/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - Types


/datum/pet_command/idleTells a pet to resume its idle behaviour, usually staying put where you leave it
/datum/pet_command/freeTells a pet to exit command mode and resume its normal behaviour, which includes regular target-seeking and what have you
/datum/pet_command/followTells a pet to follow you until you tell it to do something else
/datum/pet_command/play_deadPretend to be dead for a random period of time
/datum/pet_command/good_boyReact if complimented
/datum/pet_command/untargeted_abilityUse an an ability that does not require any targets
/datum/pet_command/attackTells a pet to chase and bite the next thing you point at
/datum/pet_command/use_abilityTells a pet to use some kind of ability on the next thing you point at