/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



control_computer_weakrefWeakref to our controller
despawn_timer_idId of the occupant despawn timer.
respect_minimum_client_disconnect_timeWhether the cryopod respects the minimum time someone has to be disconnected before they can be put into cryo by another player
time_till_despawnTime until despawn when a mob enters a cryopod. You cannot other people in pods unless they're catatonic.


can_be_put_insideChecks if the target can be put inside cryopod
delete_despawn_timerDeletes the occupant despawn timer, if it exists
despawn_occupantThis function can not be undone; do not call this unless you are sure. Handles despawning the player.
find_control_computerTries to find the control computer. Returns TRUE if it finds one or already has one, FALSE otherwise.
handle_clientless_occupantStarts despawn timer for clientless occupant and makes cryopod listen for mob login
handle_occupant_itemsMoves the occupant's items to the linked control computer or the drop location if there is no control computer Items that can not be dropped will stay in the mob's contents
on_control_computed_qdeletingTries to find the control computer if linked computer was deleted
on_control_computer_area_exitedTries to find the control computer if somehow it left the area
place_insideJust call close_machine for the target after 10 seconds do_after, without any checks, except in do_after
put_mob_insideHandles putting mob inside the cryopod by user
put_other_insideHandles putting other mob inside the cryopod by target
put_self_insideHandles putting mob inside the cryopod by target itself
validate_put_insideValidates if the target can be put inside. Returns null if the target can be put inside, otherwise returns error message
validate_put_inside_and_alert_userChecks if the target can be put inside cryopod and baloon alerts user if something is wrong

Var Details


Weakref to our controller


Id of the occupant despawn timer.


Whether the cryopod respects the minimum time someone has to be disconnected before they can be put into cryo by another player


Time until despawn when a mob enters a cryopod. You cannot other people in pods unless they're catatonic.

Proc Details


Checks if the target can be put inside cryopod


Deletes the occupant despawn timer, if it exists


This function can not be undone; do not call this unless you are sure. Handles despawning the player.


Tries to find the control computer. Returns TRUE if it finds one or already has one, FALSE otherwise.


Starts despawn timer for clientless occupant and makes cryopod listen for mob login


Moves the occupant's items to the linked control computer or the drop location if there is no control computer Items that can not be dropped will stay in the mob's contents


Tries to find the control computer if linked computer was deleted


Tries to find the control computer if somehow it left the area


Just call close_machine for the target after 10 seconds do_after, without any checks, except in do_after


Handles putting mob inside the cryopod by user


Handles putting other mob inside the cryopod by target


Handles putting mob inside the cryopod by target itself


Validates if the target can be put inside. Returns null if the target can be put inside, otherwise returns error message


Checks if the target can be put inside cryopod and baloon alerts user if something is wrong