/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Mecha Equipment All mech equippables are currently childs of this


activeWhether the module is currently active
active_labelLabel used in the ui next to the Activate/Enable/Disable buttons
can_be_toggledWhether you can turn this module on/off with a button
can_be_triggeredWhether you can trigger this module with a button (activation only)
chassisReference to mecha that this equipment is currently attached to
destroy_soundSound file: Sound to play when this equipment is destroyed while still attached to the mech
detachableboolean: FALSE if this equipment can not be removed/salvaged
energy_drainChassis power cell quantity used on activation
equip_cooldownCooldown in ticks required between activations of the equipment
equipment_slotDetermines what "slot" this attachment will try to attach to on a mech
harmfulBoolean: whether a pacifist can use this equipment
mech_flagsBitflag. Used by exosuit fabricator to assign sub-categories based on which exosuits can equip this.
rangeBitflag. Determines the range of the equipment.
unstackableCan we stack multiple types of the same item?


action_checksChecks whether this mecha equipment can be active Returns a bool Arguments:
detachcalled to detach this equipment Args:
do_after_checksdo after checks for the mecha equipment do afters
do_after_cooldownCooldown proc variant for using do_afters between activations instead of timers Example of usage is mech drills, rcds arguments:
do_after_mechaDo after wrapper for mecha equipment
handle_ui_actcalled after ui_act, for custom ui act handling
needs_rearmAI mech pilot: returns TRUE if the Ai should try to reload the mecha
rearmProc for reloading weapons from HTML UI or by AI note that this is old and likely broken code
special_attaching_interactionSpecial Attaching Interaction, used to bypass normal attachment procs.

Var Details


Whether the module is currently active


Label used in the ui next to the Activate/Enable/Disable buttons


Whether you can turn this module on/off with a button


Whether you can trigger this module with a button (activation only)


Reference to mecha that this equipment is currently attached to


Sound file: Sound to play when this equipment is destroyed while still attached to the mech


boolean: FALSE if this equipment can not be removed/salvaged


Chassis power cell quantity used on activation


Cooldown in ticks required between activations of the equipment


Determines what "slot" this attachment will try to attach to on a mech


Boolean: whether a pacifist can use this equipment


Bitflag. Used by exosuit fabricator to assign sub-categories based on which exosuits can equip this.


Bitflag. Determines the range of the equipment.


Can we stack multiple types of the same item?

Proc Details


Checks whether this mecha equipment can be active Returns a bool Arguments:


called to detach this equipment Args:


do after checks for the mecha equipment do afters


Cooldown proc variant for using do_afters between activations instead of timers Example of usage is mech drills, rcds arguments:


Do after wrapper for mecha equipment



handles the returning of snowflake data required by the UI of the mecha not the prettiest of procs honeslty returns:


called after ui_act, for custom ui act handling


AI mech pilot: returns TRUE if the Ai should try to reload the mecha


Proc for reloading weapons from HTML UI or by AI note that this is old and likely broken code


Special Attaching Interaction, used to bypass normal attachment procs.

If an equipment needs to bypass the regular chain of events, this proc can be used to allow for that. If used, it must handle actually calling attach(), as well as any feedback to the user. Args: