code/game/machinery/computer/ ![code/game/machinery/computer/dna_console.dm0](git.png)
MIN_ACTIVATOR_TIMEOUT | Base timeout for creating mutation activators |
ACTIVATOR_COOLDOWN_MULTIPLIER | Base cooldown multiplier for activator upgrades |
MIN_INJECTOR_TIMEOUT | Base timeout for creating mutation injectors |
INJECTOR_COOLDOWN_MULTIPLIER | Base cooldown multiplier for injecotr upgrades |
MIN_ADVANCED_TIMEOUT | Base timeout for creating advanced injectors |
ADVANCED_COOLDOWN_MULTIPLIER | Base cooldown multiplier for advanced injector upgrades |
MISC_INJECTOR_TIMEOUT | Used for other things like UI/UE/Initial CD |
NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS | Maximum number of genetic makeup storage slots in DNA Console |
SCRAMBLE_TIMEOUT | Timeout for DNA Scramble in DNA Consoles |
JOKER_TIMEOUT | Timeout for using the Joker feature to solve a gene in DNA Console |
JOKER_UPGRADE | How much time DNA Scanner upgrade tiers remove from JOKER_TIMEOUT |
GENETIC_DAMAGE_STRENGTH_MAX | Maximum value for genetic damage strength when pulsing enzymes |
GENETIC_DAMAGE_STRENGTH_MULTIPLIER | Larger multipliers will affect the range of values when pulsing enzymes |
GENETIC_DAMAGE_DURATION_MAX | Maximum value for the genetic damage pulse duration when pulsing enzymes |
GENETIC_DAMAGE_ACCURACY_MULTIPLIER | Large values reduce pulse accuracy and may pulse other enzymes than selected |
STATUS_TRANSFORMING | Special status indicating a scanner occupant is transforming eg. from monkey to human |
GENETIC_DAMAGE_IRGENETIC_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER | Multiplier for how much genetic damage received from DNA Console functionality |
SEARCH_OCCUPANT | Flag for the mutation ref search system. Search will include scanner occupant |
SEARCH_STORED | Flag for the mutation ref search system. Search will include console storage |
SEARCH_DISKETTE | Flag for the mutation ref search system. Search will include diskette storage |
SEARCH_ADV_INJ | Flag for the mutation ref search system. Search will include advanced injector mutations |
ENZYME_COPY_BASE_COOLDOWN | The base cooldown of the ability to copy enzymes and genetic makeup to people. |
CLEAR_GENE | Input from tgui interface. X the gene out. |
NEXT_GENE | Input from tgui interface. Progress to the next gene. |
PREV_GENE | Input from tgui interface. Progress to previous gene. |
Define Details
ACTIVATOR_COOLDOWN_MULTIPLIER ![code/game/machinery/computer/ 4](git.png)
Base cooldown multiplier for activator upgrades
ADVANCED_COOLDOWN_MULTIPLIER ![code/game/machinery/computer/ 13](git.png)
Base cooldown multiplier for advanced injector upgrades
CLEAR_GENE ![code/game/machinery/computer/ 59](git.png)
Input from tgui interface. X the gene out.
ENZYME_COPY_BASE_COOLDOWN ![code/game/machinery/computer/ 53](git.png)
The base cooldown of the ability to copy enzymes and genetic makeup to people.
GENETIC_DAMAGE_ACCURACY_MULTIPLIER ![code/game/machinery/computer/ 35](git.png)
Large values reduce pulse accuracy and may pulse other enzymes than selected
GENETIC_DAMAGE_DURATION_MAX ![code/game/machinery/computer/ 33](git.png)
Maximum value for the genetic damage pulse duration when pulsing enzymes
GENETIC_DAMAGE_IRGENETIC_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER ![code/game/machinery/computer/ 41](git.png)
Multiplier for how much genetic damage received from DNA Console functionality
GENETIC_DAMAGE_STRENGTH_MAX ![code/game/machinery/computer/ 28](git.png)
Maximum value for genetic damage strength when pulsing enzymes
GENETIC_DAMAGE_STRENGTH_MULTIPLIER ![code/game/machinery/computer/ 30](git.png)
Larger multipliers will affect the range of values when pulsing enzymes
INJECTOR_COOLDOWN_MULTIPLIER ![code/game/machinery/computer/ 8](git.png)
Base cooldown multiplier for injecotr upgrades
JOKER_TIMEOUT ![code/game/machinery/computer/ 23](git.png)
Timeout for using the Joker feature to solve a gene in DNA Console
JOKER_UPGRADE ![code/game/machinery/computer/ 25](git.png)
How much time DNA Scanner upgrade tiers remove from JOKER_TIMEOUT
MIN_ACTIVATOR_TIMEOUT ![code/game/machinery/computer/ 2](git.png)
Base timeout for creating mutation activators
MIN_ADVANCED_TIMEOUT ![code/game/machinery/computer/ 11](git.png)
Base timeout for creating advanced injectors
MIN_INJECTOR_TIMEOUT ![code/game/machinery/computer/ 6](git.png)
Base timeout for creating mutation injectors
MISC_INJECTOR_TIMEOUT ![code/game/machinery/computer/ 16](git.png)
Used for other things like UI/UE/Initial CD
NEXT_GENE ![code/game/machinery/computer/ 61](git.png)
Input from tgui interface. Progress to the next gene.
NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS ![code/game/machinery/computer/ 19](git.png)
Maximum number of genetic makeup storage slots in DNA Console
PREV_GENE ![code/game/machinery/computer/ 63](git.png)
Input from tgui interface. Progress to previous gene.
SCRAMBLE_TIMEOUT ![code/game/machinery/computer/ 21](git.png)
Timeout for DNA Scramble in DNA Consoles
SEARCH_ADV_INJ ![code/game/machinery/computer/ 50](git.png)
Flag for the mutation ref search system. Search will include advanced injector mutations
SEARCH_DISKETTE ![code/game/machinery/computer/ 48](git.png)
Flag for the mutation ref search system. Search will include diskette storage
SEARCH_OCCUPANT ![code/game/machinery/computer/ 44](git.png)
Flag for the mutation ref search system. Search will include scanner occupant
SEARCH_STORED ![code/game/machinery/computer/ 46](git.png)
Flag for the mutation ref search system. Search will include console storage
STATUS_TRANSFORMING ![code/game/machinery/computer/ 38](git.png)
Special status indicating a scanner occupant is transforming eg. from monkey to human