"Retro" ID card that renders itself as the icon state with no overlays.
Vars | |
access | Access levels held by this card. |
assignment | The job name registered on the card (for example: Assistant). |
available_logos | List of logos available for holopay customization - via font awesome 5 |
big_pointer | If true, the wearer will have bigger arrow when pointing at things. Passed down by trims. |
chosen_honorific | What is our selected honorific? |
holopay_fee | Replaces the "pay whatever" functionality with a set amount when non-zero. |
holopay_logo | The holopay icon chosen by the user |
holopay_max_fee | Maximum forced fee. It's unlikely for a user to encounter this type of money, much less pay it willingly. |
holopay_min_fee | Minimum forced fee for holopay stations. Registers as "pay what you want." |
holopay_name | The holopay name chosen by the user |
honorific_position | Will this ID card use the first or last name as the name displayed with the honorific? |
is_intern | Boolean value. If TRUE, the [Intern] tag gets prepended to this ID card when the label is updated. |
last_holopay_projection | Cooldown between projecting holopays |
my_store | Linked holopay. |
pointer_color | If set, the arrow will have a different color. |
registered_account | Linked bank account. |
registered_age | Registered owner's age. |
registered_name | The name registered on the card (for example: Dr Bryan See) |
trim | Trim datum associated with the card. Controls which job icon is displayed on the card and which accesses do not require wildcards. |
wildcard_slots | List of wildcard slot names as keys with lists of wildcard data as values. |
Procs | |
add_access | Attempts to add the given accesses to the ID card as non-wildcards. |
add_wildcards | Attempts to add the given wildcards to the ID card. |
alt_click_can_use_id | Helper proc. Can the user alt-click the ID? |
build_access_lists | Helper proc. Creates access lists for the access procs. |
can_add_wildcards | Helper proc, checks whether the ID card can hold any given set of wildcards. |
can_be_used_in_payment | Helper proc that determines if a card can be used in certain types of payment transactions. |
can_proj_holopay | Determines whether a new holopay can be placed on the given turf. Checks if there are dense contents, too many contents, or another holopay already exists on the turf. |
clear_access | Clears all accesses from the ID card - both wildcard and normal. |
clear_account | Clears the economy account from the ID card. |
get_trim_assignment | Returns the trim assignment name. |
get_trim_sechud_icon_state | Returns the trim sechud icon state. |
insert_money | Insert credits or coins into the ID card and add their value to the associated bank account. |
mass_insert_money | Insert multiple money or money-equivalent items at once. |
remove_access | Removes the given accesses from the ID Card. |
remove_wildcards | Removes wildcards from the ID card. |
set_access | Attempts to set the card's accesses to the given accesses, clearing all accesses not in the given list. |
set_holopay_fee | Setter for changing the force fee on a holopay. |
set_holopay_logo | Setter for the shop logo on linked holopays |
set_holopay_name | Setter for changing the holopay name. |
set_new_account | Attempts to set a new bank account on the ID card. |
update_honorific | Re-generates the honorific title. Returns the compiled honorific_title value |
update_in_wallet | Called on COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATED_ICON. Updates the visuals of the wallet this card is in. |
update_label | Updates the name based on the card's vars and state. |
Var Details
Access levels held by this card.
The job name registered on the card (for example: Assistant).
List of logos available for holopay customization - via font awesome 5
If true, the wearer will have bigger arrow when pointing at things. Passed down by trims.
What is our selected honorific?
Replaces the "pay whatever" functionality with a set amount when non-zero.
The holopay icon chosen by the user
Maximum forced fee. It's unlikely for a user to encounter this type of money, much less pay it willingly.
Minimum forced fee for holopay stations. Registers as "pay what you want."
The holopay name chosen by the user
Will this ID card use the first or last name as the name displayed with the honorific?
Boolean value. If TRUE, the [Intern] tag gets prepended to this ID card when the label is updated.
Cooldown between projecting holopays
Linked holopay.
If set, the arrow will have a different color.
Linked bank account.
Registered owner's age.
The name registered on the card (for example: Dr Bryan See)
Trim datum associated with the card. Controls which job icon is displayed on the card and which accesses do not require wildcards.
List of wildcard slot names as keys with lists of wildcard data as values.
Proc Details
Attempts to add the given accesses to the ID card as non-wildcards.
Depending on the mode, may add accesses as wildcards or error if it can't add them as non-wildcards. Arguments:
- add_accesses - List of accesses to check.
- try_wildcard - If not null, will attempt to add all accesses that require wildcard slots to this wildcard slot only.
- mode - The method to use when adding accesses. See define for ERROR_ON_FAIL
Attempts to add the given wildcards to the ID card.
- wildcard_list - List of accesses to add.
- try_wildcard - If not null, will attempt to add all wildcards to this wildcard slot only.
- mode - The method to use when adding wildcards. See define for ERROR_ON_FAIL
Helper proc. Can the user alt-click the ID?
Helper proc. Creates access lists for the access procs.
Takes the accesses list and compares it with the trim. Any basic accesses that match the trim are added to basic_access_list and the rest are added to wildcard_access_list.
This proc directly modifies the lists passed in as args. It expects these lists to be instantiated. There is no return value. Arguments:
- accesses - List of accesses you want to stort into basic_access_list and wildcard_access_list. Should not be null.
- basic_access_list - Mandatory argument. The proc modifies the list passed in this argument and adds accesses the trim supports to it.
- wildcard_access_list - Mandatory argument. The proc modifies the list passed in this argument and adds accesses the trim does not support to it.
Helper proc, checks whether the ID card can hold any given set of wildcards.
Returns TRUE if the card can hold the wildcards, FALSE otherwise. Arguments:
- wildcard_list - List of accesses to check.
- try_wildcard - If not null, will attempt to add wildcards for this wildcard specifically and will return FALSE if the card cannot hold all wildcards in this slot.
Helper proc that determines if a card can be used in certain types of payment transactions.
Determines whether a new holopay can be placed on the given turf. Checks if there are dense contents, too many contents, or another holopay already exists on the turf.
- turf/target - The target turf to be checked for dense contents Returns:
- TRUE if the target is a valid holopay location, FALSE otherwise.
Clears all accesses from the ID card - both wildcard and normal.
Clears the economy account from the ID card.
Returns the trim assignment name.
Returns the trim sechud icon state.
Insert credits or coins into the ID card and add their value to the associated bank account.
Returns TRUE if the money was successfully inserted, FALSE otherwise. Arguments: money - The item to attempt to convert to credits and insert into the card. user - The user inserting the item. physical_currency - Boolean, whether this is a physical currency such as a coin and not a holochip.
Insert multiple money or money-equivalent items at once.
Arguments: money - List of items to attempt to convert to credits and insert into the card. user - The user inserting the items.
Removes the given accesses from the ID Card.
Will remove the wildcards if the accesses given are on the card as wildcard accesses. Arguments:
- rem_accesses - List of accesses to remove.
Removes wildcards from the ID card.
- wildcard_list - List of accesses to remove.
Attempts to set the card's accesses to the given accesses, clearing all accesses not in the given list.
Depending on the mode, may add accesses as wildcards or error if it can't add them as non-wildcards. Arguments:
- new_access_list - List of all accesses that this card should hold exclusively.
- mode - The method to use when setting accesses. See define for ERROR_ON_FAIL
Setter for changing the force fee on a holopay.
- new_fee - The new fee to be set.
Setter for the shop logo on linked holopays
- new_logo - The new logo to be set.
Setter for changing the holopay name.
- new_name - The new name to be set.
Attempts to set a new bank account on the ID card.
Re-generates the honorific title. Returns the compiled honorific_title value
Called on COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATED_ICON. Updates the visuals of the wallet this card is in.
Updates the name based on the card's vars and state.