/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details



blacklist_fileIf no minetype is set, this will be the blacklist file used
fluff_nameThis name will override all other station names, like holiday or randomly generated. Station name change still will work.
height_autosetupBoolean - if TRUE, the "Up" and "Down" traits are automatically distributed to the map's z-levels. If FALSE; they're set via JSON.
job_changesDictionary of job sub-typepath to template changes dictionary
library_areasList of additional areas that count as a part of the library
load_all_away_missionsBoolean that tells SSmapping to load all away missions in the codebase.
main_floorMain floor of the map. Null as default, if not specified in json
minetypeThe type of mining Z-level that should be loaded.
planetaryBoolean that tells us if this is a planetary station. (like IceBoxStation)
skipped_testsList of unit tests that are skipped when running this map
welcome_sound_overrideWelcome sound that will play on round start instead of the announcer's one.

Var Details


If no minetype is set, this will be the blacklist file used


This name will override all other station names, like holiday or randomly generated. Station name change still will work.


Boolean - if TRUE, the "Up" and "Down" traits are automatically distributed to the map's z-levels. If FALSE; they're set via JSON.


Dictionary of job sub-typepath to template changes dictionary


List of additional areas that count as a part of the library


Boolean that tells SSmapping to load all away missions in the codebase.


Main floor of the map. Null as default, if not specified in json


The type of mining Z-level that should be loaded.


Boolean that tells us if this is a planetary station. (like IceBoxStation)


List of unit tests that are skipped when running this map


Welcome sound that will play on round start instead of the announcer's one.