code/__HELPERS/ ![code/__HELPERS/_lists.dm0](git.png)
LIST_VALUE_WRAP_LISTS | If value is a list, wrap it in a list so it can be used with list add/remove operations |
UNTYPED_LIST_ADD | Add an untyped item to a list, taking care to handle list items by wrapping them in a list to remove the footgun |
UNTYPED_LIST_REMOVE | Remove an untyped item to a list, taking care to handle list items by wrapping them in a list to remove the footgun |
LAZYINITLIST | Initialize the lazylist |
UNSETEMPTY | If the provided list is empty, set it to null |
ASSOC_UNSETEMPTY | If the provided key -> list is empty, remove it from the list |
LAZYLISTDUPLICATE | Like LAZYCOPY - copies an input list if the list has entries, If it doesn't the assigned list is nulled |
LAZYREMOVE | Remove an item from the list, set the list to null if empty |
LAZYADD | Add an item to the list, if the list is null it will initialize it |
LAZYOR | Add an item to the list if not already present, if the list is null it will initialize it |
LAZYFIND | Returns the key of the submitted item in the list |
LAZYACCESS | returns L[I] if L exists and I is a valid index of L, runtimes if L is not a list |
LAZYSET | Sets the item K to the value V, if the list is null it will initialize it |
LAZYSETLEN | Sets the length of a lazylist |
LAZYLEN | Returns the length of the list |
LAZYNULL | Sets a list to null |
LAZYADDASSOC | Adds to the item K the value V, if the list is null it will initialize it |
LAZYADDASSOCLIST | This is used to add onto lazy assoc list when the value you're adding is a /list/. This one has extra safety over lazyaddassoc because the value could be null (and thus cant be used to += objects) |
LAZYREMOVEASSOC | Removes the value V from the item K, if the item K is empty will remove it from the list, if the list is empty will set the list to null |
LAZYACCESSASSOC | Accesses an associative list, returns null if nothing is found |
QDEL_LAZYLIST | Qdel every item in the list before setting the list to null |
LAZYCOPY | Use LAZYLISTDUPLICATE instead if you want it to null with no entries |
SANITIZE_LIST | Returns the list if it's actually a valid list, otherwise will initialize it |
LAZYORASSOCLIST | Performs an insertion on the given lazy list with the given key and value. If the value already exists, a new one will not be made. |
LISTASSERTLEN | Ensures the length of a list is at least I, prefilling it with V if needed. if V is a proc call, it is repeated for each new index so that list() can just make a new list for each item. |
COMPARE_KEY | Passed into BINARY_INSERT to compare keys |
COMPARE_VALUE | Passed into BINARY_INSERT to compare values |
BINARY_INSERT | Binary search sorted insert INPUT: Object to be inserted LIST: List to insert object into TYPECONT: The typepath of the contents of the list COMPARE: The object to compare against, usualy the same as INPUT COMPARISON: The variable on the objects to compare COMPTYPE: How should the values be compared? Either COMPARE_KEY or COMPARE_VALUE. |
BINARY_INSERT_PROC_COMPARE | Custom binary search sorted insert utilising comparison procs instead of vars. INPUT: Object to be inserted LIST: List to insert object into TYPECONT: The typepath of the contents of the list COMPARE: The object to compare against, usualy the same as INPUT COMPARISON: The plaintext name of a proc on INPUT that takes a single argument to accept a single element from LIST and returns a positive, negative or zero number to perform a comparison. COMPTYPE: How should the values be compared? Either COMPARE_KEY or COMPARE_VALUE. |
BINARY_INSERT_DEFINE | Even more custom binary search sorted insert, using defines instead of vars INPUT: Item to be inserted LIST: List to insert INPUT into TYPECONT: A define setting the var to the typepath of the contents of the list COMPARE: The item to compare against, usualy the same as INPUT COMPARISON: A define that takes an item to compare as input, and returns their comparable value COMPTYPE: How should the list be compared? Either COMPARE_KEY or COMPARE_VALUE. |
/proc/english_list | Returns a list in plain english as a string |
/proc/type_english_list | Returns a list of atom types in plain english as a string of each type name |
/proc/is_type_in_list | Checks for specific types in a list. |
/proc/is_path_in_list | Checks for specific paths in a list. |
is_type_in_typecache | Checks for specific types in specifically structured (Assoc "type" = TRUE|FALSE) lists ('typecaches') |
/proc/typecache_filter_list | returns a new list with only atoms that are in the typecache list |
/proc/typecache_filter_list_reverse | return a new list with atoms that are not in the typecache list |
/proc/typecache_filter_multi_list_exclusion | similar to typecache_filter_list and typecache_filter_list_reverse but it supports an inclusion list and and exclusion list |
/proc/typecacheof | Like typesof() or subtypesof(), but returns a typecache instead of a list. |
/proc/zebra_typecacheof | Like typesof() or subtypesof(), but returns a typecache instead of a list. This time it also uses the associated values given by the input list for the values of the subtypes. |
/proc/list_clear_nulls | Removes any null entries from the list Returns TRUE if the list had nulls, FALSE otherwise |
/proc/list_clear_empty_weakrefs | Removes any empty weakrefs from the list Returns TRUE if the list had empty refs, FALSE otherwise |
/proc/pick_weight | Picks a random element from a list based on a weighting system. For example, given the following list: A = 6, B = 3, C = 1, D = 0 A would have a 60% chance of being picked, B would have a 30% chance of being picked, C would have a 10% chance of being picked, and D would have a 0% chance of being picked. You should only pass integers in. |
/proc/pick_weight_recursive | Like pick_weight, but allowing for nested lists. |
/proc/fill_with_ones | Given a list, return a copy where values without defined weights are given weight 1. For example, fill_with_ones(list(A, B=2, C)) = list(A=1, B=2, C=1) Useful for weighted random choices (loot tables, syllables in languages, etc.) |
/proc/expand_weights | Takes a weighted list (see above) and expands it into raw entries This eats more memory, but saves time when actually picking from it |
/proc/greatest_common_factor | Takes a list of numbers as input, returns the highest value that is cleanly divides them all Note: this implementation is expensive as heck for large numbers, I only use it because most of my usecase Is < 10 ints |
/proc/pick_n_take | Pick a random element from the list and remove it from the list. |
/proc/pop | Returns the top(last) element from the list and removes it from the list (typical stack function) |
/proc/peek | Returns the top (last) element from the list, does not remove it from the list. Stack functionality. |
/proc/next_list_item | Returns the next item in a list |
/proc/previous_list_item | Returns the previous item in a list |
/proc/shuffle | Randomize: Return the list in a random order |
/proc/shuffle_inplace | same as shuffle, but returns nothing and acts on list in place |
/proc/unique_list | Return a list with no duplicate entries |
/proc/unique_list_in_place | same as unique_list, but returns nothing and acts on list in place (also handles associated values properly) |
/proc/sort_key | for sorting clients or mobs by ckey |
/proc/sort_record | Specifically for record datums in a list. |
/proc/sort_list | sort any value in a list |
/proc/sort_names | uses sort_list() but uses the var's name specifically. This should probably be using mergeAtom() instead |
/proc/bitfield_to_list | Converts a bitfield to a list of numbers (or words if a wordlist is provided) |
KEYBYINDEX | Returns the key based on the index |
/proc/count_by_type | return the amount of items of the same type inside a list |
/proc/find_record | Returns the first record in the list that matches the name |
/proc/move_element | Move a single element from position from_index within a list, to position to_index All elements in the range [1,to_index) before the move will be before the pivot afterwards All elements in the range [to_index, L.len+1) before the move will be after the pivot afterwards In other words, it's as if the range [from_index,to_index) have been rotated using a <<< operation common to other languages. from_index and to_index must be in the range [1,L.len+1] This will preserve associations ~Carnie |
/proc/move_range | Move elements [from_index,from_index+len) to [to_index-len, to_index) Same as moveElement but for ranges of elements This will preserve associations ~Carnie |
/proc/swap_range | Move elements from [from_index, from_index+len) to [to_index, to_index+len) Move any elements being overwritten by the move to the now-empty elements, preserving order Note: if the two ranges overlap, only the destination order will be preserved fully, since some elements will be within both ranges ~Carnie |
/proc/reverse_range | replaces reverseList ~Carnie |
/proc/get_element_by_var | return first thing in L which has var/varname == value this is typecaste as list/L, but you could actually feed it an atom instead. completely safe to use |
/proc/deep_copy_list | Copies a list, and all lists inside it recusively Does not copy any other reference type |
/proc/avoid_assoc_duplicate_keys | takes an input_key, as text, and the list of keys already used, outputting a replacement key in the format of "[input_key] ([number_of_duplicates])" if it finds a duplicate use this for lists of things that might have the same name, like mobs or objects, that you plan on giving to a player as input |
/proc/flatten_list | Flattens a keyed list into a list of its contents |
/proc/make_associative | Make a normal list an associative one |
DEFAULTPICK | Picks from the list, with some safeties, and returns the "default" arg if it fails |
/proc/assoc_to_keys | Turns an associative list into a flat list of keys |
/proc/assoc_to_keys_features | Turns an associative list into a flat list of keys, but for sprite accessories, respecting the locked variable |
/proc/assoc_value_sum | Gets the total amount of everything in the associative list. |
/proc/compare_list | compare two lists, returns TRUE if they are the same |
/proc/special_list_filter | Returns a list with items filtered from a list that can call callback |
/proc/recursive_list_resolve | Returns a list with all weakrefs resolved |
/proc/recursive_list_resolve_element | Helper for recursive_list_resolve() |
/proc/prepare_lua_editor_list | Intermediate step for preparing lists to be passed into the lua editor tgui. Resolves weakrefs, converts some values without a standard textual representation to text, and can handle self-referential lists and potential duplicate output keys. |
/proc/kvpify_list | Converts a list into a list of assoc lists of the form ("key" = key, "value" = value) so that list keys that are themselves lists can be fully json-encoded and that unique objects with the same string representation do not produce duplicate keys that are clobbered by the standard JavaScript JSON.parse function |
/proc/deep_compare_list | Compares 2 lists, returns TRUE if they are the same |
/proc/weakrefify_list | Returns a copy of the list where any element that is a datum is converted into a weakref |
/proc/assert_sorted | Runtimes if the passed in list is not sorted |
/proc/coords2turf | Converts a list of coordinates, or an assosciative list if passed, into a turf by calling locate(x, y, z) based on the values in the list |
/proc/add_lua_editor_variants | Given a list and a list of its variant hints, appends variants that aren't explicitly required by dreamluau, but are required by the lua editor tgui. |
/proc/remove_non_dm_variants | Given a list and a list of its variant hints, removes any list key/values that are represent lua values that could not be directly converted to DM. |
Define Details
ASSOC_UNSETEMPTY ![code/__HELPERS/ 56](git.png)
If the provided key -> list is empty, remove it from the list
BINARY_INSERT ![code/__HELPERS/ 129](git.png)
Binary search sorted insert INPUT: Object to be inserted LIST: List to insert object into TYPECONT: The typepath of the contents of the list COMPARE: The object to compare against, usualy the same as INPUT COMPARISON: The variable on the objects to compare COMPTYPE: How should the values be compared? Either COMPARE_KEY or COMPARE_VALUE.
BINARY_INSERT_DEFINE ![code/__HELPERS/ 202](git.png)
Even more custom binary search sorted insert, using defines instead of vars INPUT: Item to be inserted LIST: List to insert INPUT into TYPECONT: A define setting the var to the typepath of the contents of the list COMPARE: The item to compare against, usualy the same as INPUT COMPARISON: A define that takes an item to compare as input, and returns their comparable value COMPTYPE: How should the list be compared? Either COMPARE_KEY or COMPARE_VALUE.
Custom binary search sorted insert utilising comparison procs instead of vars. INPUT: Object to be inserted LIST: List to insert object into TYPECONT: The typepath of the contents of the list COMPARE: The object to compare against, usualy the same as INPUT COMPARISON: The plaintext name of a proc on INPUT that takes a single argument to accept a single element from LIST and returns a positive, negative or zero number to perform a comparison. COMPTYPE: How should the values be compared? Either COMPARE_KEY or COMPARE_VALUE.
COMPARE_KEY ![code/__HELPERS/ 116](git.png)
Passed into BINARY_INSERT to compare keys
COMPARE_VALUE ![code/__HELPERS/ 118](git.png)
Passed into BINARY_INSERT to compare values
DEFAULTPICK ![code/__HELPERS/ 875](git.png)
Picks from the list, with some safeties, and returns the "default" arg if it fails
KEYBYINDEX ![code/__HELPERS/ 697](git.png)
Returns the key based on the index
LAZYACCESS ![code/__HELPERS/ 68](git.png)
returns L[I] if L exists and I is a valid index of L, runtimes if L is not a list
LAZYACCESSASSOC ![code/__HELPERS/ 84](git.png)
Accesses an associative list, returns null if nothing is found
LAZYADD ![code/__HELPERS/ 62](git.png)
Add an item to the list, if the list is null it will initialize it
LAZYADDASSOC ![code/__HELPERS/ 78](git.png)
Adds to the item K the value V, if the list is null it will initialize it
LAZYADDASSOCLIST ![code/__HELPERS/ 80](git.png)
This is used to add onto lazy assoc list when the value you're adding is a /list/. This one has extra safety over lazyaddassoc because the value could be null (and thus cant be used to += objects)
LAZYCLEARLIST ![code/__HELPERS/ 91](git.png)
Consider LAZYNULL instead
LAZYCOPY ![code/__HELPERS/ 89](git.png)
Use LAZYLISTDUPLICATE instead if you want it to null with no entries
LAZYFIND ![code/__HELPERS/ 66](git.png)
Returns the key of the submitted item in the list
LAZYINITLIST ![code/__HELPERS/ 52](git.png)
Initialize the lazylist
LAZYLEN ![code/__HELPERS/ 74](git.png)
Returns the length of the list
LAZYLISTDUPLICATE ![code/__HELPERS/ 58](git.png)
Like LAZYCOPY - copies an input list if the list has entries, If it doesn't the assigned list is nulled
LAZYNULL ![code/__HELPERS/ 76](git.png)
Sets a list to null
LAZYOR ![code/__HELPERS/ 64](git.png)
Add an item to the list if not already present, if the list is null it will initialize it
LAZYORASSOCLIST ![code/__HELPERS/ 95](git.png)
Performs an insertion on the given lazy list with the given key and value. If the value already exists, a new one will not be made.
LAZYREMOVE ![code/__HELPERS/ 60](git.png)
Remove an item from the list, set the list to null if empty
LAZYREMOVEASSOC ![code/__HELPERS/ 82](git.png)
Removes the value V from the item K, if the item K is empty will remove it from the list, if the list is empty will set the list to null
LAZYSET ![code/__HELPERS/ 70](git.png)
Sets the item K to the value V, if the list is null it will initialize it
LAZYSETLEN ![code/__HELPERS/ 72](git.png)
Sets the length of a lazylist
LISTASSERTLEN ![code/__HELPERS/ 101](git.png)
Ensures the length of a list is at least I, prefilling it with V if needed. if V is a proc call, it is repeated for each new index so that list() can just make a new list for each item.
LIST_VALUE_WRAP_LISTS ![code/__HELPERS/ 14](git.png)
If value is a list, wrap it in a list so it can be used with list add/remove operations
QDEL_LAZYLIST ![code/__HELPERS/ 86](git.png)
Qdel every item in the list before setting the list to null
SANITIZE_LIST ![code/__HELPERS/ 93](git.png)
Returns the list if it's actually a valid list, otherwise will initialize it
UNSETEMPTY ![code/__HELPERS/ 54](git.png)
If the provided list is empty, set it to null
UNTYPED_LIST_ADD ![code/__HELPERS/ 16](git.png)
Add an untyped item to a list, taking care to handle list items by wrapping them in a list to remove the footgun
UNTYPED_LIST_REMOVE ![code/__HELPERS/ 18](git.png)
Remove an untyped item to a list, taking care to handle list items by wrapping them in a list to remove the footgun
is_type_in_typecache ![code/__HELPERS/ 300](git.png)
Checks for specific types in specifically structured (Assoc "type" = TRUE|FALSE) lists ('typecaches')