/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


RANGE_TURFSReturns a list of turf in a square
Z_TURFSReturns all turfs in a zlevel
ALL_TURFSReturns all currently loaded turfs
CORNER_BLOCKReturns a list of turfs in the rectangle specified by BOTTOM LEFT corner and height/width, checks for being outside the world border for you
CORNER_BLOCK_OFFSETReturns a list of turfs similar to CORNER_BLOCK but with offsets
CORNER_OUTLINEReturns an outline (neighboring turfs) of the given block
TURF_NEIGHBORSReturns a list of around us
UNDERFLOOR_HIDDENThe pipes, disposals, and wires are hidden
UNDERFLOOR_VISIBLEThe pipes, disposals, and wires are visible but cannot be interacted with
UNDERFLOOR_INTERACTABLEThe pipes, disposals, and wires are visible and can be interacted with
TURF_DRYTurf is dry and mobs won't slip
TURF_WET_WATERTurf has water on the floor and mobs will slip unless walking or using galoshes
TURF_WET_PERMAFROSTTurf has a thick layer of ice on the floor and mobs will slip in the direction until they bump into something
TURF_WET_ICETurf has a thin layer of ice on the floor and mobs will slip
TURF_WET_LUBETurf has lube on the floor and mobs will slip
TURF_WET_SUPERLUBETurf has superlube on the floor and mobs will slip even if they are crawling
MAXIMUM_WET_TIMEMaximum amount of time, (in deciseconds) a tile can be wet for.
get_turfGet the turf that A resides in, regardless of any containers.
get_areaGet the ultimate area of A, similarly to get_turf.
TURF_PATHING_PASS_DENSITYTurf will be passable if density is 0
TURF_PATHING_PASS_PROCTurf will be passable depending on [CanAStarPass] return value
TURF_PATHING_PASS_NOTurf is never passable
DECAL_ALPHADefine the alpha for holiday/colored tile decals
PATTERN_DEFAULTGenerate horizontal striped color turf decals
PATTERN_VERTICAL_STRIPEGenerate vertical striped color turf decals
PATTERN_RANDOMGenerate random color turf decals
PATTERN_RAINBOWGenerate rainbow color turf decals
TURF_MIDPOINTFinds the midpoint of two given turfs.
LARGE_TURF_SMOOTHING_X_OFFSETDefines the x offset to apply to larger smoothing turfs (such as grass).
LARGE_TURF_SMOOTHING_Y_OFFSETDefines the y offset to apply to larger smoothing turfs (such as grass).
BASALT_LIGHT_POWERDefines a consistent light power for our various basalt turfs
BASALT_LIGHT_RANGE_BRIGHTDefines a consistent light range for basalt turfs that have a bigger area of lava
BASALT_LIGHT_RANGE_DIMDefines a consistent light range for basalt turfs that have a smaller area of lava
ADD_TURF_TRANSPARENCYMakes the set turf transparent
REMOVE_TURF_TRANSPARENCYRemoves the transparency from the set turf

Define Details


Makes the set turf transparent


Returns all currently loaded turfs


Defines a consistent light power for our various basalt turfs


Defines a consistent light range for basalt turfs that have a bigger area of lava


Defines a consistent light range for basalt turfs that have a smaller area of lava


Returns a list of turfs in the rectangle specified by BOTTOM LEFT corner and height/width, checks for being outside the world border for you


Returns a list of turfs similar to CORNER_BLOCK but with offsets


Returns an outline (neighboring turfs) of the given block


Define the alpha for holiday/colored tile decals


Defines the x offset to apply to larger smoothing turfs (such as grass).


Defines the y offset to apply to larger smoothing turfs (such as grass).


Maximum amount of time, (in deciseconds) a tile can be wet for.


Generate horizontal striped color turf decals


Generate rainbow color turf decals


Generate random color turf decals


Generate vertical striped color turf decals


Returns a list of turf in a square


Removes the transparency from the set turf


Turf is dry and mobs won't slip


Finds the midpoint of two given turfs.


Returns a list of around us


Turf will be passable if density is 0


Turf is never passable


Turf will be passable depending on [CanAStarPass] return value


Turf has a thin layer of ice on the floor and mobs will slip


Turf has lube on the floor and mobs will slip


Turf has a thick layer of ice on the floor and mobs will slip in the direction until they bump into something


Turf has superlube on the floor and mobs will slip even if they are crawling


Turf has water on the floor and mobs will slip unless walking or using galoshes


The pipes, disposals, and wires are hidden


The pipes, disposals, and wires are visible and can be interacted with


The pipes, disposals, and wires are visible but cannot be interacted with


Returns all turfs in a zlevel


Get the ultimate area of A, similarly to get_turf.

Use instead of A.loc.loc.


Get the turf that A resides in, regardless of any containers.

Use in favor of A.loc or src.loc so that things work correctly when stored inside an inventory, locker, or other container.