.
time_to_chargeReturns the amount of time it will take the APC at its current trickle charge rate to reach a charge level. If the APC is functionally not charging, returns null.
unlockUsed for unlocked apc helper, which unlocks the apc.
wallframe_actCalled when we interact with the APC with and APC frame, used for replacing a damaged cover/frame

Var Details


Is the AI locked from using the APC


Represents a signel source of power alarms for this apc


Reference to our area


Mapper helper to tie an apc to another area


Automatically name the APC after the area is in


Used for apc helper called away_general_access to make apc's required access away_general_access.


used for counting how many times it has been hit, used for Aliens at the moment


Reference to our internal cell


Used for apc helper called cell_10k to install 10k cell into apc.


Used for apc helper called cell_5k to install 5k cell into apc.


Type of cell we start with


Can the APC charge?


State of the apc charging (not charging, charging, fully charged)


Is the apc cover locked?


Used for apc helper called cut_AI_wire to make apc's wore responsible for ai connectione mended.


Should the emergency lights be on?


State of the environmental channel (off, auto off, on, auto on)


State of the equipment channel (off, auto off, on, auto on)


Time to allow the APC to regain some power and to turn the channels back online


Forces an update on the power use to ensure that the apc has enough power


Used for apc helper called full_charge to make apc's charge at 100% meter.


Counter for displaying the hacked overlay to mobs within view


State of the electronics inside (missing, installed, secured)


Used to stop process from updating the icons too much


Previous state of charging, to detect the change


Time when the nightshift where turned on last, to prevent spamming


Total amount of power put into the battery


Amount of power used by the environmental channel


Amount of power used by the equipment channel


Amount of power used by the lighting channel


Total amount of power used by the three channels


Range of the light emitted when on


State of the lighting channel (off, auto off, on, auto on)


Is the apc interface locked?


buffer state that makes apcs not shut off channels immediately as long as theres some power left, effect visible in apcs only slowly losing power


Tracks if lights channel was set to nightshift / reduced power usage mode automatically due to low power.


State of the apc external power (no power, low power, has power)


Reference to our ai hacker


Is the apc hacked by a malf ai?


Should the nighshift lights be on?


Used for apc helper called no_charge to make apc's charge at 0% meter.


Reference to the shunted ai inside


Offsets the object by APC_PIXEL_OFFSET (defined in apc_defines.dm) pixels in the direction we want it placed in. This allows the APC to be embedded in a wall, yet still inside an area (like mapping).


State of the cover (closed, opened, removed)


Is the apc working


used for the Blackout malf module


Reference to our remote control


Is the APC shorted and not working?


Initial cell charge %


Used for apc helper called syndicate_access to make apc's required access syndicate_access.


Reference to our cable terminal


Is there an AI being transferred out of us?


Used for apc helper called unlocked to make apc unlocked.


Stores the flag for the overlays


Stores the flags for the icon state

Proc Details


Toggle APC power settings


Toggle APC environment settings (atmos)


Toggle APC lighting settings


Adds load (energy) to the terminal's grid.


Toggle APC equipment settings


Returns the new status value for an APC channel.

// val 0=off, 1=off(auto) 2=on 3=on(auto) // on 0=off, 1=on, 2=autooff TODO: Make this use bitflags instead. It should take at most three lines, but it's out of scope for now.



Returns the amount of energy the terminal's grid has.


Returns the surplus energy from the terminal's grid and the cell.


Called when we interact with the APC with a cable, attempts to wire the APC and create a terminal


Checks if we can place a terminal on the APC


Called when we interact with the APC with a cell, attempts to insert it


Returns the cell's current charge.


Handles charging our internal cell from an ethereal and their stomach


Checks for what icon updates we will need to handle


Handles discharging our internal cell to an ethereal and their stomach


Disconnects anyone using this APC via an APC control console and locks the interface. arguments: mute - whether the APC should announce the disconnection locally


APC early processing. This gets processed after any other machine on the powernet does. This adds up the total static power usage for the apc's area, then draw that power usage from the grid or APC cell.


Called when we interact with the APC with APC electronics, attempts to install the board


Special behavior for when an ethereal interacts with an APC.


Called when we interact with the APC with an item with which we can get shocked when we stuff it into an APC


Used for away_general_access apc helper, which set apc's required access to away_general_access.


Used for syndicate_access apc helper, which sets apc's required access to syndicate_access.


Used for cell_10k apc helper, which installs 10k cell into apc.


Used for cell_5k apc helper, which installs 5k cell into apc.


Called when we interact with the APC with an electroadaptive pseudocircuit, used by cyborgs to install a board or weak cell


Used for full_charge apc helper, which sets apc charge to 100%.


Applies hacked overlay for malf AIs


Used for no_charge apc helper, which sets apc charge to 0%.


Used by external forces to set the APCs channel status's.



Returns the surplus energy from the terminal's grid.


Returns the amount of time it will take the APC at its current trickle charge rate to reach a charge level. If the APC is functionally not charging, returns null.


Used for unlocked apc helper, which unlocks the apc.


Called when we interact with the APC with and APC frame, used for replacing a damaged cover/frame