/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



all_scarsAll of the scars a carbon has afflicted throughout their limbs
all_woundsAll of the wounds a carbon has afflicted throughout their limbs
body_zone_dismembered_byAssoc list of BODY_ZONE -> wounding_type. Set when a limb is dismembered, unset when one is attached. Used for determining what scar to add when it comes time to generate them.
bodypartsGets filled up in /datum/species/proc/replace_body. Will either contain a list of typepaths if nothing has been created yet, or a list of the body part objects.
bodyshapeA bitfield of "bodyshapes", updated by /obj/item/bodypart/proc/synchronize_bodyshapes()
bodytypeA bitfield of "bodytypes", updated by /obj/item/bodypart/proc/synchronize_bodytypes()
breathing_loopSound loop for breathing when using internals
can_be_shoved_intoCan other carbons be shoved into this one to make it fall?
co2overloadtimeUsed in [carbon/proc/check_breath] and [lungs/proc/check_breath]]
cold_protectionProtection (insulation) from the cold, Value 0-1 corresponding to the percentage of protection
damageoverlaytempUsed to temporarily increase severity of / apply a new damage overlay (the red ring around the ui / screen). This number will translate to equivalent brute or burn damage taken. Handled in [mob/living/proc/update_damage_hud]. (For example, setting damageoverlaytemp = 20 will add 20 "damage" to the overlay the next time it updates.) This number is also reset to 0 every tick of carbon Life(). Pain.
disgustMeasure of how disgusted we are. See DISGUST_LEVEL_GROSS and friends
dnaCarbon, you should really only be accessing this through has_dna() but it's your life
earsonly used by humans.
external"External" air tank. Never set this manually. Not required to stay directly equipped on the mob (i.e. could be a machine or MOD suit module).
failed_last_breathThis is used to determine if the mob failed a breath. If they did fail a breath, they will attempt to breathe each tick, otherwise just once per 4 ticks.
glassesonly used by humans.
glovesonly used by humans
hand_bodypartsA collection of arms (or actually whatever the fug /bodyparts you monsters use to wreck my systems)
handcuffedWhether or not the mob is handcuffed
heat_protectionProtection (insulation) from the heat, Value 0-1 corresponding to the percentage of protection
icon_render_keysA cache of bodypart = icon to prevent excessive icon creation.
internalEquipped air tank. Never set this manually.
last_mindlast mind to control this mob, for blood-based cloning
last_top_offsetStores the result of our last known top_offset generation for optimisation purposes when drawing limb icons.
legcuffedSame as handcuffs but for legs. Bear traps use this.
old_disgustHow disgusted we were LAST time we processed disgust. Helps prevent unneeded work
organsList of /obj/item/organs in the mob. They don't go in the contents for some reason I don't want to know.
organs_slotSame as above, but stores "slot ID" - "organ" pairs for easy access.
shoesonly used by humans.
skillchip_complexity_modifierSimple modifier for whether this mob can handle greater or lesser skillchip complexity. See /datum/mutation/human/biotechcompat/ for example.
squish_counterUsed in squish amount restriction
transformation_timerTimer id of any transformation
visual_only_organsOnly load in visual organs


add_bodypartProc to hook behavior on bodypart additions. Do not directly call. You're looking for [/obj/item/bodypart/proc/try_attach_limb()].
adjustOrganLossIf an organ exists in the slot requested, and we are capable of taking damage (we don't have TRAIT_GODMODE), call the damage proc on that organ.
adjustPlasmaAdjusts the plasma level of the carbon's plasma vessel if they have one
adjust_bodytemperatureAdjust the body temperature of a mob expanded for carbon mobs allowing the use of insulation and change steps
adjust_skillchip_complexity_modifierModifies max_skillchip_count and updates active skillchips
bioscrambleRandomise a body part and organ of this mob
bleed_warnbleed_warn() is used to for carbons with an active client to occasionally receive messages warning them about their bleeding status (if applicable)
can_breathe_helmetReturns TRUE if an air tank compatible helmet is equipped.
can_breathe_internalsReturns TRUE if an air tank compatible mask or breathing tube is equipped.
can_breathe_maskReturns TRUE if an air tank compatible mask is equipped.
can_breathe_tubeReturns TRUE if a breathing tube is equipped.
can_touch_acidThis proc is used to determine whether or not the mob can handle touching an acid affected object.
can_touch_burningThis proc is used to determine whether or not the mob can handle touching a burning object.
cause_wound_of_type_and_severityA simple proc to force a type of wound onto this mob. If you just want to force a specific mainline (fractures, bleeding, etc.) wound, you only need to care about the first 3 args.
check_breathThis proc tests if the lungs can breathe, if the mob can breathe a given gas mixture, and throws/clears gas alerts. If there are moles of gas in the given gas mixture, side-effects may be applied/removed on the mob. This proc expects a lungs organ in order to breathe successfully, but does not defer any work to it.
check_passoutCheck to see if we should be passed out from oxyloss
check_self_for_injuriesCheck ourselves to see if we've got any shrapnel, return true if we do. This is a much simpler version of what humans do, we only indicate we're checking ourselves if there's actually shrapnel
check_virusMedical HUD! Basic mode needs suit sensors on.
clone_skillchip_listCreates a list of new skillchips cloned from old skillchips in the mob's brain.
close_all_airtanksQuickly/lazily close all airtanks without any returns or notifications.
close_externalsClose the the currently open external (that's EX-ternal) air tank. Returns TRUE if successful.
close_internalsActually closes the active internal or external air tank. Returns TRUE if the tank was opened successfully.
create_bodypartsCreates body parts for this carbon completely from scratch. Optionally takes a map of body zones to what type to instantiate instead of them.
cuff_resistHelper to break the cuffs from hands @param {obj/item} cuffs - The cuffs to break @param {number} breakouttime - The time it takes to break the cuffs. Use SECONDS/MINUTES defines @param {number} cuff_break - Speed multiplier, 0 is default, see _DEFINES\combat.dm
cutoff_internalsPrepares emergency disconnect from open air tanks and notifies in chat. Usually called after mob suddenly unequips breathing apparatus.
del_and_replace_bodypartReplaces a single limb and deletes the old one if there was one
destroy_all_skillchipsDestroys all skillchips in the brain, handling appropriate cleanup and event calls.
dreamGenerates a dream sequence to be displayed to the sleeper.
dream_sequenceDisplays the passed list of dream fragments to a sleeping carbon.
electrocute_actAdds to the parent by also adding functionality to propagate shocks through pulling and doing some fluff effects.
equip_conspicuous_itemAttempts to equip the given item in a conspicious place. This is used when, for instance, a character spawning with an item in their hands would be a dead giveaway that they are an antagonist. Returns the human readable name of where it placed the item, or null otherwise.
expel_ingestedExpel the reagents you just tried to ingest
generate_death_examine_textReturns death message for mob examine text
generate_fake_scarsgenerate_fake_scars()- for when you want to scar someone, but you don't want to hurt them first. These scars don't count for temporal scarring (hence, fake)
getPlasmaGets the plasma level of this carbon's plasma vessel, or -1 if they don't have one
get_all_covered_flagsReturns a bitfield of all zones covered by clothing
get_bleed_rateA helper to see how much blood we're losing per tick
get_blood_compatibilityReturns TRUE if src is compatible with donor's blood, otherwise FALSE.
get_blood_dna_listGet the mobs dna list
get_breath_from_internalAttempts to take a breath from the external or internal air tank.
get_clothing_examine_infoCoolects examine information about the mob's clothing and equipment
get_cold_protectionThis returns the percentage of protection from cold as a value from 0 - 1 temperature is the temperature you're being exposed to
get_covered_body_zonesReturns a list of all body_zones covered by clothing
get_damageable_bodypartsReturns a list of damageable bodyparts
get_damaged_bodypartsReturns a list of damaged bodyparts
get_face_nameReturns "Unknown" if facially disfigured and real_name if not. Useful for setting name when Fluacided or when updating a human's name variable
get_heat_protectionThis returns the percentage of protection from heat as a value from 0 - 1 temperature is the temperature you're being exposed to
get_held_overlaysGenerate held item overlays
get_hud_examine_infoCollects info displayed about any HUDs the user has when examining src
get_insulation_protectionGet the insulation that is appropriate to the temperature you're being exposed to. All clothing, natural insulation, and traits are combined returning a single value.
get_majority_bodypart_damage_descReturns a list of "damtype" => damage description based off of which bodypart description is most common
get_medhud_examine_infoCollects information displayed about src when examined by a user with a medical HUD.
get_organ_lossIf an organ exists in the slot requested, return the amount of damage that organ has
get_sechud_examine_infoCollects information displayed about src when examined by a user with a security HUD.
get_total_bleed_rateget our total bleedrate
get_uplink_locationGets an item that can be used as an uplink somewhere on the mob's person.
get_visible_itemsReturns items which are currently visible on the mob
get_wound_threshold_of_wound_typeLimb is nullable, but picks a random one. Defers to limb.get_wound_threshold_of_wound_type, see it for documentation.
get_wounded_bodypartsReturns a list of bodyparts with wounds (in case someone has a wound on an otherwise fully healed limb)
giveProc called when offering an item to another player
handle_breath_temperatureFourth and final link in a breath chain
handle_dead_metabolizationHandles calling metabolization for dead people. Due to how reagent metabolization code works this couldn't be done anywhere else.
handle_dreamsBegins the dreaming process on a sleeping carbon.
handle_environmentBase carbon environment handler, adds natural stabilization
handle_liverCheck to see if we have the liver, if not automatically gives you last-stage effects of lacking a liver.
handle_suffocationApplies suffocation side-effects to a given Human, scaling based on ratio of required pressure VS "true" pressure. If pressure is greater than 0, the return value will represent the amount of gas successfully breathed.
has_equippedThis proc is called after an item has been successfully handled and equipped to a slot.
heal_bodypart_damageHeals ONE bodypart randomly selected from damaged ones.
implant_skillchipAttempts to implant this skillchip into the target carbon's brain.
init_bioscrambler_listsFill in the lists of things we can bioscramble into people
invalid_internalsReturns truthy if air tank is open and mob lacks apparatus, or if the tank moved away from the mob.
is_bleedingif any of our bodyparts are bleeding
is_digitigrade_squishedChecks if this mob is wearing anything that does not have a valid sprite set for digitigrade legs (In other words, is the mob's digitigrade body squished by its clothing?)
lying_angle_on_lying_downSpecial carbon interaction on lying down, to transform its sprite by a rotation.
make_virtual_mobRemoves all the "organic" traits from a mob, used for virtual antagonists
natural_bodytemperature_stabilizationUsed to stabilize the body temperature back to normal on living mobs
on_added_handCalled when a new hand is added
on_agender_trait_gainOn gain of TRAIT_AGENDER
on_agender_trait_lossOn removal of TRAIT_AGENDER
on_geneless_trait_gainOn gain of TRAIT_GENELLESS
on_liverless_metabolism_trait_gainOn gain of TRAIT_LIVERLESS_METABOLISM
on_lost_handCleans up references to a hand when it is dismembered or deleted
on_nobreath_trait_gainOn gain of TRAIT_NOBREATH
on_toximmune_trait_gainOn gain of TRAIT_TOXIMMUNE
on_virusimmune_trait_gainOn gain of TRAIT_VIRUSIMMUNE
open_internalsOpen the internal air tank without checking for any breathing apparatus. Returns TRUE if the air tank was opened successfully. Closes any existing tanks before opening another one.
regenerate_organsHeals all of the mob's organs, and re-adds any missing ones.
remove_all_embedded_objectsRemove all embedded objects from all limbs on the carbon mob
remove_bodypartProc to hook behavior on bodypart removals. Do not directly call. You're looking for [/obj/item/bodypart/proc/drop_limb()].
remove_embedded_objectRemove a specific embedded item from the carbon mob
remove_skillchipAttempts to remove this skillchip from the target carbon's brain.
return_and_replace_bodypartReplaces a single limb and returns the old one if there was one
secondary_shockCalled slightly after electrocute act to apply a secondary stun.
setOrganLossIf an organ exists in the slot requested, and we are capable of taking damage (we don't have TRAIT_GODMODE), call the set damage proc on that organ, which can set or clear the failing variable on that organ, making it either cease or start functions again, unlike adjustOrganLoss.
set_handcuffedModifies the handcuffed value if a different value is passed, returning FALSE otherwise. The variable should only be changed through this proc.
set_heartattackCauses the mob to either start or stop having a heart attack.
share_bodytemperatureHave two mobs share body heat between each other. Account for the insulation and max temperature change range for the mob
should_electrocuteReturns whether or not the carbon should be able to be shocked
spray_bloodThis proc is a helper for spraying blood for things like slashing/piercing wounds and dismemberment.
synchronize_bodyshapesMakes sure that the owner's bodyshape flags match the flags of all of its parts and organs
synchronize_bodytypesMakes sure that the owner's bodytype flags match the flags of all of its parts and organs
takeProc called when the player clicks the give alert
take_bodypart_damageDamages ONE bodypart randomly selected from damagable ones.
toggle_close_internalsPrepares to close the currently open internal air tank and notifies in chat. Handles displaying messages to the user before doing the actual closing. Returns TRUE if
toggle_externalsToggles the given external (that's EX-ternal) air tank open, or close the currently open one, if a compatible breathing apparatus is found. Returns TRUE if the tank was opened successfully.
toggle_internalsToggles the given internal air tank open, or close the currently open one, if a compatible breathing apparatus is found. Returns TRUE if the tank was opened successfully.
toggle_open_internalsPrepares to open the internal air tank and notifies the mob in chat. Handles displaying messages to the user before doing the actual opening. Returns TRUE if the tank was opened/closed successfully.
try_open_internalsOpens the given internal air tank if a breathing apparatus is found. Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise. Returns TRUE if the tank was opened successfully.
unwag_tailHelper to cleanly stop all tail wagging Returns true if successful, false otherwise
update_body_partsChecks to see if any bodyparts need to be redrawn, then does so. update_limb_data = TRUE redraws the limbs to conform to the owner. Returns an integer representing the number of limbs that were updated.
update_bodypart_bleed_overlaysHas each bodypart update its bleed/wound overlay icon states
update_bodypart_speed_modifierUpdates the bodypart speed modifier based on our bodyparts.
update_featuresUpdates features and clothing attached to a specific limb with limb-specific offsets
update_tintCalculates how visually impaired the mob is by their equipment and other factors
vomitProc that compels the mob to throw up. Returns TRUE if the mob actually threw up.
wag_tailHelper to cleanly trigger tail wagging Accepts an optional timeout after which we remove the tail wagging Returns true if successful, false otherwise
wearing_shock_proof_glovesReturns if the carbon is wearing shock proof gloves

Var Details


All of the scars a carbon has afflicted throughout their limbs


All of the wounds a carbon has afflicted throughout their limbs


Assoc list of BODY_ZONE -> wounding_type. Set when a limb is dismembered, unset when one is attached. Used for determining what scar to add when it comes time to generate them.


Gets filled up in /datum/species/proc/replace_body. Will either contain a list of typepaths if nothing has been created yet, or a list of the body part objects.


A bitfield of "bodyshapes", updated by /obj/item/bodypart/proc/synchronize_bodyshapes()


A bitfield of "bodytypes", updated by /obj/item/bodypart/proc/synchronize_bodytypes()


Sound loop for breathing when using internals


Can other carbons be shoved into this one to make it fall?


Used in [carbon/proc/check_breath] and [lungs/proc/check_breath]]


Protection (insulation) from the cold, Value 0-1 corresponding to the percentage of protection


Used to temporarily increase severity of / apply a new damage overlay (the red ring around the ui / screen). This number will translate to equivalent brute or burn damage taken. Handled in [mob/living/proc/update_damage_hud]. (For example, setting damageoverlaytemp = 20 will add 20 "damage" to the overlay the next time it updates.) This number is also reset to 0 every tick of carbon Life(). Pain.


Measure of how disgusted we are. See DISGUST_LEVEL_GROSS and friends


Carbon, you should really only be accessing this through has_dna() but it's your life


only used by humans.


"External" air tank. Never set this manually. Not required to stay directly equipped on the mob (i.e. could be a machine or MOD suit module).


This is used to determine if the mob failed a breath. If they did fail a breath, they will attempt to breathe each tick, otherwise just once per 4 ticks.


only used by humans.


only used by humans


A collection of arms (or actually whatever the fug /bodyparts you monsters use to wreck my systems)


Whether or not the mob is handcuffed


Protection (insulation) from the heat, Value 0-1 corresponding to the percentage of protection


A cache of bodypart = icon to prevent excessive icon creation.


Equipped air tank. Never set this manually.


last mind to control this mob, for blood-based cloning


Stores the result of our last known top_offset generation for optimisation purposes when drawing limb icons.


Same as handcuffs but for legs. Bear traps use this.


How disgusted we were LAST time we processed disgust. Helps prevent unneeded work


List of /obj/item/organs in the mob. They don't go in the contents for some reason I don't want to know.


Same as above, but stores "slot ID" - "organ" pairs for easy access.


only used by humans.


Simple modifier for whether this mob can handle greater or lesser skillchip complexity. See /datum/mutation/human/biotechcompat/ for example.


Used in squish amount restriction


Timer id of any transformation


Only load in visual organs

Proc Details


Proc to hook behavior on bodypart additions. Do not directly call. You're looking for [/obj/item/bodypart/proc/try_attach_limb()].


If an organ exists in the slot requested, and we are capable of taking damage (we don't have TRAIT_GODMODE), call the damage proc on that organ.


Returns: The net change in damage from apply_organ_damage()


Adjusts the plasma level of the carbon's plasma vessel if they have one


Adjust the body temperature of a mob expanded for carbon mobs allowing the use of insulation and change steps



Modifies max_skillchip_count and updates active skillchips


Randomise a body part and organ of this mob


bleed_warn() is used to for carbons with an active client to occasionally receive messages warning them about their bleeding status (if applicable)



Returns TRUE if an air tank compatible helmet is equipped.


Returns TRUE if an air tank compatible mask or breathing tube is equipped.


Returns TRUE if an air tank compatible mask is equipped.


Returns TRUE if a breathing tube is equipped.


This proc is used to determine whether or not the mob can handle touching an acid affected object.


This proc is used to determine whether or not the mob can handle touching a burning object.


A simple proc to force a type of wound onto this mob. If you just want to force a specific mainline (fractures, bleeding, etc.) wound, you only need to care about the first 3 args.


For the rest of the args, refer to get_corresponding_wound_type().

Returns: A new wound instance if the application was successful, null otherwise.


This proc tests if the lungs can breathe, if the mob can breathe a given gas mixture, and throws/clears gas alerts. If there are moles of gas in the given gas mixture, side-effects may be applied/removed on the mob. This proc expects a lungs organ in order to breathe successfully, but does not defer any work to it.

Returns TRUE if the breath was successful, or FALSE if otherwise.



Check to see if we should be passed out from oxyloss


Check ourselves to see if we've got any shrapnel, return true if we do. This is a much simpler version of what humans do, we only indicate we're checking ourselves if there's actually shrapnel


Medical HUD! Basic mode needs suit sensors on.


Creates a list of new skillchips cloned from old skillchips in the mob's brain.

Returns a complete list of new skillchips cloned from the mob's brain's existing skillchip stock. Rumour has it that Changelings just LOVE this proc. Arguments:


Quickly/lazily close all airtanks without any returns or notifications.


Close the the currently open external (that's EX-ternal) air tank. Returns TRUE if successful.


Actually closes the active internal or external air tank. Returns TRUE if the tank was opened successfully.



Creates body parts for this carbon completely from scratch. Optionally takes a map of body zones to what type to instantiate instead of them.


Helper to break the cuffs from hands @param {obj/item} cuffs - The cuffs to break @param {number} breakouttime - The time it takes to break the cuffs. Use SECONDS/MINUTES defines @param {number} cuff_break - Speed multiplier, 0 is default, see _DEFINES\combat.dm


Prepares emergency disconnect from open air tanks and notifies in chat. Usually called after mob suddenly unequips breathing apparatus.


Replaces a single limb and deletes the old one if there was one


Destroys all skillchips in the brain, handling appropriate cleanup and event calls.


Generates a dream sequence to be displayed to the sleeper.

Generates the "dream" to display to the sleeper. A dream consists of a subject, a verb, and (most of the time) an object, displayed in sequence to the sleeper. Dreams are generated as a list of strings stored inside dream_fragments, which is passed to and displayed in dream_sequence(). Bedsheets on the sleeper will provide a custom subject for the dream, pulled from the dream_messages on each bedsheet.


Displays the passed list of dream fragments to a sleeping carbon.

Displays the first string of the passed dream fragments, then either ends the dream sequence or performs a callback on itself depending on if there are any remaining dream fragments to display.



Adds to the parent by also adding functionality to propagate shocks through pulling and doing some fluff effects.


Attempts to equip the given item in a conspicious place. This is used when, for instance, a character spawning with an item in their hands would be a dead giveaway that they are an antagonist. Returns the human readable name of where it placed the item, or null otherwise.


Expel the reagents you just tried to ingest

When you try to ingest reagents but you do not have a stomach you will spew the reagents on the floor.



Returns death message for mob examine text


generate_fake_scars()- for when you want to scar someone, but you don't want to hurt them first. These scars don't count for temporal scarring (hence, fake)

If you want a specific wound scar, pass that wound type as the second arg, otherwise you can pass a list like WOUND_LIST_SLASH to generate a random cut scar.



Gets the plasma level of this carbon's plasma vessel, or -1 if they don't have one


Returns a bitfield of all zones covered by clothing


A helper to see how much blood we're losing per tick


Returns TRUE if src is compatible with donor's blood, otherwise FALSE.


Get the mobs dna list


Attempts to take a breath from the external or internal air tank.


Coolects examine information about the mob's clothing and equipment


This returns the percentage of protection from cold as a value from 0 - 1 temperature is the temperature you're being exposed to


Returns a list of all body_zones covered by clothing


Returns a list of damageable bodyparts


Returns a list of damaged bodyparts


Returns "Unknown" if facially disfigured and real_name if not. Useful for setting name when Fluacided or when updating a human's name variable


This returns the percentage of protection from heat as a value from 0 - 1 temperature is the temperature you're being exposed to


Generate held item overlays


Collects info displayed about any HUDs the user has when examining src


Get the insulation that is appropriate to the temperature you're being exposed to. All clothing, natural insulation, and traits are combined returning a single value.

required temperature The Temperature that you're being exposed to

return the percentage of protection as a value from 0 - 1


Returns a list of "damtype" => damage description based off of which bodypart description is most common


Collects information displayed about src when examined by a user with a medical HUD.


If an organ exists in the slot requested, return the amount of damage that organ has



Collects information displayed about src when examined by a user with a security HUD.


get our total bleedrate



Gets an item that can be used as an uplink somewhere on the mob's person.

Returns the item found, or null if no item was found.


Returns items which are currently visible on the mob


Limb is nullable, but picks a random one. Defers to limb.get_wound_threshold_of_wound_type, see it for documentation.


Returns a list of bodyparts with wounds (in case someone has a wound on an otherwise fully healed limb)


Proc called when offering an item to another player

This handles creating an alert and adding an overlay to it


Fourth and final link in a breath chain


Handles calling metabolization for dead people. Due to how reagent metabolization code works this couldn't be done anywhere else.



Begins the dreaming process on a sleeping carbon.

Checks a 10% chance and whether or not the carbon this is called on is already dreaming. If the prob() passes and there are no dream images left to display, a new dream is constructed.


Base carbon environment handler, adds natural stabilization


Check to see if we have the liver, if not automatically gives you last-stage effects of lacking a liver.


Applies suffocation side-effects to a given Human, scaling based on ratio of required pressure VS "true" pressure. If pressure is greater than 0, the return value will represent the amount of gas successfully breathed.


This proc is called after an item has been successfully handled and equipped to a slot.


Heals ONE bodypart randomly selected from damaged ones.

It automatically updates damage overlays if necessary

It automatically updates health status




Attempts to implant this skillchip into the target carbon's brain.

Returns whether the skillchip was inserted or not. Can optionally give chat message notification to the mob. Arguments:


Fill in the lists of things we can bioscramble into people


Returns truthy if air tank is open and mob lacks apparatus, or if the tank moved away from the mob.


if any of our bodyparts are bleeding


Checks if this mob is wearing anything that does not have a valid sprite set for digitigrade legs (In other words, is the mob's digitigrade body squished by its clothing?)


Special carbon interaction on lying down, to transform its sprite by a rotation.


Removes all the "organic" traits from a mob, used for virtual antagonists


Used to stabilize the body temperature back to normal on living mobs



Called when a new hand is added



This will make the mob get it's gender set to PLURAL.


On removal of TRAIT_AGENDER

This will make the mob get it's gender set to whatever the DNA says it should be.



This will clear all DNA mutations on on the mob.



This will clear all moods related to addictions and stop metabolization.


Cleans up references to a hand when it is dismembered or deleted



This will clear all alerts and moods related to breathing.



This will clear all toxin damage on the mob.



This will clear all diseases on the mob.


Open the internal air tank without checking for any breathing apparatus. Returns TRUE if the air tank was opened successfully. Closes any existing tanks before opening another one.



Heals all of the mob's organs, and re-adds any missing ones.


Remove all embedded objects from all limbs on the carbon mob


Proc to hook behavior on bodypart removals. Do not directly call. You're looking for [/obj/item/bodypart/proc/drop_limb()].


Remove a specific embedded item from the carbon mob


Attempts to remove this skillchip from the target carbon's brain.

Returns FALSE when the skillchip couldn't be removed for some reason, including the target or brain not existing or the skillchip not being in the brain. Arguments:


Replaces a single limb and returns the old one if there was one


Called slightly after electrocute act to apply a secondary stun.


If an organ exists in the slot requested, and we are capable of taking damage (we don't have TRAIT_GODMODE), call the set damage proc on that organ, which can set or clear the failing variable on that organ, making it either cease or start functions again, unlike adjustOrganLoss.


Returns: The net change in damage from set_organ_damage()


Modifies the handcuffed value if a different value is passed, returning FALSE otherwise. The variable should only be changed through this proc.


Causes the mob to either start or stop having a heart attack.

status - Pass TRUE to start a heart attack, or FALSE to stop one.

Returns TRUE if heart status was changed (heart attack -> no heart attack, or visa versa)


Have two mobs share body heat between each other. Account for the insulation and max temperature change range for the mob



Returns whether or not the carbon should be able to be shocked


This proc is a helper for spraying blood for things like slashing/piercing wounds and dismemberment.

The strength of the splatter in the second argument determines how much it can dirty and how far it can go



Makes sure that the owner's bodyshape flags match the flags of all of its parts and organs


Makes sure that the owner's bodytype flags match the flags of all of its parts and organs


Proc called when the player clicks the give alert

Handles checking if the player taking the item has open slots and is in range of the offerer Also deals with the actual transferring of the item to the players hands Arguments:


Damages ONE bodypart randomly selected from damagable ones.

It automatically updates damage overlays if necessary

It automatically updates health status


Prepares to close the currently open internal air tank and notifies in chat. Handles displaying messages to the user before doing the actual closing. Returns TRUE if



Toggles the given external (that's EX-ternal) air tank open, or close the currently open one, if a compatible breathing apparatus is found. Returns TRUE if the tank was opened successfully.



Toggles the given internal air tank open, or close the currently open one, if a compatible breathing apparatus is found. Returns TRUE if the tank was opened successfully.



Prepares to open the internal air tank and notifies the mob in chat. Handles displaying messages to the user before doing the actual opening. Returns TRUE if the tank was opened/closed successfully.



Opens the given internal air tank if a breathing apparatus is found. Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise. Returns TRUE if the tank was opened successfully.



Helper to cleanly stop all tail wagging Returns true if successful, false otherwise


Checks to see if any bodyparts need to be redrawn, then does so. update_limb_data = TRUE redraws the limbs to conform to the owner. Returns an integer representing the number of limbs that were updated.


Has each bodypart update its bleed/wound overlay icon states


Updates the bodypart speed modifier based on our bodyparts.


Updates features and clothing attached to a specific limb with limb-specific offsets


Calculates how visually impaired the mob is by their equipment and other factors

This is where clothing adds its various vision limiting effects, such as welding helmets


Proc that compels the mob to throw up. Returns TRUE if the mob actually threw up.


Helper to cleanly trigger tail wagging Accepts an optional timeout after which we remove the tail wagging Returns true if successful, false otherwise


Returns if the carbon is wearing shock proof gloves