code/__DEFINES/traits/ ![code/__DEFINES/traits/declarations.dm0](git.png)
TRAIT_KNOCKEDOUT | Forces the user to stay unconscious. |
TRAIT_IMMOBILIZED | Prevents voluntary movement. |
TRAIT_FLOORED | Prevents voluntary standing or staying up on its own. |
TRAIT_FORCED_STANDING | Forces user to stay standing |
TRAIT_HANDS_BLOCKED | Prevents usage of manipulation appendages (picking, holding or using items, manipulating storage). |
TRAIT_UI_BLOCKED | Inability to access UI hud elements. Turned into a trait from MOBILITY_UI to be able to track sources. |
TRAIT_PULL_BLOCKED | Inability to pull things. Turned into a trait from MOBILITY_PULL to be able to track sources. |
TRAIT_RESTRAINED | Abstract condition that prevents movement if being pulled and might be resisted against. Handcuffs and straight jackets, basically. |
TRAIT_UNDENSE | Apply this to make a mob not dense, and remove it when you want it to no longer make them undense, other sources of undesity will still apply. Always define a unique source when adding a new instance of this! |
TRAIT_GODMODE | Makes the mob immune to damage and several other ailments. |
TRAIT_EXPANDED_FOV | Expands our FOV by 30 degrees if restricted |
TRAIT_PERFECT_ATTACKER | Doesn't miss attacks |
TRAIT_GREENTEXT_CURSED | Recolored by item/greentext |
TRAIT_CRITICAL_CONDITION | In some kind of critical condition. Is able to succumb. |
TRAIT_LITERATE | Whitelist for mobs that can read or write |
TRAIT_ILLITERATE | Blacklist for mobs that can't read or write |
TRAIT_MUTE | Mute. Can't talk. |
TRAIT_SOFTSPOKEN | Softspoken. Always whisper. |
TRAIT_CURSED | Gibs on death and slips like ice. |
TRAIT_EMOTEMUTE | Emotemute. Can't... emote. |
TRAIT_GLUTTON | Always hungry. They can eat as much as they want without eating slowdown. |
TRAIT_DEFIB_BLACKLISTED | Blacklisted from being revived via defibrillator |
TRAIT_CAN_HOLD_ITEMS | Trait that means you are capable of holding items in some form |
TRAIT_FENCE_CLIMBER | Trait which lets you clamber over a barrier |
TRAIT_CHUNKYFINGERS | means that you can't use weapons with normal trigger guards. |
TRAIT_FIST_MINING | Allows you to mine with your bare hands |
TRAIT_ADVANCEDTOOLUSER | Whether a mob is dexterous enough to use machines and certain items or not. |
TRAIT_GUN_NATURAL | Makes it so the mob can use guns regardless of tool user status |
TRAIT_DEATHCOMA | Causes death-like unconsciousness |
TRAIT_STASIS | The mob has the stasis effect. Does nothing on its own, applied via status effect. |
TRAIT_FAKEDEATH | Makes the owner appear as dead to most forms of medical examination |
TRAIT_NO_TRANSFORM | "Magic" trait that blocks the mob from moving or interacting with anything. Used for transient stuff like mob transformations or incorporality in special cases.
Will block movement, Life() (!!!), and other stuff based on the mob. |
TRAIT_XENO_HOST | Tracks whether we're gonna be a baby alien's mummy. |
TRAIT_PARROT_PERCHED | This parrot is currently perched |
TRAIT_STUNIMMUNE | This mob is immune to stun causing status effects and stamcrit. Prefer to use /mob/living/proc/check_stun_immunity over checking for this trait exactly. |
TRAIT_IWASBATONED | Anti Dual-baton cooldown bypass exploit. |
TRAIT_NO_SIDE_KICK | can't be kicked to the side |
TRAIT_SHOCKIMMUNE | Are we immune to shocks? |
TRAIT_TESLA_SHOCKIMMUNE | Are we immune to specifically tesla / SM shocks? |
TRAIT_BEING_SHOCKED | Is this atom being actively shocked? Used to prevent repeated shocks. |
TRAIT_CORPSELOCKED | Prevents you from leaving your corpse |
TRAIT_HYPOTHERMIC | Trait for when you can no longer gain body heat |
TRAIT_VALID_DNA_INFUSION | This non-living object is valid to be used in dna infusers |
TRAIT_USED_DNA_VAULT | For when you've gotten a power from a dna vault |
TRAIT_RESISTHEATHANDS | For when you want to be able to touch hot things, but still want fire to be an issue. |
TRAIT_BOMBIMMUNE | This human is immune to the effects of being exploded. (ex_act) |
TRAIT_NUKEIMMUNE | This mob won't get gibbed by nukes going off |
TRAIT_VIRUSIMMUNE | Can't be given viruses |
TRAIT_UNHUSKABLE | Won't become a husk under any circumstances |
TRAIT_VIRUS_RESISTANCE | Reduces the chance viruses will spread to this mob, and if the mob has a virus, slows its advancement |
TRAIT_HEAD_ATMOS_SEALED | Prevents plasmamen from self-igniting if only their helmet is missing |
TRAIT_TOSS_GUN_HARD | Can toss a guns like a badass, causing additional damage/effect to their enemies |
TRAIT_AGENDER | Species with this trait are genderless |
TRAIT_BLOOD_CLANS | Species with this trait have a blood clan mechanic |
TRAIT_USES_SKINTONES | Species with this trait use skin tones for coloration |
TRAIT_MUTANT_COLORS | Species with this trait use mutant colors for coloration |
TRAIT_FIXED_MUTANT_COLORS | Species with this trait have mutant colors that cannot be chosen by the player, nor altered ingame by external means |
TRAIT_NO_BLOOD_OVERLAY | Humans with this trait won't get bloody hands, nor bloody feet |
TRAIT_NO_UNDERWEAR | Humans with this trait cannot have underwear |
TRAIT_NO_DEBRAIN_OVERLAY | This carbon doesn't show an overlay when they have no brain |
TRAIT_NO_AUGMENTS | Humans with this trait cannot get augmentation surgery |
TRAIT_NOHUNGER | This carbon doesn't get hungry |
TRAIT_NOBLOOD | This carbon doesn't bleed |
TRAIT_LIVERLESS_METABOLISM | This just means that the carbon will always have functional liverless metabolism |
TRAIT_OVERDOSEIMMUNE | This carbon can't be overdosed by chems |
TRAIT_NO_ZOMBIFY | Humans with this trait cannot be turned into zombies |
TRAIT_NO_DNA_COPY | Carbons with this trait can't have their DNA copied by diseases nor changelings |
TRAIT_NO_DNA_SCRAMBLE | Carbons with this trait can't have their DNA scrambled by genetics or a disease retrovirus. |
TRAIT_DRINKS_BLOOD | Carbons with this trait can eat blood to regenerate their own blood volume, instead of injecting it |
TRAIT_TOXIMMUNE | Mob is immune to toxin damage |
TRAIT_NOBREATH | Mob is immune to oxygen damage, does not need to breathe |
TRAIT_DISGUISED | Mob is currently disguised as something else (like a morph being another mob or an object). Holds a reference to the thing that applied the trait. |
TRAIT_PLASMA_LOVER_METABOLISM | Use when you want a mob to be able to metabolize plasma temporarily (e.g. plasma fixation disease symptom) |
TRAIT_TETRODOTOXIN_HEALING | The mob is not harmed by tetrodotoxin. Instead, it heals them like omnizine |
TRAIT_EASYBLEED | Species with this trait have 50% extra chance of bleeding from piercing and slashing wounds |
TRAIT_NOCRITOVERLAY | Doesn't get overlays from being in critical. |
TRAIT_FASTMED | reduces the use time of syringes, pills, patches and medigels but only when using on someone |
TRAIT_HOLY | The mob is holy and resistance to cult magic |
TRAIT_ANTIMAGIC | This mob is antimagic, and immune to spells / cannot cast spells |
TRAIT_ANTIMAGIC_NO_SELFBLOCK | This allows a person who has antimagic to cast spells without getting blocked |
TRAIT_RECENTLY_BLOCKED_MAGIC | This mob recently blocked magic with some form of antimagic |
TRAIT_MAGICALLY_GIFTED | The user can do things like use magic staffs without penalty |
TRAIT_INNATELY_FANTASTICAL_ITEM | This object innately spawns with fantasy variables already applied (the magical component is given to it on initialize), and thus we never want to give it the component again. |
TRAIT_BRAWLING_KNOCKDOWN_BLOCKED | Prevents shovies and some strong blows such as unarmed punches and (unreliably) tackles the owner down |
TRAIT_OFF_BALANCE_TACKLER | Applies tackling defense bonus to any mob that has it |
TRAIT_HEAD_INJURY_BLOCKED | Prevents some severe head injuries being sustained from heavy collisions or blunt force injuries. |
TRAIT_NO_STAGGER | Prevents staggering. |
TRAIT_NO_THROW_HITPUSH | Getting hit by thrown movables won't push you away |
TRAIT_FISH_EATER | This mob likes to eat fish. Raw, uncut fish. |
TRAIT_REVEAL_FISH | Added to mob or mind, changes the icons of the fish shown in the minigame UI depending on the possible reward. |
TRAIT_EXAMINE_FISHING_SPOT | This trait gets you a list of fishes that can be caught when examining a fishing spot. |
TRAIT_SCARY_FISHERMAN | lobstrosities and carps will prioritize/flee from those that have this trait (given by the skill-locked hat) |
TRAIT_CATCH_AND_RELEASE | Atoms with this trait can be right-clicked with a fish to release them, presumably back in the fishing spot they were caught from. |
TRAIT_EXAMINE_FISH | This trait lets you get the size and weight of the fish by examining them |
TRAIT_EXAMINE_DEEPER_FISH | This trait lets you roughly know if the fish is dead, starving, drowning or sick by examining them |
TRAIT_FISHING_SPOT | Trait given to turfs or objects that can be fished from |
TRAIT_UNLINKABLE_FISHING_SPOT | This trait prevents the fishing spot from being linked to the fish-porter when a multitool is being used. |
TRAIT_PROFOUND_FISHER | Trait given to mobs that can fish without a rod |
TRAIT_MESSAGE_IN_A_BOTTLE_LOCATION | If an atom has this trait, then you can toss a bottle with a message in it. |
TRAIT_UNIQUE_AQUARIUM_CONTENT | Stops other objects of the same type from being inserted inside the same aquarium it's in. |
TRAIT_WATER_HATER | Mobs that hate showers, being sprayed with water etc. |
TRAIT_WATER_ADAPTATION | Improved boons from showers and some features centered around water, should also suppress TRAIT_WATER_HATER |
TRAIT_IS_WET | Tells us that the mob urrently has the fire_handler/wet_stacks status effect |
TRAIT_WET_FOR_LONGER | Mobs with this trait stay wet for longer and resist fire decaying wetness |
TRAIT_SLIPPERY_WHEN_WET | Mobs with this trait will be immune to slipping while also being slippery themselves when lying on the floor |
TRAIT_EXAMINE_FITNESS | This trait lets you evaluate someone's fitness level against your own |
TRAIT_WOUND_LICKER | These mobs have particularly hygienic tongues |
TRAIT_SILICON_EMOTES_ALLOWED | Mobs with this trait are allowed to use silicon emotes |
TRAIT_BORN_MONKEY | This trait designate that the mob was originally a monkey |
TRAIT_REMOTE_TASTING | Added to a mob, allows that mob to experience flavour-based moodlets when examining food |
TRAIT_NO_SLIP_WATER | Stops the mob from slipping on water, or banana peels, or pretty much anything that doesn't have GALOSHES_DONT_HELP set |
TRAIT_NO_SLIP_ICE | Stops the mob from slipping on permafrost ice (not any other ice) (but anything with SLIDE_ICE set) |
TRAIT_NO_SLIP_SLIDE | Stop the mob from sliding around from being slipped, but not the slip part. DOES NOT include ice slips. |
TRAIT_NO_SLIP_ALL | Stops all slipping and sliding from occurring |
TRAIT_NO_GLIDE | Unlinks gliding from movement speed, meaning that there will be a delay between movements rather than a single move movement between tiles |
TRAIT_WOUND_SCANNED | Applied into wounds when they're scanned with the wound analyzer, halves time to treat them manually. |
TRAIT_IGNORE_FIRE_PROTECTION | Owner will ignore any fire protection when calculating fire damage |
TRAIT_MINDSHIELD | Makes someone show up as mindshielded on sechuds. Does NOT actually make them unconvertable - See TRAIT_UNCONVERTABLE for that |
TRAIT_UNCONVERTABLE | Makes it impossible for someone to be converted by cult/revs/etc. |
TRAIT_SUCCUMB_OVERRIDE | Lets the user succumb even if they got NODEATH |
TRAIT_SIXTHSENSE | Can hear observers |
TRAIT_HEAR_THROUGH_DARKNESS | Ignores darkness for hearing |
TRAIT_PARALYSIS_L_ARM | These are used for brain-based paralysis, where replacing the limb won't fix it |
TRAIT_ID_APPRAISER | Can examine IDs to see if they are roundstart. |
TRAIT_XRAY_VISION | Gives us turf, mob and object vision through walls |
TRAIT_THERMAL_VISION | Gives us mob vision through walls and slight night vision |
TRAIT_MESON_VISION | Gives us turf vision through walls and slight night vision |
TRAIT_TRUE_NIGHT_VISION | Gives us Night vision |
TRAIT_MINOR_NIGHT_VISION | Gives us minor night vision |
TRAIT_NEGATES_GRAVITY | Negates our gravity, letting us move normally on floors in 0-g |
TRAIT_IGNORING_GRAVITY | We are ignoring gravity |
TRAIT_FORCED_GRAVITY | We have some form of forced gravity acting on us |
TRAIT_GOOD_HEARING | Makes whispers clearly heard from seven tiles away, the full hearing range |
TRAIT_XRAY_HEARING | Allows you to hear speech through walls |
TRAIT_BLOCK_SHUTTLE_MOVEMENT | This mob can not enter or move on a shuttle |
TRAIT_REAGENT_SCANNER | Lets us scan reagents |
TRAIT_RESEARCH_SCANNER | Lets us scan machine parts and tech unlocks |
TRAIT_WEB_WEAVER | Can weave webs into cloth |
TRAIT_WEB_SURFER | Can navigate the web without getting stuck |
TRAIT_SPINNING_WEB_TURF | A web is being spun on this turf presently |
TRAIT_QUICK_CARRY | We place people into a fireman carry quicker than standard |
TRAIT_QUICKER_CARRY | We place people into a fireman carry especially quickly compared to quick_carry |
TRAIT_PLANT_SAFE | We can handle 'dangerous' plants in botany safely |
TRAIT_NEARSIGHTED_CORRECTED | Prevents the overlay from nearsighted |
TRAIT_DIAGNOSTIC_HUD | for something granting you a diagnostic hud |
TRAIT_MEDIBOTCOMINGTHROUGH | Is a medbot healing you |
TRAIT_PASSWINDOW | Lets you fly through windows |
TRAIT_NOFLASH | Makes you immune to flashes |
TRAIT_XENO_IMMUNE | prevents xeno huggies implanting skeletons |
TRAIT_NO_JUMPSUIT | Allows the species to equip items that normally require a jumpsuit without having one equipped. Used by golems. |
TRAIT_DETECT_STORM | always detect storms on icebox |
TRAIT_SIGHT_BYPASS | eignore blindness or blurriness or nearsightedness |
TRAIT_PERCEPTUAL_TRAUMA_BYPASS | ignore traumas that make you 'hallucinate' something |
TRAIT_HALLUCINATION_IMMUNE | mob is immune to hallucinations |
TRAIT_SPECIAL_TRAUMA_BOOST | Increases chance of getting special traumas, makes them harder to cure |
TRAIT_HYPERSPACED | Sanity trait to keep track of when we're in hyperspace and add the appropriate element if we weren't |
TRAIT_FREE_HYPERSPACE_MOVEMENT | Gives the movable free hyperspace movement without being pulled during shuttle transit |
TRAIT_FREE_HYPERSPACE_SOFTCORDON_MOVEMENT | Lets the movable move freely in the soft-cordon area of transit space, which would otherwise teleport them away just before they got to see the true cordon |
TRAIT_DEL_ON_SPACE_DUMP | Deletes the object upon being dumped into space, usually from exiting hyperspace. Useful if you're spawning in a lot of stuff for hyperspace events that don't need to flood the entire game |
TRAIT_CLIFF_WALKER | We can walk up or around cliffs, or at least we don't fall off of it |
TRAIT_TACTICALLY_CAMOUFLAGED | This means the user is currently holding/wearing a "tactical camouflage" item (like a potted plant). |
TRAIT_GAMERGOD | Gets double arcade prizes |
TRAIT_TOO_TALL | Makes you way too tall. Like just too much, dude, it's kind of creepy. Humanoid only. |
TRAIT_SILENT_FOOTSTEPS | makes your footsteps completely silent |
TRAIT_NICE_SHOT | hnnnnnnnggggg..... you're pretty good.... |
TRAIT_TUMOR_SUPPRESSED | prevents the damage done by a brain tumor |
TRAIT_RDS_SUPPRESSED | Prevents hallucinations from the hallucination brain trauma (RDS) |
TRAIT_NO_EXTINGUISH | Mobs that have this trait cannot be extinguished |
TRAIT_SIGN_LANG | Indicates if the mob is currently speaking with sign language |
TRAIT_PAPER_MASTER | Trait given to mobs to indicate that they can catch papers thrown at them midair without trying, and make syndicate airplanes when folding paper up. |
TRAIT_CAN_SIGN_ON_COMMS | This mob is able to use sign language over the radio. |
TRAIT_MARTIAL_ARTS_IMMUNE | nobody can use martial arts on this mob |
TRAIT_TIME_STOP_IMMUNE | Immune to being afflicted by time stop (spell) |
TRAIT_WEAK_SOUL | Revenants draining you only get a very small benefit. |
TRAIT_NO_SOUL | This mob has no soul |
TRAIT_CANT_RIDE | Prevents mob from riding mobs when buckled onto something |
TRAIT_CANNOT_BE_UNBUCKLED | Prevents a mob from being unbuckled, currently only used to prevent people from falling over on the tram |
TRAIT_BLOODY_MESS | from heparin and nitrous oxide, makes open bleeding wounds rapidly spill more blood |
TRAIT_COAGULATING | from coagulant reagents, this doesn't affect the bleeding itself but does affect the bleed warning messages |
TRAIT_ANTICONVULSANT | From anti-convulsant medication against seizures. |
TRAIT_STIMULATED | From stimulant reagents, this affects whether the all-nighter lack of sleep penalty should be countered |
TRAIT_ANTENNAE | The holder of this trait has antennae or whatever that hurt a ton when noogied |
TRAIT_KISS_OF_DEATH | Blowing kisses actually does damage to the victim |
TRAIT_SYNDIE_KISS | Syndie kisses can apply burn damage |
TRAIT_GARLIC_BREATH | Used to activate french kissing |
TRAIT_HOPELESSLY_ADDICTED | Addictions don't tick down, basically they're permanently addicted |
TRAIT_CULT_HALO | This mob has a cult halo. |
TRAIT_UNNATURAL_RED_GLOWY_EYES | Their eyes glow an unnatural red colour. Currently used to set special examine text on humans. Does not guarantee the mob's eyes are coloured red, nor that there is any visible glow on their character sprite. |
TRAIT_BLOODSHOT_EYES | Their eyes are bloodshot. Currently used to set special examine text on humans. Examine text is overridden by TRAIT_UNNATURAL_RED_GLOWY_EYES. |
TRAIT_PRESERVE_UI_WITHOUT_CLIENT | This mob should never close UI even if it doesn't have a client |
TRAIT_BYPASS_MEASURES | This mob overrides certain SSlag_switch measures with this special trait |
TRAIT_SPARRING | The user is sparring |
TRAIT_ELITE_CHALLENGER | The user is currently challenging an elite mining mob. Prevents him from challenging another until he's either lost or won. |
TRAIT_DONT_WRITE_MEMORY | For living mobs. It signals that the mob shouldn't have their data written in an external json for persistence. |
TRAIT_SPRAY_PAINTABLE | This mob can be painted with the spraycan |
TRAIT_AI_BAGATTACK | This atom can ignore the "is on a turf" check for simple AI datum attacks, allowing them to attack from bags or lockers as long as any other conditions are met |
TRAIT_INVISIBLE_MAN | This mobs bodyparts are invisible but still clickable. |
TRAIT_HIDE_EXTERNAL_ORGANS | Don't draw external organs/species features like wings, horns, frills and stuff |
TRAIT_FREE_FLOAT_MOVEMENT | When people are floating from zero-grav or something, we can move around freely! |
TRAIT_FOV_APPLIED | Mob has fov applied to it |
TRAIT_USER_SCOPED | Mob is using the scope component |
TRAIT_ANALGESIA | Mob is unable to feel pain |
TRAIT_NO_DAMAGE_OVERLAY | Mob does not get a damage overlay from brute/burn |
TRAIT_RIGHT_EYE_SCAR | Mob has a scar on their left/right eye |
TRAIT_REVENANT_REVEALED | Trait added when a revenant is visible. |
TRAIT_REVENANT_INHIBITED | Trait added when a revenant has been inhibited (typically by the bane of a holy weapon) |
TRAIT_NOFAT | Trait which prevents you from becoming overweight |
TRAIT_ROCK_EATER | Trait which allows you to eat rocks |
TRAIT_ROCK_METAMORPHIC | Trait which allows you to gain bonuses from consuming rocks |
TRAIT_NO_TELEPORT | do_teleport will not allow this atom to teleport |
TRAIT_SECLUDED_LOCATION | This atom is a secluded location, which is counted as out of bounds. Anything that enters this atom's contents should react if it wants to stay in bounds. |
TRAIT_FUGU_GLANDED | Trait used by fugu glands to avoid double buffing |
TRAIT_WAS_RENAMED | Trait that tracks if something has been renamed. Typically holds a REF() to the object itself (AKA src) for wide addition/removal. |
TRAIT_DOUBLE_TAP | When someone with this trait fires a ranged weapon, their fire delays and click cooldowns are halved |
TRAIT_HOT_SPRING_CURSED | Trait applied to /datum/mind to stop someone from using the cursed hot springs to polymorph more than once. |
TRAIT_NOT_ENGRAVABLE | If something has been engraved/cannot be engraved |
TRAIT_ORBITING_FORBIDDEN | Whether or not orbiting is blocked or not |
TRAIT_SPIDER_CONSUMED | Trait applied to mob/living to mark that spiders should not gain further enriched eggs from eating their corpse. |
TRAIT_SNEAK | Whether we're sneaking, from the creature sneak ability. |
TRAIT_BLIND_TOOL | Item still allows you to examine items while blind and actively held. |
TRAIT_UNKNOWN | The person with this trait always appears as 'unknown'. |
TRAIT_PREVENT_IMPLANT_AUTO_EXPLOSION | If the mob has this trait and die, their bomb implant doesn't detonate automatically. It must be consciously activated. |
TRAIT_HATED_BY_DOGS | If applied to a mob, nearby dogs will have a small chance to nonharmfully harass said mob |
TRAIT_NOFEAR_HOLDUPS | Mobs with this trait will not be immobilized when held up |
TRAIT_ADAMANTINE_EXTRACT_ARMOR | Mob has gotten an armor buff from adamantine extract |
TRAIT_NO_GUN_AKIMBO | Mobs with this trait won't be able to dual wield guns. |
TRAIT_UNHITTABLE_BY_PROJECTILES | Mobs with this trait cannot be hit by projectiles, meaning the projectiles will just go through. |
TRAIT_MORBID | Mobs with this trait do care about a few grisly things, such as digging up graves. They also really do not like bringing people back to life or tending wounds, but love autopsies and amputations. |
TRAIT_IN_CALL | Whether or not the user is in a MODlink call, prevents making more calls |
TRAIT_ON_ELEVATED_SURFACE | Is the mob standing on an elevated surface? This prevents them from dropping down if not elevated first. |
TRAIT_IGNORE_ELEVATION | Does the mob ignore elevation? (e.g. xeno larvas on hiding) |
TRAIT_NO_TWOHANDING | Prevents you from twohanding weapons. |
TRAIT_STRENGTH | Improves boxing damage against boxers and athletics experience gain |
TRAIT_STIMMED | Increases the duration of having exercised |
TRAIT_BOXING_READY | Indicates that the target is able to be boxed at a boxer's full power. |
TRAIT_FAST_TYING | Halves the time of tying a tie. |
TRAIT_HIGH_VALUE_RANSOM | Sells for more money on the pirate bounty pad. |
TRAIT_FAST_CUFFING | Makes the user handcuff others faster |
TRAIT_MAFIAINITIATE | Given by /obj/item/virgin_mary, mobs that used this can no longer use it again ever |
TRAIT_MIND_READER | Our mob has the mind reading genetic mutation. |
TRAIT_DISPLAY_JOB_IN_BINARY | Makes the player appear as their respective job in Binary Talk rather than being a 'Default Cyborg'. |
TRAIT_STUN_ON_NEXT_SHOVE | Trait that determines vulnerability to being stunned from a shove |
TRAIT_DRUNKEN_BRAWLER | Trait that determines whether our mob gains more strength from drinking during a fist fight |
TRAIT_SPACEBREATHING | Lungs always breathe normally when in vacuum/space. |
TRAIT_CAN_STRIP | This mob can strip other mobs. |
TRAIT_CAN_USE_NUKE | Can use the nuclear device's UI, regardless of a lack of hands |
TRAIT_MIMING | The mob has an active mime vow of silence, and thus is unable to speak and has other mime things going on |
TRAIT_MAGICALLY_PHASED | This mob is phased out of reality from magic, either a jaunt or rod form |
TRAIT_BRAINWASHING | this skillchip trait lets you wash brains in washing machines to heal them |
TRAIT_CHEF_KISS | Allows chef's to chefs kiss their food, to make them with love |
TRAIT_BALLOON_SUTRA | Allows clowns to bend balloons into animals |
TRAIT_DETECTIVES_TASTE | Allows detectives to identify chemicals by taste |
TRAIT_MOVE_GROUND | Movement type traits for movables. See elements/ |
TRAIT_NO_FLOATING_ANIM | Disables the floating animation. See above. |
TRAIT_NO_PLASMA_TRANSFORM | Cannot be turned into a funny skeleton by the plasma river |
TRAIT_LAVA_IMMUNE | Weather immunities, also protect mobs inside them. |
TRAIT_TENTACLE_IMMUNE | Cannot be grabbed by goliath tentacles |
TRAIT_OVERWATCHED | Currently under the effect of overwatch |
TRAIT_OVERWATCH_IMMUNE | Cannot be targeted by watcher overwatch |
TRAIT_PARALYSIS | Used for limb-based paralysis, where replacing the limb will fix it. |
TRAIT_DISABLED_BY_WOUND | Used for limbs. |
TRAIT_BLOCKING_EXPLOSIVES | This movable atom has the explosive block element |
TRAIT_SPEED_POTIONED | This object has been slathered with a speed potion |
TRAIT_BLOCKING_PROJECTILES | This mob is currently blocking a projectile. |
TRAIT_LAVA_STOPPED | Lava will be safe to cross while it has this trait. |
TRAIT_CHASM_STOPPED | Chasms will be safe to cross while they've this trait. |
TRAIT_CHASM_STOPPER | Chasms will be safe to cross if there is something with this trait on it |
TRAIT_IMMERSE_STOPPED | The effects of the immerse element will be halted while this trait is present. |
TRAIT_HYPERSPACE_STOPPED | The effects of hyperspace drift are blocked when the tile has this trait |
TRAIT_TURF_IGNORE_SLOWDOWN | Turf slowdown will be ignored when this trait is added to a turf. |
TRAIT_TURF_IGNORE_SLIPPERY | Mobs won't slip on a wet turf while it has this trait |
TRAIT_BEAUTY_APPLIED | failsafe for whether an item with the beauty element is influencing the beauty of the area of not. |
TRAIT_FORBID_MINING_SHUTTLE_CONSOLE_OUTSIDE_STATION | Mobs with this trait can't send the mining shuttle console when used outside the station itself |
TRAIT_HEARING_SENSITIVE | every hearing sensitive atom has this trait |
TRAIT_ACTIVE_STORAGE | every object that is currently the active storage of some client mob has this trait |
TRAIT_CLIMBABLE | Climbable trait, given and taken by the climbable element when added or removed. Exists to be easily checked via HAS_TRAIT(). |
TRAIT_HONKSPAMMING | Used by the honkspam element to avoid spamming the sound. Amusing considering its name. |
TRAIT_WADDLING | Required by the waddling element since there are multiple sources of it. |
TRAIT_FLOPPING | Mobs with trait will still waddle even when lying on the floor and make a different footstep sound when doing so. |
TRAIT_ON_HIT_EFFECT | Required by the on_hit_effect element, which is in turn added by other elements. |
TRAIT_KEEP_TOGETHER | Used for managing KEEP_TOGETHER in [/atom/var/appearance_flags] |
TRAIT_BANNED_FROM_CARGO_SHUTTLE | If the item will block the cargo shuttle from flying to centcom |
TRAIT_NO_MISSING_ITEM_ERROR | If the crate's contents are immune to the missing item manifest error |
TRAIT_NO_MANIFEST_CONTENTS_ERROR | If the crate is immune to the wrong content in manifest error |
TRAIT_MARKET_CRASHING | SSeconomy trait, if the market is crashing and people can't withdraw credits from ID cards. |
TRAIT_NO_STORAGE_INSERT | cannot be inserted in a storage. |
TRAIT_T_RAY_VISIBLE | Visible on t-ray scanners if the atom/var/level == 1 |
TRAIT_FOOD_FRIED | If this item's been fried |
TRAIT_FOOD_BBQ_GRILLED | If this item's been bbq grilled |
TRAIT_FOOD_SILVER | This is a silver slime created item |
TRAIT_FOOD_CHEF_MADE | If this item's been made by a chef instead of being map-spawned or admin-spawned or such |
TRAIT_QUALITY_FOOD_INGREDIENT | This atom has a quality_food_ingredient element attached |
TRAIT_NEEDS_TWO_HANDS | The items needs two hands to be carried |
TRAIT_UNCATCHABLE | Can't be catched when thrown |
TRAIT_ROD_REMOVE_FISHING_DUD | You won't catch duds while fishing with this rod. |
TRAIT_ROD_IGNORE_ENVIRONMENT | This rod ignores environmental conditions for fishing (like low light for nocturnal fish) |
TRAIT_ROD_ATTRACT_SHINY_LOVERS | This rod attracts fish with the shiny lover fish trait |
TRAIT_ROD_LAVA_USABLE | This rod can be used to fish on lava |
TRAIT_ROD_MANSUS_INFUSED | This rod was infused by a heretic, making it awesome and improving influence gain |
TRAIT_AQUARIUM_CONTENT | Stuff that can go inside fish cases and aquariums |
TRAIT_FISHING_BAIT | If the item can be used as a bit. |
TRAIT_POISONOUS_BAIT | This bait will kill any fish that doesn't have it on its favorite_bait list |
TRAIT_BASIC_QUALITY_BAIT | The quality of the bait. It influences odds of catching fish |
TRAIT_OMNI_BAIT | Baits with this trait will ignore bait preferences and related fish traits. |
TRAIT_BAIT_UNCONSUMABLE | The bait won't be consumed when used |
TRAIT_BAIT_ALLOW_FISHING_DUD | This bait won't apply TRAIT_ROD_REMOVE_FISHING_DUD to the rod it's attached on, instead, it'll allow the fishing dud to be there unless there's at least one fish that likes the bait |
TRAIT_IS_AQUARIUM | This location has the aquarium component. Not much different than a GetComponent() disguised as an 'is_x' macro, but I don't have to hide anything here. I just don't want a confusing 'is_aquarium(A)' macro which people think it's interchangable with an 'istype(A, /obj/structure/aquarium)' when it's the component what truly matters. |
TRAIT_BIOELECTRIC_GENERATOR | A location (probably aquarium) that amplifies the zaps of electricity-generating fish. |
TRAIT_STOP_FISH_REPRODUCTION_AND_GROWTH | A location (likely aquarium) that doesn't allow fish to growth and reproduce |
TRAIT_AQUARIUM_PANEL_OPEN | This is an aquarium with an open panel |
TRAIT_STOP_FISH_FLOPPING | For locations that prevent fish flopping animation, namely aquariums |
TRAIT_PLANT_WILDMUTATE | Plants that were mutated as a result of passive instability, not a mutation threshold. |
TRAIT_APC_SHOCKING | If you hit an APC with exposed internals with this item it will try to shock you |
TRAIT_WIELDED | Properly wielded two handed item |
TRAIT_TRANSFORM_ACTIVE | A transforming item that is actively extended / transformed |
TRAIT_NO_IMMOBILIZE | Buckling yourself to objects with this trait won't immobilize you |
TRAIT_NO_STRIP | Prevents stripping this equipment |
TRAIT_NO_BARCODES | Disallows this item from being pricetagged with a barcode |
TRAIT_ALLOW_HERETIC_CASTING | Allows heretics to cast their spells. |
TRAIT_LIVING_HEART | Designates a heart as a living heart for a heretic. |
TRAIT_HAS_BEEN_KIDNAPPED | Prevents the same person from being chosen multiple times for kidnapping objective |
TRAIT_CUSTOM_TAP_SOUND | An item still plays its hitsound even if it has 0 force, instead of the tap |
TRAIT_DANGEROUS_OBJECT | Makes the feedback message when someone else is putting this item on you more noticeable |
TRAIT_HAUNTED | determines whether or not objects are haunted and teleport/attack randomly |
TRAIT_CONTRABAND_BLOCKER | An item that, if it has contents, will ignore its contents when scanning for contraband. |
TRAIT_UNCOMPOSTABLE | For edible items that cannot be composted inside hydro trays |
TRAIT_CATLIKE_GRACE | This mob always lands on their feet when they fall, for better or for worse. |
TRAIT_STICKERED | if the atom has a sticker attached to it |
TRAIT_LIGHTING_DEBUGGED | This object has light debugging tools attached to it |
TRAIT_SOUND_DEBUGGED | This object has sound debugging tools attached to it |
TRAIT_SHIFTY_EYES | Gives you the Shifty Eyes quirk, rarely making people who examine you think you examined them back even when you didn't |
TRAIT_GAMER | Trait for the gamer quirk. |
TRAIT_DRYABLE | Trait for dryable items |
TRAIT_DRIED | Trait for dried items |
TRAIT_CUSTOMIZABLE_REAGENT_HOLDER | Trait for customizable reagent holder |
TRAIT_ODD_CUSTOMIZABLE_FOOD_INGREDIENT | Trait for allowing an item that isn't food into the customizable reagent holder |
TRAIT_BEING_BLADE_SHIELDED | Used to prevent multiple floating blades from triggering over the same target |
TRAIT_UNOBSERVANT | This mob doesn't count as looking at you if you can only act while unobserved |
TRAIT_CANNOT_CRYSTALIZE | Trait put on /mob/living/carbon/human. If that mob has a crystal core, also known as an ethereal heart, it will not try to revive them if the mob dies. |
TRAIT_FIREDOOR_STOP | Trait applied to turfs when an atmos holosign is placed on them. It will stop firedoors from closing. |
TRAIT_CONTAINMENT_FIELD | Trait applied to turf blocked by a containment field |
TRAIT_COMPONENT_MMI | Trait applied when the MMI component is added to an /obj/item/integrated_circuit |
TRAIT_CIRCUIT_UNDUPABLE | Trait applied when an integrated circuit/module becomes undupable |
TRAIT_CIRCUIT_UI_OPEN | Trait applied when an integrated circuit opens a UI on a player (see list pick component) |
TRAIT_PDA_MESSAGE_MENU_RIGGED | PDA/ModPC Traits. This one makes PDAs explode if the user opens the messages menu |
TRAIT_PDA_CAN_EXPLODE | This one denotes a PDA has received a rigged message and will explode when the user tries to reply to a rigged PDA message |
TRAIT_MODPC_HALVED_DOWNLOAD_SPEED | The download speeds of programs from the dowloader is halved. |
TRAIT_MODPC_INTERACTING_WITH_FRAME | Dictates whether a user (source) is interacting with the frame of a stationary modular computer or the pc inside it. Needed for circuits I guess. |
TRAIT_DISEASELIKE_SEVERITY_MEDIUM | If present on a /mob/living/carbon, will make them appear to have a medium level disease on health HUDs. |
TRAIT_TENACIOUS | trait denoting someone will crawl faster in soft crit |
TRAIT_UNBREAKABLE | trait denoting someone will sometimes recover out of crit |
TRAIT_AI_PAUSED | trait that prevents AI controllers from planning detached from ai_status to prevent weird state stuff. |
TRAIT_TOWER_OF_BABEL | this is used to bypass tongue language restrictions but not tongue disabilities |
TRAIT_RECENTLY_COINED | This target has recently been shot by a marksman coin and is very briefly immune to being hit by one again to prevent recursion |
TRAIT_ECHOLOCATION_RECEIVER | Receives echolocation images. |
TRAIT_ECHOLOCATION_EXTRA_RANGE | Echolocation has a higher range. |
TRAIT_SUICIDED | Trait given to a living mob and any observer mobs that stem from them if they suicide. For clarity, this trait should always be associated/tied to a reference to the mob that suicided- not anything else. |
TRAIT_PERMANENTLY_MORTAL | Trait given to a living mob to prevent wizards from making it immortal |
TRAIT_MIND_TEMPORARILY_GONE | Trait given to a mob with a ckey currently in a temporary body, allowing people to know someone will re-enter the round later. |
TRAIT_FAKE_SOULLESS | Mobs with this trait will show up as soulless if their brain is missing even if their ghost can reenter the corpse |
TRAIT_TEMPORARY_BODY | Similar trait given to temporary bodies inhabited by players |
TRAIT_WALLMOUNTED | Trait given to objects with the wallmounted component |
TRAIT_OREBOX_FUNCTIONAL | Trait given to mechs that can have orebox functionality on movement |
TRAIT_MECHA_CREATED_NORMALLY | A trait for mechs that were created through the normal construction process, and not spawned by map or other effects. |
TRAIT_NOT_BARFABLE | Stops a movable from being removed from the mob it's in by the content_barfer component. |
TRAIT_FISH_STASIS | fish traits |
TRAIT_FISH_FED_LUBE | Trait needed for the lubefish evolution |
TRAIT_FISH_FROM_CASE | It comes from a fish case. Relevant for bounties so far. |
TRAIT_FISH_ELECTROGENESIS | Fish will also occasionally fire weak tesla zaps |
TRAIT_FISH_RECESSIVE | Offsprings from this fish will never be of its same type (unless it's self-reproducing). |
TRAIT_FISH_STINGER | This fish comes equipped with a stinger (increased damage and potentially venomous if also toxic) |
TRAIT_FISH_INK_ON_COOLDOWN | This fish is currently on cooldown and cannot splash ink unto people's faces |
TRAIT_FISH_SHOULD_TWOHANDED | This fish requires two hands to carry even if smaller than FISH_SIZE_TWO_HANDS_REQUIRED, as long as it's bulky-sized. |
TRAIT_FISH_SURVIVE_COOKING | This fish won't be killed when cooked. |
TRAIT_FISH_MADE_OF_BONE | This fish is healed by milk and hurt by bone hurting juice |
TRAIT_FISH_ON_TESLIUM | This fish has been fed teslium without the electrogenesis having trait. Gives the electrogenesis, but at halved output, and it hurts the fish over time. |
TRAIT_FISH_QUICK_GROWTH | This fish has been fed growth serum or something and will grow 5 times faster, up to 50% weight and size gain when fed. |
TRAIT_FISH_MUTAGENIC | This fish has been fed mutagen or something. Evolutions will have more than twice the probability |
TRAIT_ANGELIC | Trait given to angelic constructs to let them purge cult runes |
TRAIT_DREAMING | Trait given to a dreaming carbon when they are currently doing dreaming stuff |
TRAIT_COMMISSIONED | Whether bots will salute this mob. |
TRAIT_RUSTY | generic atom traits Trait from /datum/element/rust. Its rusty and should be applying a special overlay to denote this. |
TRAIT_DO_NOT_SPLASH | Stops someone from splashing their reagent_container on an object with this trait |
TRAIT_CURRENTLY_CLEANING | Marks an atom when the cleaning of it is first started, so that the cleaning overlay doesn't get removed prematurely |
TRAIT_CHASM_DESTROYED | Objects with this trait are deleted if they fall into chasms, rather than entering abstract storage |
TRAIT_UNDERFLOOR | Trait from being under the floor in some manner |
TRAIT_NO_MIRROR_REFLECTION | If the movable shouldn't be reflected by mirrors. |
TRAIT_IMMERSED | If this movable is currently treading in a turf with the immerse element. |
TRAIT_ELEVATED_TURF | From /datum/element/elevation_core for purpose of checking if the turf has the trait from an instance of the element |
TRAIT_UNIQUE_IMMERSE | With this, the immerse overlay will give the atom its own submersion visual overlay instead of one that's also shared with other movables, thus making editing its appearance possible. |
TRAIT_TELEKINESIS_CONTROLLED | This item is currently under the control of telekinesis |
TRAIT_CHANGELING_HIVEMIND_MUTE | changelings with this trait can no longer talk over the hivemind |
TRAIT_HULK | This guy is a hulk! (Bulky and green, lacks tact) |
TRAIT_BLOB_ALLY | Isn't attacked harmfully by blob structures |
TRAIT_CHUUNIBYOU | Has the chuuni component |
TRAIT_SPLATTERCASTER | Has splattercasting |
STATION_TRAIT_ASSISTANT_GIMMICKS | Traits given by station traits |
TRAIT_SPINNING | This atom is currently spinning. |
TRAIT_IMMUNE_TO_CRANIAL_FISSURE | This limb can't be torn open anymore |
TRAIT_HAS_CRANIAL_FISSURE | Trait given if the mob has a cranial fissure. |
TRAIT_JOB_FIRST_ID_CARD | Denotes that this id card was given via the job outfit, aka the first ID this player got. |
TRAIT_MAGNETIC_ID_CARD | ID cards with this trait will attempt to forcibly occupy the front-facing ID card slot in wallets. |
TRAIT_TASTEFULLY_THICK_ID_CARD | ID cards with this trait have special appraisal text. |
TRAIT_SILICON_ACCESS | The entity has Silicon 'access', so is either a silicon, has an access wand, or is an admin ghost AI.
This is put on the mob, it is used on the client for Admins but they are the exception as they use isAdminGhostAI . |
TRAIT_AI_ACCESS | The entity has AI 'access', so is either an AI, has an access wand, or is an admin ghost AI. Used to block off regular Silicons from things.
This is put on the mob, it is used on the client for Admins but they are the exception as they use isAdminGhostAI . |
TRAIT_SEE_WORN_COLOURS | Used by wearable_client_colour to determine whether the mob wants to have the colours of the screen affected by worn items (some still do regardless). |
TRAIT_IRRADIATED | Marks that this object is irradiated |
TRAIT_RADIMMUNE | Immune to being irradiated |
TRAIT_HALT_RADIATION_EFFECTS | Harmful radiation effects, the toxin damage and the burns, will not occur while this trait is active |
TRAIT_RADIATION_PROTECTED_CLOTHING | This clothing protects the user from radiation. This should not be used on clothing_traits, but should be applied to the clothing itself. |
TRAIT_BYPASS_EARLY_IRRADIATED_CHECK | Whether or not this item will allow the radiation SS to go through standard radiation processing as if this wasn't already irradiated. Basically, without this, COMSIG_IN_RANGE_OF_IRRADIATION won't fire once the object is irradiated. |
TRAIT_WAS_EVOLVED | Simple trait that just holds if we came into growth from a specific mob type. Should hold a REF(src) to the type of mob that caused the growth, not anything else. |
TRAIT_HEALS_FROM_CARP_RIFTS | This mob heals from carp rifts. |
TRAIT_HEALS_FROM_CULT_PYLONS | This mob heals from cult pylons. |
TRAIT_MULTIZ_SUIT_SENSORS | Ignore Crew monitor Z levels |
TRAIT_FINGERPRINT_PASSTHROUGH | Ignores body_parts_covered during the add_fingerprint() proc. Works both on the person and the item in the glove slot. |
TRAIT_FROZEN | this object has been frozen |
TRAIT_TACKLING_WINGED_ATTACKER | Makes a character be better/worse at tackling depending on their wing's status |
TRAIT_TACKLING_FRAIL_ATTACKER | Makes a character be frail and more likely to roll bad results if they hit a wall |
TRAIT_TACKLING_TAILED_DEFENDER | Makes a character be better/worse at defending against tackling depending on their tail's status |
TRAIT_RUNECHAT_HIDDEN | Is runechat for this atom/movable currently disabled, regardless of prefs or anything? |
TRAIT_HAS_LABEL | the object has a label applied |
TRAIT_THINKING_IN_CHARACTER | Trait given to a mob that is currently thinking (giving off the "thinking" icon), used in an IC context |
TRAIT_SPEAKS_CLEARLY | without a human having this trait, they speak as if they have no tongue. |
TRAIT_GERM_SENSITIVE | Trait given by /datum/component/germ_sensitive |
TRAIT_CASTABLE_LOC | This atom can have spells cast from it if a mob is within it This means the "caster" of the spell is changed to the mob's loc Note this doesn't mean all spells are guaranteed to work or the mob is guaranteed to cast |
TRAIT_SPELLS_TRANSFER_TO_LOC | Needs above trait to work. This trait makes it so that any cast spells will attempt to transfer to the location's location. For example, a heretic inside the haunted blade's spells would emanate from the mob wielding the sword. |
TRAIT_RELAYING_ATTACKER | Trait given by /datum/element/relay_attacker |
TRAIT_IGNORED_BY_LIVING_FLESH | Trait given to limb by /mob/living/basic/living_limb_flesh |
TRAIT_USED_ORGAN | Trait given to organs that have been inside a living being previously |
TRAIT_CLIENT_STARTING_ORGAN | Trait given to organs that have started inside a being with a client |
TRAIT_WING_BUFFET | Trait given while using /datum/action/cooldown/mob_cooldown/wing_buffet |
TRAIT_WING_BUFFET_TIRED | Trait given while tired after using /datum/action/cooldown/mob_cooldown/wing_buffet |
TRAIT_RIFT_FAILURE | Trait given to a dragon who fails to defend their rifts |
TRAIT_MOB_HIDE_HAPPINESS | this trait hides most visible fluff and interactions of happiness, likely temporarily. |
TRAIT_MOB_BREEDER | trait determines if this mob can breed given by /datum/component/breeding |
TRAIT_MOB_HATCHED | trait given to mobs that are hatched |
TRAIT_NO_MINDSWAP | Trait given to mobs that we do not want to mindswap |
TRAIT_BAKEABLE | trait given to food that can be baked by /datum/component/bakeable |
TRAIT_DART_HAS_INSERT | Trait given to foam darts that have an insert in them |
TRAIT_ELDRITCH_PAINTING_EXAMINE | Trait determines if this mob has examined an eldritch painting |
TRAIT_FLESH_DESIRE | Trait used by the /datum/brain_trauma/severe/flesh_desire trauma to change their preferences of what they eat |
TRAIT_CLEANBOT_WHISPERER | Trait granted by janitor skillchip, allows communication with cleanbots |
TRAIT_ROCK_STONER | Trait granted by the miner skillchip, allows communication with minebots |
TRAIT_REGEN_SHIELD | Trait given by the regenerative shield component |
TRAIT_INVISIMIN | Trait given when a mob is currently in invisimin mode |
TRAIT_MOB_TIPPED | Trait given when a mob has been tipped |
TRAIT_ALWAYS_WANTED | Trait which self-identifies as an enemy of the law |
TRAIT_MOB_EATER | Trait given to mobs that have the basic eating element |
TRAIT_DISCO_DANCER | Trait which means whatever has this is dancing by a dance machine |
TRAIT_INSTANTLY_PROCESSES_BOULDERS | Trait which allows mobs to instantly break down boulders. |
TRAIT_BOULDER_BREAKER | Trait applied to objects and mobs that can attack a boulder and break it down. (See /obj/item/boulder/manual_process()) |
TRAIT_MANSUS_TOUCHED | Trait given to anything linked to, not necessarily allied to, the mansus |
TRAIT_SPELLS_LOTTERY | Appiled when wizard buy (/datum/spellbook_entry/perks/spalls_lottery) perk. Give 50/25% chance not spend a spellbook charge on 1/2 cost spell. Appiled it wizard can't refund any spells. |
TRAIT_PERCEIVED_AS_CLOWN | Trait given to mobs wearing the clown mask |
TRAIT_BYPASS_RANGED_ARMOR | Does this item bypass ranged armor checks? |
TRAIT_CONTRABAND | Trait which means that this item is considered illegal contraband, and valid for the contraband bounty or when scanned by an nspect scanner. |
TRAIT_EXPERT_FISHER | Traits given by settler, each with their own specific effects for cases where someone would have that trait, but not the other settler effects |
TRAIT_ITEM_OBJECTIVE_BLOCKED | This item cannot be selected for or used by a theft objective (Spies, Traitors, etc.) |
TRAIT_EASY_ATTACH | This trait lets you attach limbs to any player without surgery. |
TRAIT_BIRTHDAY_BOY | Trait given to the birthday boy |
TRAIT_NO_TERRAFORM | Trait given to a turf that should not be allowed to be terraformed, such as turfs holding ore vents. |
TRAIT_NOGRAV_ALWAYS_DRIFT | Trait that prevents mobs from stopping by grabbing objects |
TRAIT_SPEECH_BOOSTER | Mobs with these trait do not get italicized/quiet speech when speaking in low pressure |
TRAIT_NO_THROWING | Given to a mob that can throw to make them not able to throw |
TRAIT_MINING_PARRYING | Trait which allows mobs to parry mining mob projectiles |
TRAIT_MOB_MERGE_STACKS | Mob that can merge stacks in its contents |
TRAIT_SILENT_REACTIONS | Trait which silences all chemical reactions in its container |
TRAIT_MOB_CAN_DIG | Trait given to mobs that can dig |
TRAIT_TETHER_ATTACHED | This atom has a tether attached to it |
TRAIT_COMBAT_MODE_SKIP_INTERACTION | This trait is used in some interactions very high in the interaction chain to allow certain atoms to be skipped by said interactions if the user is in combat mode. |
TRAIT_ILLUSORY_EFFECT | A "fake" effect that should not be subject to normal effect removal methods (like the effect remover component) |
TRAIT_GHOSTROLE_ON_REVIVE | Gives a little examine to their body that they can be revived with a soul |
TRAIT_GOT_DAMPENED | Trait given to atoms currently affected by projectile dampeners |
HUMAN_SENSORS_VISIBLE_WITHOUT_SUIT | humans with this trait will have their health visible to AIs without suit |
TRAIT_MOPABLE | Apply to movables to say "hey, this movable is technically flat on the floor, so it'd be mopped up by a mop" |
TRAIT_PREVENT_BLINKING | Humans with this trait do not blink |
TRAIT_PREVENT_BLINK_LOOPS | Prevents animations for blinking from looping |
TRAIT_NO_EYELIDS | Mob doesn't get closed eyelids overlay when it gets knocked out cold or dies |
TRAIT_COMPONENT_WIRE_BUNDLE | Trait applied when the wire bundle component is added to an /obj/item/integrated_circuit |
Define Details
HUMAN_SENSORS_VISIBLE_WITHOUT_SUIT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1414](git.png)
humans with this trait will have their health visible to AIs without suit
STATION_TRAIT_ASSISTANT_GIMMICKS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1122](git.png)
Traits given by station traits
TRAIT_ACTIVE_STORAGE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 753](git.png)
every object that is currently the active storage of some client mob has this trait
TRAIT_ADAMANTINE_EXTRACT_ARMOR ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 573](git.png)
Mob has gotten an armor buff from adamantine extract
TRAIT_ADVANCEDTOOLUSER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 72](git.png)
Whether a mob is dexterous enough to use machines and certain items or not.
TRAIT_AGENDER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 151](git.png)
Species with this trait are genderless
TRAIT_AI_ACCESS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1175](git.png)
The entity has AI 'access', so is either an AI, has an access wand, or is an admin ghost AI. Used to block off regular Silicons from things.
This is put on the mob, it is used on the client for Admins but they are the exception as they use isAdminGhostAI
TRAIT_AI_BAGATTACK ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 491](git.png)
This atom can ignore the "is on a turf" check for simple AI datum attacks, allowing them to attack from bags or lockers as long as any other conditions are met
TRAIT_AI_PAUSED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 993](git.png)
trait that prevents AI controllers from planning detached from ai_status to prevent weird state stuff.
TRAIT_ALLOW_HERETIC_CASTING ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 860](git.png)
Allows heretics to cast their spells.
TRAIT_ALWAYS_WANTED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1310](git.png)
Trait which self-identifies as an enemy of the law
TRAIT_ANALGESIA ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 511](git.png)
Mob is unable to feel pain
TRAIT_ANGELIC ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1076](git.png)
Trait given to angelic constructs to let them purge cult runes
TRAIT_ANTENNAE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 463](git.png)
The holder of this trait has antennae or whatever that hurt a ton when noogied
TRAIT_ANTICONVULSANT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 459](git.png)
From anti-convulsant medication against seizures.
TRAIT_ANTIMAGIC ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 210](git.png)
This mob is antimagic, and immune to spells / cannot cast spells
TRAIT_ANTIMAGIC_NO_SELFBLOCK ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 212](git.png)
This allows a person who has antimagic to cast spells without getting blocked
TRAIT_APC_SHOCKING ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 848](git.png)
If you hit an APC with exposed internals with this item it will try to shock you
TRAIT_AQUARIUM_CONTENT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 812](git.png)
Stuff that can go inside fish cases and aquariums
TRAIT_AQUARIUM_PANEL_OPEN ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 842](git.png)
This is an aquarium with an open panel
TRAIT_BAIT_ALLOW_FISHING_DUD ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 829](git.png)
This bait won't apply TRAIT_ROD_REMOVE_FISHING_DUD to the rod it's attached on, instead, it'll allow the fishing dud to be there unless there's at least one fish that likes the bait
TRAIT_BAIT_UNCONSUMABLE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 824](git.png)
The bait won't be consumed when used
TRAIT_BAKEABLE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1283](git.png)
trait given to food that can be baked by /datum/component/bakeable
TRAIT_BALLOON_SUTRA ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 679](git.png)
Allows clowns to bend balloons into animals
TRAIT_BANNED_FROM_CARGO_SHUTTLE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 772](git.png)
If the item will block the cargo shuttle from flying to centcom
TRAIT_BASIC_QUALITY_BAIT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 818](git.png)
The quality of the bait. It influences odds of catching fish
TRAIT_BEAUTY_APPLIED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 739](git.png)
failsafe for whether an item with the beauty element is influencing the beauty of the area of not.
TRAIT_BEING_BLADE_SHIELDED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 943](git.png)
Used to prevent multiple floating blades from triggering over the same target
TRAIT_BEING_SHOCKED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 112](git.png)
Is this atom being actively shocked? Used to prevent repeated shocks.
TRAIT_BIOELECTRIC_GENERATOR ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 838](git.png)
A location (probably aquarium) that amplifies the zaps of electricity-generating fish.
TRAIT_BIRTHDAY_BOY ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1359](git.png)
Trait given to the birthday boy
TRAIT_BLIND_TOOL ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 560](git.png)
Item still allows you to examine items while blind and actively held.
TRAIT_BLOB_ALLY ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1115](git.png)
Isn't attacked harmfully by blob structures
TRAIT_BLOCKING_EXPLOSIVES ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 716](git.png)
This movable atom has the explosive block element
TRAIT_BLOCKING_PROJECTILES ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 721](git.png)
This mob is currently blocking a projectile.
TRAIT_BLOCK_SHUTTLE_MOVEMENT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 347](git.png)
This mob can not enter or move on a shuttle
TRAIT_BLOODSHOT_EYES ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 477](git.png)
Their eyes are bloodshot. Currently used to set special examine text on humans. Examine text is overridden by TRAIT_UNNATURAL_RED_GLOWY_EYES.
TRAIT_BLOODY_MESS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 455](git.png)
from heparin and nitrous oxide, makes open bleeding wounds rapidly spill more blood
TRAIT_BLOOD_CLANS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 153](git.png)
Species with this trait have a blood clan mechanic
TRAIT_BOMBIMMUNE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 131](git.png)
This human is immune to the effects of being exploded. (ex_act)
TRAIT_BORN_MONKEY ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 274](git.png)
This trait designate that the mob was originally a monkey
TRAIT_BOULDER_BREAKER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1321](git.png)
Trait applied to objects and mobs that can attack a boulder and break it down. (See /obj/item/boulder/manual_process())
TRAIT_BOXING_READY ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 600](git.png)
Indicates that the target is able to be boxed at a boxer's full power.
TRAIT_BRAINWASHING ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 675](git.png)
this skillchip trait lets you wash brains in washing machines to heal them
Prevents shovies and some strong blows such as unarmed punches and (unreliably) tackles the owner down
Whether or not this item will allow the radiation SS to go through standard radiation processing as if this wasn't already irradiated. Basically, without this, COMSIG_IN_RANGE_OF_IRRADIATION won't fire once the object is irradiated.
TRAIT_BYPASS_MEASURES ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 481](git.png)
This mob overrides certain SSlag_switch measures with this special trait
TRAIT_BYPASS_RANGED_ARMOR ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1340](git.png)
Does this item bypass ranged armor checks?
TRAIT_CANNOT_BE_UNBUCKLED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 453](git.png)
Prevents a mob from being unbuckled, currently only used to prevent people from falling over on the tram
TRAIT_CANNOT_CRYSTALIZE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 957](git.png)
Trait put on /mob/living/carbon/human. If that mob has a crystal core, also known as an ethereal heart, it will not try to revive them if the mob dies.
TRAIT_CANT_RIDE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 451](git.png)
Prevents mob from riding mobs when buckled onto something
TRAIT_CAN_HOLD_ITEMS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 62](git.png)
Trait that means you are capable of holding items in some form
TRAIT_CAN_SIGN_ON_COMMS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 441](git.png)
This mob is able to use sign language over the radio.
TRAIT_CAN_STRIP ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 650](git.png)
This mob can strip other mobs.
TRAIT_CAN_USE_NUKE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 652](git.png)
Can use the nuclear device's UI, regardless of a lack of hands
TRAIT_CASTABLE_LOC ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1249](git.png)
This atom can have spells cast from it if a mob is within it This means the "caster" of the spell is changed to the mob's loc Note this doesn't mean all spells are guaranteed to work or the mob is guaranteed to cast
TRAIT_CATCH_AND_RELEASE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 241](git.png)
Atoms with this trait can be right-clicked with a fish to release them, presumably back in the fishing spot they were caught from.
TRAIT_CATLIKE_GRACE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 916](git.png)
This mob always lands on their feet when they fall, for better or for worse.
TRAIT_CHANGELING_HIVEMIND_MUTE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1111](git.png)
changelings with this trait can no longer talk over the hivemind
TRAIT_CHASM_DESTROYED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1092](git.png)
Objects with this trait are deleted if they fall into chasms, rather than entering abstract storage
TRAIT_CHASM_STOPPED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 725](git.png)
Chasms will be safe to cross while they've this trait.
TRAIT_CHASM_STOPPER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 727](git.png)
Chasms will be safe to cross if there is something with this trait on it
TRAIT_CHEF_KISS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 677](git.png)
Allows chef's to chefs kiss their food, to make them with love
TRAIT_CHUNKYFINGERS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 66](git.png)
means that you can't use weapons with normal trigger guards.
TRAIT_CHUUNIBYOU ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1117](git.png)
Has the chuuni component
TRAIT_CIRCUIT_UI_OPEN ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 972](git.png)
Trait applied when an integrated circuit opens a UI on a player (see list pick component)
TRAIT_CIRCUIT_UNDUPABLE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 969](git.png)
Trait applied when an integrated circuit/module becomes undupable
TRAIT_CLEANBOT_WHISPERER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1295](git.png)
Trait granted by janitor skillchip, allows communication with cleanbots
TRAIT_CLIENT_STARTING_ORGAN ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1265](git.png)
Trait given to organs that have started inside a being with a client
TRAIT_CLIFF_WALKER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 416](git.png)
We can walk up or around cliffs, or at least we don't fall off of it
TRAIT_CLIMBABLE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 756](git.png)
Climbable trait, given and taken by the climbable element when added or removed. Exists to be easily checked via HAS_TRAIT().
TRAIT_COAGULATING ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 457](git.png)
from coagulant reagents, this doesn't affect the bleeding itself but does affect the bleed warning messages
TRAIT_COMBAT_MODE_SKIP_INTERACTION ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1401](git.png)
This trait is used in some interactions very high in the interaction chain to allow certain atoms to be skipped by said interactions if the user is in combat mode.
Its primarily use case is for stuff like storage and tables, to allow things like emags to be bagged (because in some contexts you might want to be emagging a bag, and in others you might want to be storing it.)
This is only checked by certain items explicitly so you can't just add the trait and expect it to work. (This may be changed later but I chose to do it this way to avoid messing up interactions which require combat mode)
TRAIT_COMMISSIONED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1082](git.png)
Whether bots will salute this mob.
TRAIT_COMPONENT_MMI ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 966](git.png)
Trait applied when the MMI component is added to an /obj/item/integrated_circuit
TRAIT_COMPONENT_WIRE_BUNDLE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1428](git.png)
Trait applied when the wire bundle component is added to an /obj/item/integrated_circuit
TRAIT_CONTAINMENT_FIELD ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 963](git.png)
Trait applied to turf blocked by a containment field
TRAIT_CONTRABAND ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1343](git.png)
Trait which means that this item is considered illegal contraband, and valid for the contraband bounty or when scanned by an nspect scanner.
TRAIT_CONTRABAND_BLOCKER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 872](git.png)
An item that, if it has contents, will ignore its contents when scanning for contraband.
TRAIT_CORPSELOCKED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 115](git.png)
Prevents you from leaving your corpse
TRAIT_CRITICAL_CONDITION ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 39](git.png)
In some kind of critical condition. Is able to succumb.
TRAIT_CULT_HALO ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 473](git.png)
This mob has a cult halo.
TRAIT_CURRENTLY_CLEANING ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1090](git.png)
Marks an atom when the cleaning of it is first started, so that the cleaning overlay doesn't get removed prematurely
TRAIT_CURSED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 49](git.png)
Gibs on death and slips like ice.
Trait for customizable reagent holder
TRAIT_CUSTOM_TAP_SOUND ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 866](git.png)
An item still plays its hitsound even if it has 0 force, instead of the tap
TRAIT_DANGEROUS_OBJECT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 868](git.png)
Makes the feedback message when someone else is putting this item on you more noticeable
TRAIT_DART_HAS_INSERT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1286](git.png)
Trait given to foam darts that have an insert in them
TRAIT_DEATHCOMA ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 82](git.png)
Causes death-like unconsciousness
Deathmatch traits
TRAIT_DEFIB_BLACKLISTED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 58](git.png)
Blacklisted from being revived via defibrillator
TRAIT_DEL_ON_SPACE_DUMP ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 414](git.png)
Deletes the object upon being dumped into space, usually from exiting hyperspace. Useful if you're spawning in a lot of stuff for hyperspace events that don't need to flood the entire game
TRAIT_DETECTIVES_TASTE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 681](git.png)
Allows detectives to identify chemicals by taste
TRAIT_DETECT_STORM ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 395](git.png)
always detect storms on icebox
TRAIT_DIAGNOSTIC_HUD ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 380](git.png)
for something granting you a diagnostic hud
TRAIT_DISABLED_BY_WOUND ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 714](git.png)
Used for limbs.
TRAIT_DISCO_DANCER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1315](git.png)
Trait which means whatever has this is dancing by a dance machine
If present on a /mob/living/carbon, will make them appear to have a medium level disease on health HUDs.
TRAIT_DISGUISED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 189](git.png)
Mob is currently disguised as something else (like a morph being another mob or an object). Holds a reference to the thing that applied the trait.
TRAIT_DISPLAY_JOB_IN_BINARY ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 618](git.png)
Makes the player appear as their respective job in Binary Talk rather than being a 'Default Cyborg'.
TRAIT_DONT_WRITE_MEMORY ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 487](git.png)
For living mobs. It signals that the mob shouldn't have their data written in an external json for persistence.
TRAIT_DOUBLE_TAP ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 544](git.png)
When someone with this trait fires a ranged weapon, their fire delays and click cooldowns are halved
TRAIT_DO_NOT_SPLASH ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1088](git.png)
Stops someone from splashing their reagent_container on an object with this trait
TRAIT_DREAMING ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1079](git.png)
Trait given to a dreaming carbon when they are currently doing dreaming stuff
TRAIT_DRIED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 936](git.png)
Trait for dried items
TRAIT_DRINKS_BLOOD ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 183](git.png)
Carbons with this trait can eat blood to regenerate their own blood volume, instead of injecting it
TRAIT_DRUNKEN_BRAWLER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 624](git.png)
Trait that determines whether our mob gains more strength from drinking during a fist fight
TRAIT_DRYABLE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 934](git.png)
Trait for dryable items
TRAIT_EASYBLEED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 201](git.png)
Species with this trait have 50% extra chance of bleeding from piercing and slashing wounds
TRAIT_EASY_ATTACH ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1356](git.png)
This trait lets you attach limbs to any player without surgery.
TRAIT_ECHOLOCATION_EXTRA_RANGE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1004](git.png)
Echolocation has a higher range.
TRAIT_ECHOLOCATION_RECEIVER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1002](git.png)
Receives echolocation images.
TRAIT_ELDRITCH_PAINTING_EXAMINE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1289](git.png)
Trait determines if this mob has examined an eldritch painting
TRAIT_ELEVATED_TURF ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1100](git.png)
From /datum/element/elevation_core for purpose of checking if the turf has the trait from an instance of the element
TRAIT_ELITE_CHALLENGER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 485](git.png)
The user is currently challenging an elite mining mob. Prevents him from challenging another until he's either lost or won.
TRAIT_EMOTEMUTE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 51](git.png)
Emotemute. Can't... emote.
TRAIT_EXAMINE_DEEPER_FISH ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 245](git.png)
This trait lets you roughly know if the fish is dead, starving, drowning or sick by examining them
TRAIT_EXAMINE_FISH ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 243](git.png)
This trait lets you get the size and weight of the fish by examining them
TRAIT_EXAMINE_FISHING_SPOT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 237](git.png)
This trait gets you a list of fishes that can be caught when examining a fishing spot.
TRAIT_EXAMINE_FITNESS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 267](git.png)
This trait lets you evaluate someone's fitness level against your own
TRAIT_EXPANDED_FOV ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 32](git.png)
Expands our FOV by 30 degrees if restricted
TRAIT_EXPERT_FISHER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1347](git.png)
Traits given by settler, each with their own specific effects for cases where someone would have that trait, but not the other settler effects
TRAIT_FAKEDEATH ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 87](git.png)
Makes the owner appear as dead to most forms of medical examination
TRAIT_FAKE_SOULLESS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1017](git.png)
Mobs with this trait will show up as soulless if their brain is missing even if their ghost can reenter the corpse
TRAIT_FASTMED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 206](git.png)
reduces the use time of syringes, pills, patches and medigels but only when using on someone
TRAIT_FAST_CUFFING ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 609](git.png)
Makes the user handcuff others faster
TRAIT_FAST_TYING ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 603](git.png)
Halves the time of tying a tie.
TRAIT_FENCE_CLIMBER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 64](git.png)
Trait which lets you clamber over a barrier
TRAIT_FINGERPRINT_PASSTHROUGH ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1215](git.png)
Ignores body_parts_covered during the add_fingerprint() proc. Works both on the person and the item in the glove slot.
TRAIT_FIREDOOR_STOP ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 960](git.png)
Trait applied to turfs when an atmos holosign is placed on them. It will stop firedoors from closing.
TRAIT_FISHING_BAIT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 814](git.png)
If the item can be used as a bit.
TRAIT_FISHING_SPOT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 247](git.png)
Trait given to turfs or objects that can be fished from
TRAIT_FISH_EATER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 233](git.png)
This mob likes to eat fish. Raw, uncut fish.
TRAIT_FISH_ELECTROGENESIS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1052](git.png)
Fish will also occasionally fire weak tesla zaps
TRAIT_FISH_FED_LUBE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1046](git.png)
Trait needed for the lubefish evolution
TRAIT_FISH_FROM_CASE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1050](git.png)
It comes from a fish case. Relevant for bounties so far.
TRAIT_FISH_INK_ON_COOLDOWN ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1058](git.png)
This fish is currently on cooldown and cannot splash ink unto people's faces
TRAIT_FISH_MADE_OF_BONE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1064](git.png)
This fish is healed by milk and hurt by bone hurting juice
TRAIT_FISH_MUTAGENIC ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1073](git.png)
This fish has been fed mutagen or something. Evolutions will have more than twice the probability
TRAIT_FISH_ON_TESLIUM ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1069](git.png)
This fish has been fed teslium without the electrogenesis having trait. Gives the electrogenesis, but at halved output, and it hurts the fish over time.
TRAIT_FISH_QUICK_GROWTH ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1071](git.png)
This fish has been fed growth serum or something and will grow 5 times faster, up to 50% weight and size gain when fed.
TRAIT_FISH_RECESSIVE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1054](git.png)
Offsprings from this fish will never be of its same type (unless it's self-reproducing).
TRAIT_FISH_SHOULD_TWOHANDED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1060](git.png)
This fish requires two hands to carry even if smaller than FISH_SIZE_TWO_HANDS_REQUIRED, as long as it's bulky-sized.
TRAIT_FISH_STASIS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1035](git.png)
fish traits
TRAIT_FISH_STINGER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1056](git.png)
This fish comes equipped with a stinger (increased damage and potentially venomous if also toxic)
TRAIT_FISH_SURVIVE_COOKING ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1062](git.png)
This fish won't be killed when cooked.
TRAIT_FIST_MINING ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 69](git.png)
Allows you to mine with your bare hands
TRAIT_FIXED_MUTANT_COLORS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 159](git.png)
Species with this trait have mutant colors that cannot be chosen by the player, nor altered ingame by external means
TRAIT_FLESH_DESIRE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1292](git.png)
Trait used by the /datum/brain_trauma/severe/flesh_desire trauma to change their preferences of what they eat
TRAIT_FLOORED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 16](git.png)
Prevents voluntary standing or staying up on its own.
TRAIT_FLOPPING ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 763](git.png)
Mobs with trait will still waddle even when lying on the floor and make a different footstep sound when doing so.
TRAIT_FOOD_BBQ_GRILLED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 790](git.png)
If this item's been bbq grilled
TRAIT_FOOD_CHEF_MADE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 794](git.png)
If this item's been made by a chef instead of being map-spawned or admin-spawned or such
TRAIT_FOOD_FRIED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 788](git.png)
If this item's been fried
TRAIT_FOOD_SILVER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 792](git.png)
This is a silver slime created item
Mobs with this trait can't send the mining shuttle console when used outside the station itself
TRAIT_FORCED_GRAVITY ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 340](git.png)
We have some form of forced gravity acting on us
TRAIT_FORCED_STANDING ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 18](git.png)
Forces user to stay standing
TRAIT_FOV_APPLIED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 507](git.png)
Mob has fov applied to it
TRAIT_FREE_FLOAT_MOVEMENT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 497](git.png)
When people are floating from zero-grav or something, we can move around freely!
TRAIT_FREE_HYPERSPACE_MOVEMENT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 410](git.png)
Gives the movable free hyperspace movement without being pulled during shuttle transit
Lets the movable move freely in the soft-cordon area of transit space, which would otherwise teleport them away just before they got to see the true cordon
TRAIT_FROZEN ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1218](git.png)
this object has been frozen
TRAIT_FUGU_GLANDED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 538](git.png)
Trait used by fugu glands to avoid double buffing
TRAIT_GAMER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 931](git.png)
Trait for the gamer quirk.
TRAIT_GAMERGOD ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 420](git.png)
Gets double arcade prizes
TRAIT_GARLIC_BREATH ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 469](git.png)
Used to activate french kissing
TRAIT_GERM_SENSITIVE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1244](git.png)
Trait given by /datum/component/germ_sensitive
TRAIT_GHOSTROLE_ON_REVIVE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1408](git.png)
Gives a little examine to their body that they can be revived with a soul
TRAIT_GLUTTON ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 55](git.png)
Always hungry. They can eat as much as they want without eating slowdown.
TRAIT_GODMODE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 30](git.png)
Makes the mob immune to damage and several other ailments.
TRAIT_GOOD_HEARING ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 342](git.png)
Makes whispers clearly heard from seven tiles away, the full hearing range
TRAIT_GOT_DAMPENED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1411](git.png)
Trait given to atoms currently affected by projectile dampeners
TRAIT_GREENTEXT_CURSED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 36](git.png)
Recolored by item/greentext
TRAIT_GUN_NATURAL ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 80](git.png)
Makes it so the mob can use guns regardless of tool user status
TRAIT_HALLUCINATION_IMMUNE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 403](git.png)
mob is immune to hallucinations
TRAIT_HALT_RADIATION_EFFECTS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1189](git.png)
Harmful radiation effects, the toxin damage and the burns, will not occur while this trait is active
TRAIT_HANDS_BLOCKED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 20](git.png)
Prevents usage of manipulation appendages (picking, holding or using items, manipulating storage).
TRAIT_HAS_BEEN_KIDNAPPED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 864](git.png)
Prevents the same person from being chosen multiple times for kidnapping objective
TRAIT_HAS_CRANIAL_FISSURE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1161](git.png)
Trait given if the mob has a cranial fissure.
TRAIT_HAS_LABEL ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1233](git.png)
the object has a label applied
TRAIT_HATED_BY_DOGS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 569](git.png)
If applied to a mob, nearby dogs will have a small chance to nonharmfully harass said mob
TRAIT_HAUNTED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 870](git.png)
determines whether or not objects are haunted and teleport/attack randomly
TRAIT_HEAD_ATMOS_SEALED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 146](git.png)
Prevents plasmamen from self-igniting if only their helmet is missing
TRAIT_HEAD_INJURY_BLOCKED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 227](git.png)
Prevents some severe head injuries being sustained from heavy collisions or blunt force injuries.
TRAIT_HEALS_FROM_CARP_RIFTS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1206](git.png)
This mob heals from carp rifts.
TRAIT_HEALS_FROM_CULT_PYLONS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1209](git.png)
This mob heals from cult pylons.
TRAIT_HEARING_SENSITIVE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 751](git.png)
every hearing sensitive atom has this trait
TRAIT_HEAR_THROUGH_DARKNESS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 313](git.png)
Ignores darkness for hearing
TRAIT_HIDE_EXTERNAL_ORGANS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 495](git.png)
Don't draw external organs/species features like wings, horns, frills and stuff
TRAIT_HIGH_VALUE_RANSOM ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 606](git.png)
Sells for more money on the pirate bounty pad.
TRAIT_HOLY ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 208](git.png)
The mob is holy and resistance to cult magic
TRAIT_HONKSPAMMING ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 759](git.png)
Used by the honkspam element to avoid spamming the sound. Amusing considering its name.
TRAIT_HOPELESSLY_ADDICTED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 471](git.png)
Addictions don't tick down, basically they're permanently addicted
TRAIT_HOT_SPRING_CURSED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 547](git.png)
Trait applied to /datum/mind to stop someone from using the cursed hot springs to polymorph more than once.
TRAIT_HULK ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1113](git.png)
This guy is a hulk! (Bulky and green, lacks tact)
TRAIT_HYPERSPACED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 408](git.png)
Sanity trait to keep track of when we're in hyperspace and add the appropriate element if we weren't
TRAIT_HYPERSPACE_STOPPED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 731](git.png)
The effects of hyperspace drift are blocked when the tile has this trait
TRAIT_HYPOTHERMIC ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 120](git.png)
Trait for when you can no longer gain body heat
TRAIT_ID_APPRAISER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 324](git.png)
Can examine IDs to see if they are roundstart.
TRAIT_IGNORED_BY_LIVING_FLESH ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1260](git.png)
Trait given to limb by /mob/living/basic/living_limb_flesh
TRAIT_IGNORE_ELEVATION ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 588](git.png)
Does the mob ignore elevation? (e.g. xeno larvas on hiding)
TRAIT_IGNORE_FIRE_PROTECTION ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 296](git.png)
Owner will ignore any fire protection when calculating fire damage
TRAIT_IGNORING_GRAVITY ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 338](git.png)
We are ignoring gravity
TRAIT_ILLITERATE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 43](git.png)
Blacklist for mobs that can't read or write
TRAIT_ILLUSORY_EFFECT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1406](git.png)
A "fake" effect that should not be subject to normal effect removal methods (like the effect remover component)
TRAIT_IMMERSED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1098](git.png)
If this movable is currently treading in a turf with the immerse element.
TRAIT_IMMERSE_STOPPED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 729](git.png)
The effects of the immerse element will be halted while this trait is present.
TRAIT_IMMOBILIZED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 14](git.png)
Prevents voluntary movement.
TRAIT_IMMUNE_TO_CRANIAL_FISSURE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1159](git.png)
This limb can't be torn open anymore
TRAIT_INNATELY_FANTASTICAL_ITEM ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 218](git.png)
This object innately spawns with fantasy variables already applied (the magical component is given to it on initialize), and thus we never want to give it the component again.
Trait which allows mobs to instantly break down boulders.
TRAIT_INVISIBLE_MAN ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 493](git.png)
This mobs bodyparts are invisible but still clickable.
TRAIT_INVISIMIN ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1304](git.png)
Trait given when a mob is currently in invisimin mode
TRAIT_IN_CALL ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 583](git.png)
Whether or not the user is in a MODlink call, prevents making more calls
TRAIT_IRRADIATED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1183](git.png)
Marks that this object is irradiated
TRAIT_IS_AQUARIUM ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 836](git.png)
This location has the aquarium component. Not much different than a GetComponent() disguised as an 'is_x' macro, but I don't have to hide anything here. I just don't want a confusing 'is_aquarium(A)' macro which people think it's interchangable with an 'istype(A, /obj/structure/aquarium)' when it's the component what truly matters.
TRAIT_IS_WET ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 261](git.png)
Tells us that the mob urrently has the fire_handler/wet_stacks status effect
TRAIT_ITEM_OBJECTIVE_BLOCKED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1354](git.png)
This item cannot be selected for or used by a theft objective (Spies, Traitors, etc.)
TRAIT_IWASBATONED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 101](git.png)
Anti Dual-baton cooldown bypass exploit.
TRAIT_JOB_FIRST_ID_CARD ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1164](git.png)
Denotes that this id card was given via the job outfit, aka the first ID this player got.
TRAIT_KEEP_TOGETHER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 768](git.png)
Used for managing KEEP_TOGETHER in [/atom/var/appearance_flags]
TRAIT_KISS_OF_DEATH ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 465](git.png)
Blowing kisses actually does damage to the victim
TRAIT_KNOCKEDOUT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 12](git.png)
Forces the user to stay unconscious.
TRAIT_LAVA_IMMUNE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 697](git.png)
Weather immunities, also protect mobs inside them.
TRAIT_LAVA_STOPPED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 723](git.png)
Lava will be safe to cross while it has this trait.
TRAIT_LIGHTING_DEBUGGED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 923](git.png)
This object has light debugging tools attached to it
TRAIT_LITERATE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 41](git.png)
Whitelist for mobs that can read or write
TRAIT_LIVERLESS_METABOLISM ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 173](git.png)
This just means that the carbon will always have functional liverless metabolism
TRAIT_LIVING_HEART ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 862](git.png)
Designates a heart as a living heart for a heretic.
TRAIT_MAFIAINITIATE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 612](git.png)
Given by /obj/item/virgin_mary, mobs that used this can no longer use it again ever
TRAIT_MAGICALLY_GIFTED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 216](git.png)
The user can do things like use magic staffs without penalty
TRAIT_MAGICALLY_PHASED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 663](git.png)
This mob is phased out of reality from magic, either a jaunt or rod form
TRAIT_MAGNETIC_ID_CARD ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1166](git.png)
ID cards with this trait will attempt to forcibly occupy the front-facing ID card slot in wallets.
TRAIT_MANSUS_TOUCHED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1324](git.png)
Trait given to anything linked to, not necessarily allied to, the mansus
TRAIT_MARKET_CRASHING ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 779](git.png)
SSeconomy trait, if the market is crashing and people can't withdraw credits from ID cards.
TRAIT_MARTIAL_ARTS_IMMUNE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 443](git.png)
nobody can use martial arts on this mob
TRAIT_MECHA_CREATED_NORMALLY ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1029](git.png)
A trait for mechs that were created through the normal construction process, and not spawned by map or other effects.
TRAIT_MEDIBOTCOMINGTHROUGH ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 383](git.png)
Is a medbot healing you
TRAIT_MESON_VISION ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 330](git.png)
Gives us turf vision through walls and slight night vision
TRAIT_MESSAGE_IN_A_BOTTLE_LOCATION ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 253](git.png)
If an atom has this trait, then you can toss a bottle with a message in it.
TRAIT_MIMING ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 660](git.png)
The mob has an active mime vow of silence, and thus is unable to speak and has other mime things going on
TRAIT_MINDSHIELD ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 302](git.png)
Makes someone show up as mindshielded on sechuds. Does NOT actually make them unconvertable - See TRAIT_UNCONVERTABLE for that
TRAIT_MIND_READER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 615](git.png)
Our mob has the mind reading genetic mutation.
TRAIT_MIND_TEMPORARILY_GONE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1014](git.png)
Trait given to a mob with a ckey currently in a temporary body, allowing people to know someone will re-enter the round later.
TRAIT_MINING_PARRYING ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1374](git.png)
Trait which allows mobs to parry mining mob projectiles
TRAIT_MINOR_NIGHT_VISION ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 334](git.png)
Gives us minor night vision
TRAIT_MOB_BREEDER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1277](git.png)
trait determines if this mob can breed given by /datum/component/breeding
TRAIT_MOB_CAN_DIG ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1385](git.png)
Trait given to mobs that can dig
TRAIT_MOB_EATER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1313](git.png)
Trait given to mobs that have the basic eating element
TRAIT_MOB_HATCHED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1279](git.png)
trait given to mobs that are hatched
TRAIT_MOB_HIDE_HAPPINESS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1275](git.png)
this trait hides most visible fluff and interactions of happiness, likely temporarily.
TRAIT_MOB_MERGE_STACKS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1377](git.png)
Mob that can merge stacks in its contents
TRAIT_MOB_TIPPED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1307](git.png)
Trait given when a mob has been tipped
TRAIT_MODPC_HALVED_DOWNLOAD_SPEED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 979](git.png)
The download speeds of programs from the dowloader is halved.
Dictates whether a user (source) is interacting with the frame of a stationary modular computer or the pc inside it. Needed for circuits I guess.
TRAIT_MOPABLE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1416](git.png)
Apply to movables to say "hey, this movable is technically flat on the floor, so it'd be mopped up by a mop"
TRAIT_MORBID ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 580](git.png)
Mobs with this trait do care about a few grisly things, such as digging up graves. They also really do not like bringing people back to life or tending wounds, but love autopsies and amputations.
TRAIT_MOVE_GROUND ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 684](git.png)
Movement type traits for movables. See elements/
TRAIT_MULTIZ_SUIT_SENSORS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1212](git.png)
Ignore Crew monitor Z levels
TRAIT_MUTANT_COLORS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 157](git.png)
Species with this trait use mutant colors for coloration
TRAIT_MUTE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 45](git.png)
Mute. Can't talk.
TRAIT_NEARSIGHTED_CORRECTED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 373](git.png)
Prevents the overlay from nearsighted
TRAIT_NEEDS_TWO_HANDS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 798](git.png)
The items needs two hands to be carried
TRAIT_NEGATES_GRAVITY ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 336](git.png)
Negates our gravity, letting us move normally on floors in 0-g
TRAIT_NICE_SHOT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 428](git.png)
hnnnnnnnggggg..... you're pretty good....
TRAIT_NOBLOOD ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 171](git.png)
This carbon doesn't bleed
TRAIT_NOBREATH ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 187](git.png)
Mob is immune to oxygen damage, does not need to breathe
TRAIT_NOCRITOVERLAY ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 204](git.png)
Doesn't get overlays from being in critical.
TRAIT_NOFAT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 524](git.png)
Trait which prevents you from becoming overweight
TRAIT_NOFEAR_HOLDUPS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 571](git.png)
Mobs with this trait will not be immobilized when held up
TRAIT_NOFLASH ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 388](git.png)
Makes you immune to flashes
TRAIT_NOGRAV_ALWAYS_DRIFT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1365](git.png)
Trait that prevents mobs from stopping by grabbing objects
TRAIT_NOHUNGER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 169](git.png)
This carbon doesn't get hungry
TRAIT_NOT_BARFABLE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1032](git.png)
Stops a movable from being removed from the mob it's in by the content_barfer component.
TRAIT_NOT_ENGRAVABLE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 550](git.png)
If something has been engraved/cannot be engraved
TRAIT_NO_AUGMENTS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 167](git.png)
Humans with this trait cannot get augmentation surgery
TRAIT_NO_BARCODES ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 858](git.png)
Disallows this item from being pricetagged with a barcode
TRAIT_NO_BLOOD_OVERLAY ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 161](git.png)
Humans with this trait won't get bloody hands, nor bloody feet
TRAIT_NO_DAMAGE_OVERLAY ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 513](git.png)
Mob does not get a damage overlay from brute/burn
TRAIT_NO_DEBRAIN_OVERLAY ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 165](git.png)
This carbon doesn't show an overlay when they have no brain
TRAIT_NO_DNA_COPY ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 179](git.png)
Carbons with this trait can't have their DNA copied by diseases nor changelings
TRAIT_NO_DNA_SCRAMBLE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 181](git.png)
Carbons with this trait can't have their DNA scrambled by genetics or a disease retrovirus.
TRAIT_NO_EXTINGUISH ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 434](git.png)
Mobs that have this trait cannot be extinguished
TRAIT_NO_EYELIDS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1425](git.png)
Mob doesn't get closed eyelids overlay when it gets knocked out cold or dies
TRAIT_NO_FLOATING_ANIM ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 691](git.png)
Disables the floating animation. See above.
TRAIT_NO_GLIDE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 290](git.png)
Unlinks gliding from movement speed, meaning that there will be a delay between movements rather than a single move movement between tiles
TRAIT_NO_GUN_AKIMBO ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 575](git.png)
Mobs with this trait won't be able to dual wield guns.
TRAIT_NO_IMMOBILIZE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 854](git.png)
Buckling yourself to objects with this trait won't immobilize you
TRAIT_NO_JUMPSUIT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 392](git.png)
Allows the species to equip items that normally require a jumpsuit without having one equipped. Used by golems.
TRAIT_NO_MANIFEST_CONTENTS_ERROR ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 776](git.png)
If the crate is immune to the wrong content in manifest error
TRAIT_NO_MINDSWAP ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1281](git.png)
Trait given to mobs that we do not want to mindswap
TRAIT_NO_MIRROR_REFLECTION ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1096](git.png)
If the movable shouldn't be reflected by mirrors.
TRAIT_NO_MISSING_ITEM_ERROR ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 774](git.png)
If the crate's contents are immune to the missing item manifest error
TRAIT_NO_PLASMA_TRANSFORM ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 694](git.png)
Cannot be turned into a funny skeleton by the plasma river
TRAIT_NO_SIDE_KICK ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 105](git.png)
can't be kicked to the side
TRAIT_NO_SLIP_ALL ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 287](git.png)
Stops all slipping and sliding from occurring
TRAIT_NO_SLIP_ICE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 282](git.png)
Stops the mob from slipping on permafrost ice (not any other ice) (but anything with SLIDE_ICE set)
TRAIT_NO_SLIP_SLIDE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 285](git.png)
Stop the mob from sliding around from being slipped, but not the slip part. DOES NOT include ice slips.
TRAIT_NO_SLIP_WATER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 280](git.png)
Stops the mob from slipping on water, or banana peels, or pretty much anything that doesn't have GALOSHES_DONT_HELP set
TRAIT_NO_SOUL ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 449](git.png)
This mob has no soul
TRAIT_NO_STAGGER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 229](git.png)
Prevents staggering.
TRAIT_NO_STORAGE_INSERT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 784](git.png)
cannot be inserted in a storage.
TRAIT_NO_STRIP ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 856](git.png)
Prevents stripping this equipment
TRAIT_NO_TELEPORT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 532](git.png)
will not allow this atom to teleport
TRAIT_NO_TERRAFORM ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1362](git.png)
Trait given to a turf that should not be allowed to be terraformed, such as turfs holding ore vents.
TRAIT_NO_THROWING ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1371](git.png)
Given to a mob that can throw to make them not able to throw
TRAIT_NO_THROW_HITPUSH ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 231](git.png)
Getting hit by thrown movables won't push you away
TRAIT_NO_TRANSFORM ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 91](git.png)
"Magic" trait that blocks the mob from moving or interacting with anything. Used for transient stuff like mob transformations or incorporality in special cases.
Will block movement, Life()
(!!!), and other stuff based on the mob.
TRAIT_NO_TWOHANDING ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 591](git.png)
Prevents you from twohanding weapons.
TRAIT_NO_UNDERWEAR ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 163](git.png)
Humans with this trait cannot have underwear
TRAIT_NO_ZOMBIFY ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 177](git.png)
Humans with this trait cannot be turned into zombies
TRAIT_NUKEIMMUNE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 133](git.png)
This mob won't get gibbed by nukes going off
Trait for allowing an item that isn't food into the customizable reagent holder
TRAIT_OFF_BALANCE_TACKLER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 225](git.png)
Applies tackling defense bonus to any mob that has it
TRAIT_OMNI_BAIT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 822](git.png)
Baits with this trait will ignore bait preferences and related fish traits.
TRAIT_ON_ELEVATED_SURFACE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 586](git.png)
Is the mob standing on an elevated surface? This prevents them from dropping down if not elevated first.
TRAIT_ON_HIT_EFFECT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 765](git.png)
Required by the on_hit_effect element, which is in turn added by other elements.
TRAIT_ORBITING_FORBIDDEN ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 553](git.png)
Whether or not orbiting is blocked or not
TRAIT_OREBOX_FUNCTIONAL ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1026](git.png)
Trait given to mechs that can have orebox functionality on movement
TRAIT_OVERDOSEIMMUNE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 175](git.png)
This carbon can't be overdosed by chems
TRAIT_OVERWATCHED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 706](git.png)
Currently under the effect of overwatch
TRAIT_OVERWATCH_IMMUNE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 708](git.png)
Cannot be targeted by watcher overwatch
TRAIT_PAPER_MASTER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 439](git.png)
Trait given to mobs to indicate that they can catch papers thrown at them midair without trying, and make syndicate airplanes when folding paper up.
TRAIT_PARALYSIS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 712](git.png)
Used for limb-based paralysis, where replacing the limb will fix it.
TRAIT_PARALYSIS_L_ARM ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 315](git.png)
These are used for brain-based paralysis, where replacing the limb won't fix it
TRAIT_PARROT_PERCHED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 95](git.png)
This parrot is currently perched
TRAIT_PASSWINDOW ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 386](git.png)
Lets you fly through windows
TRAIT_PDA_CAN_EXPLODE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 977](git.png)
This one denotes a PDA has received a rigged message and will explode when the user tries to reply to a rigged PDA message
TRAIT_PDA_MESSAGE_MENU_RIGGED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 975](git.png)
PDA/ModPC Traits. This one makes PDAs explode if the user opens the messages menu
TRAIT_PERCEIVED_AS_CLOWN ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1338](git.png)
Trait given to mobs wearing the clown mask
TRAIT_PERCEPTUAL_TRAUMA_BYPASS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 401](git.png)
ignore traumas that make you 'hallucinate' something
TRAIT_PERFECT_ATTACKER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 34](git.png)
Doesn't miss attacks
TRAIT_PERMANENTLY_MORTAL ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1011](git.png)
Trait given to a living mob to prevent wizards from making it immortal
TRAIT_PLANT_SAFE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 371](git.png)
We can handle 'dangerous' plants in botany safely
TRAIT_PLANT_WILDMUTATE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 846](git.png)
Plants that were mutated as a result of passive instability, not a mutation threshold.
TRAIT_PLASMA_LOVER_METABOLISM ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 191](git.png)
Use when you want a mob to be able to metabolize plasma temporarily (e.g. plasma fixation disease symptom)
TRAIT_POISONOUS_BAIT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 816](git.png)
This bait will kill any fish that doesn't have it on its favorite_bait list
TRAIT_PRESERVE_UI_WITHOUT_CLIENT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 479](git.png)
This mob should never close UI even if it doesn't have a client
TRAIT_PREVENT_BLINKING ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1419](git.png)
Humans with this trait do not blink
TRAIT_PREVENT_BLINK_LOOPS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1422](git.png)
Prevents animations for blinking from looping
If the mob has this trait and die, their bomb implant doesn't detonate automatically. It must be consciously activated.
TRAIT_PROFOUND_FISHER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 251](git.png)
Trait given to mobs that can fish without a rod
TRAIT_PULL_BLOCKED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 24](git.png)
Inability to pull things. Turned into a trait from MOBILITY_PULL to be able to track sources.
TRAIT_QUALITY_FOOD_INGREDIENT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 796](git.png)
This atom has a quality_food_ingredient element attached
TRAIT_QUICKER_CARRY ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 368](git.png)
We place people into a fireman carry especially quickly compared to quick_carry
TRAIT_QUICK_CARRY ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 366](git.png)
We place people into a fireman carry quicker than standard
This clothing protects the user from radiation. This should not be used on clothing_traits, but should be applied to the clothing itself.
TRAIT_RADIMMUNE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1186](git.png)
Immune to being irradiated
TRAIT_RDS_SUPPRESSED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 432](git.png)
Prevents hallucinations from the hallucination brain trauma (RDS)
TRAIT_REAGENT_SCANNER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 350](git.png)
Lets us scan reagents
TRAIT_RECENTLY_BLOCKED_MAGIC ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 214](git.png)
This mob recently blocked magic with some form of antimagic
TRAIT_RECENTLY_COINED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 999](git.png)
This target has recently been shot by a marksman coin and is very briefly immune to being hit by one again to prevent recursion
TRAIT_REGEN_SHIELD ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1301](git.png)
Trait given by the regenerative shield component
TRAIT_RELAYING_ATTACKER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1257](git.png)
Trait given by /datum/element/relay_attacker
TRAIT_REMOTE_TASTING ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 277](git.png)
Added to a mob, allows that mob to experience flavour-based moodlets when examining food
TRAIT_RESEARCH_SCANNER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 352](git.png)
Lets us scan machine parts and tech unlocks
TRAIT_RESISTHEATHANDS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 126](git.png)
For when you want to be able to touch hot things, but still want fire to be an issue.
TRAIT_RESTRAINED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 26](git.png)
Abstract condition that prevents movement if being pulled and might be resisted against. Handcuffs and straight jackets, basically.
TRAIT_REVEAL_FISH ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 235](git.png)
Added to mob or mind, changes the icons of the fish shown in the minigame UI depending on the possible reward.
TRAIT_REVENANT_INHIBITED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 521](git.png)
Trait added when a revenant has been inhibited (typically by the bane of a holy weapon)
TRAIT_REVENANT_REVEALED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 519](git.png)
Trait added when a revenant is visible.
TRAIT_RIFT_FAILURE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1272](git.png)
Trait given to a dragon who fails to defend their rifts
TRAIT_RIGHT_EYE_SCAR ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 515](git.png)
Mob has a scar on their left/right eye
TRAIT_ROCK_EATER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 527](git.png)
Trait which allows you to eat rocks
TRAIT_ROCK_METAMORPHIC ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 529](git.png)
Trait which allows you to gain bonuses from consuming rocks
TRAIT_ROCK_STONER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1298](git.png)
Trait granted by the miner skillchip, allows communication with minebots
TRAIT_ROD_ATTRACT_SHINY_LOVERS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 806](git.png)
This rod attracts fish with the shiny lover fish trait
TRAIT_ROD_IGNORE_ENVIRONMENT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 804](git.png)
This rod ignores environmental conditions for fishing (like low light for nocturnal fish)
TRAIT_ROD_LAVA_USABLE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 808](git.png)
This rod can be used to fish on lava
TRAIT_ROD_MANSUS_INFUSED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 810](git.png)
This rod was infused by a heretic, making it awesome and improving influence gain
TRAIT_ROD_REMOVE_FISHING_DUD ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 802](git.png)
You won't catch duds while fishing with this rod.
TRAIT_RUNECHAT_HIDDEN ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1230](git.png)
Is runechat for this atom/movable currently disabled, regardless of prefs or anything?
TRAIT_RUSTY ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1086](git.png)
generic atom traits Trait from /datum/element/rust. Its rusty and should be applying a special overlay to denote this.
TRAIT_SCARY_FISHERMAN ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 239](git.png)
lobstrosities and carps will prioritize/flee from those that have this trait (given by the skill-locked hat)
TRAIT_SECLUDED_LOCATION ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 535](git.png)
This atom is a secluded location, which is counted as out of bounds. Anything that enters this atom's contents should react if it wants to stay in bounds.
TRAIT_SEE_WORN_COLOURS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1178](git.png)
Used by wearable_client_colour to determine whether the mob wants to have the colours of the screen affected by worn items (some still do regardless).
TRAIT_SHIFTY_EYES ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 928](git.png)
Gives you the Shifty Eyes quirk, rarely making people who examine you think you examined them back even when you didn't
TRAIT_SHOCKIMMUNE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 107](git.png)
Are we immune to shocks?
TRAIT_SIGHT_BYPASS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 399](git.png)
eignore blindness or blurriness or nearsightedness
TRAIT_SIGN_LANG ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 436](git.png)
Indicates if the mob is currently speaking with sign language
TRAIT_SILENT_FOOTSTEPS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 426](git.png)
makes your footsteps completely silent
TRAIT_SILENT_REACTIONS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1382](git.png)
Trait which silences all chemical reactions in its container
TRAIT_SILICON_ACCESS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1172](git.png)
The entity has Silicon 'access', so is either a silicon, has an access wand, or is an admin ghost AI.
This is put on the mob, it is used on the client for Admins but they are the exception as they use isAdminGhostAI
TRAIT_SILICON_EMOTES_ALLOWED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 271](git.png)
Mobs with this trait are allowed to use silicon emotes
TRAIT_SIXTHSENSE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 310](git.png)
Can hear observers
TRAIT_SLIPPERY_WHEN_WET ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 265](git.png)
Mobs with this trait will be immune to slipping while also being slippery themselves when lying on the floor
TRAIT_SNEAK ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 557](git.png)
Whether we're sneaking, from the creature sneak ability.
TRAIT_SOFTSPOKEN ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 47](git.png)
Softspoken. Always whisper.
TRAIT_SOUND_DEBUGGED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 925](git.png)
This object has sound debugging tools attached to it
TRAIT_SPACEBREATHING ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 647](git.png)
Lungs always breathe normally when in vacuum/space.
TRAIT_SPARRING ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 483](git.png)
The user is sparring
TRAIT_SPEAKS_CLEARLY ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1239](git.png)
without a human having this trait, they speak as if they have no tongue.
TRAIT_SPECIAL_TRAUMA_BOOST ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 405](git.png)
Increases chance of getting special traumas, makes them harder to cure
TRAIT_SPEECH_BOOSTER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1368](git.png)
Mobs with these trait do not get italicized/quiet speech when speaking in low pressure
TRAIT_SPEED_POTIONED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 718](git.png)
This object has been slathered with a speed potion
TRAIT_SPELLS_LOTTERY ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1335](git.png)
Appiled when wizard buy (/datum/spellbook_entry/perks/spalls_lottery) perk. Give 50/25% chance not spend a spellbook charge on 1/2 cost spell. Appiled it wizard can't refund any spells.
TRAIT_SPELLS_TRANSFER_TO_LOC ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1254](git.png)
Needs above trait to work. This trait makes it so that any cast spells will attempt to transfer to the location's location. For example, a heretic inside the haunted blade's spells would emanate from the mob wielding the sword.
TRAIT_SPIDER_CONSUMED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 555](git.png)
Trait applied to mob/living to mark that spiders should not gain further enriched eggs from eating their corpse.
TRAIT_SPINNING ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1156](git.png)
This atom is currently spinning.
TRAIT_SPINNING_WEB_TURF ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 358](git.png)
A web is being spun on this turf presently
TRAIT_SPLATTERCASTER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1119](git.png)
Has splattercasting
TRAIT_SPRAY_PAINTABLE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 489](git.png)
This mob can be painted with the spraycan
TRAIT_STASIS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 85](git.png)
The mob has the stasis effect. Does nothing on its own, applied via status effect.
TRAIT_STICKERED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 919](git.png)
if the atom has a sticker attached to it
TRAIT_STIMMED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 597](git.png)
Increases the duration of having exercised
TRAIT_STIMULATED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 461](git.png)
From stimulant reagents, this affects whether the all-nighter lack of sleep penalty should be countered
TRAIT_STOP_FISH_FLOPPING ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 844](git.png)
For locations that prevent fish flopping animation, namely aquariums
A location (likely aquarium) that doesn't allow fish to growth and reproduce
TRAIT_STRENGTH ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 594](git.png)
Improves boxing damage against boxers and athletics experience gain
TRAIT_STUNIMMUNE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 98](git.png)
This mob is immune to stun causing status effects and stamcrit. Prefer to use /mob/living/proc/check_stun_immunity over checking for this trait exactly.
TRAIT_STUN_ON_NEXT_SHOVE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 621](git.png)
Trait that determines vulnerability to being stunned from a shove
TRAIT_SUCCUMB_OVERRIDE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 308](git.png)
Lets the user succumb even if they got NODEATH
TRAIT_SUICIDED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1008](git.png)
Trait given to a living mob and any observer mobs that stem from them if they suicide. For clarity, this trait should always be associated/tied to a reference to the mob that suicided- not anything else.
TRAIT_SYNDIE_KISS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 467](git.png)
Syndie kisses can apply burn damage
TRAIT_TACKLING_FRAIL_ATTACKER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1224](git.png)
Makes a character be frail and more likely to roll bad results if they hit a wall
TRAIT_TACKLING_TAILED_DEFENDER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1227](git.png)
Makes a character be better/worse at defending against tackling depending on their tail's status
TRAIT_TACKLING_WINGED_ATTACKER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1221](git.png)
Makes a character be better/worse at tackling depending on their wing's status
TRAIT_TACTICALLY_CAMOUFLAGED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 418](git.png)
This means the user is currently holding/wearing a "tactical camouflage" item (like a potted plant).
TRAIT_TASTEFULLY_THICK_ID_CARD ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1168](git.png)
ID cards with this trait have special appraisal text.
TRAIT_TELEKINESIS_CONTROLLED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1108](git.png)
This item is currently under the control of telekinesis
TRAIT_TEMPORARY_BODY ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1020](git.png)
Similar trait given to temporary bodies inhabited by players
TRAIT_TENACIOUS ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 987](git.png)
trait denoting someone will crawl faster in soft crit
TRAIT_TENTACLE_IMMUNE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 704](git.png)
Cannot be grabbed by goliath tentacles
TRAIT_TESLA_SHOCKIMMUNE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 109](git.png)
Are we immune to specifically tesla / SM shocks?
TRAIT_TETHER_ATTACHED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1388](git.png)
This atom has a tether attached to it
TRAIT_TETRODOTOXIN_HEALING ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 193](git.png)
The mob is not harmed by tetrodotoxin. Instead, it heals them like omnizine
TRAIT_THERMAL_VISION ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 328](git.png)
Gives us mob vision through walls and slight night vision
TRAIT_THINKING_IN_CHARACTER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1236](git.png)
Trait given to a mob that is currently thinking (giving off the "thinking" icon), used in an IC context
TRAIT_TIME_STOP_IMMUNE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 445](git.png)
Immune to being afflicted by time stop (spell)
TRAIT_TOO_TALL ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 424](git.png)
Makes you way too tall. Like just too much, dude, it's kind of creepy. Humanoid only.
TRAIT_TOSS_GUN_HARD ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 149](git.png)
Can toss a guns like a badass, causing additional damage/effect to their enemies
TRAIT_TOWER_OF_BABEL ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 996](git.png)
this is used to bypass tongue language restrictions but not tongue disabilities
TRAIT_TOXIMMUNE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 185](git.png)
Mob is immune to toxin damage
TRAIT_TRANSFORM_ACTIVE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 852](git.png)
A transforming item that is actively extended / transformed
TRAIT_TRUE_NIGHT_VISION ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 332](git.png)
Gives us Night vision
TRAIT_TUMOR_SUPPRESSED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 430](git.png)
prevents the damage done by a brain tumor
TRAIT_TURF_IGNORE_SLIPPERY ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 736](git.png)
Mobs won't slip on a wet turf while it has this trait
TRAIT_TURF_IGNORE_SLOWDOWN ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 734](git.png)
Turf slowdown will be ignored when this trait is added to a turf.
TRAIT_T_RAY_VISIBLE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 786](git.png)
Visible on t-ray scanners if the atom/var/level == 1
TRAIT_UI_BLOCKED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 22](git.png)
Inability to access UI hud elements. Turned into a trait from MOBILITY_UI to be able to track sources.
TRAIT_UNBREAKABLE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 990](git.png)
trait denoting someone will sometimes recover out of crit
TRAIT_UNCATCHABLE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 800](git.png)
Can't be catched when thrown
TRAIT_UNCOMPOSTABLE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 874](git.png)
For edible items that cannot be composted inside hydro trays
TRAIT_UNCONVERTABLE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 304](git.png)
Makes it impossible for someone to be converted by cult/revs/etc.
TRAIT_UNDENSE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 28](git.png)
Apply this to make a mob not dense, and remove it when you want it to no longer make them undense, other sources of undesity will still apply. Always define a unique source when adding a new instance of this!
TRAIT_UNDERFLOOR ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1094](git.png)
Trait from being under the floor in some manner
TRAIT_UNHITTABLE_BY_PROJECTILES ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 577](git.png)
Mobs with this trait cannot be hit by projectiles, meaning the projectiles will just go through.
TRAIT_UNHUSKABLE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 137](git.png)
Won't become a husk under any circumstances
TRAIT_UNIQUE_AQUARIUM_CONTENT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 255](git.png)
Stops other objects of the same type from being inserted inside the same aquarium it's in.
TRAIT_UNIQUE_IMMERSE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1105](git.png)
With this, the immerse overlay will give the atom its own submersion visual overlay instead of one that's also shared with other movables, thus making editing its appearance possible.
TRAIT_UNKNOWN ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 563](git.png)
The person with this trait always appears as 'unknown'.
TRAIT_UNLINKABLE_FISHING_SPOT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 249](git.png)
This trait prevents the fishing spot from being linked to the fish-porter when a multitool is being used.
TRAIT_UNNATURAL_RED_GLOWY_EYES ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 475](git.png)
Their eyes glow an unnatural red colour. Currently used to set special examine text on humans. Does not guarantee the mob's eyes are coloured red, nor that there is any visible glow on their character sprite.
TRAIT_UNOBSERVANT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 946](git.png)
This mob doesn't count as looking at you if you can only act while unobserved
TRAIT_USED_DNA_VAULT ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 124](git.png)
For when you've gotten a power from a dna vault
TRAIT_USED_ORGAN ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1263](git.png)
Trait given to organs that have been inside a living being previously
TRAIT_USER_SCOPED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 509](git.png)
Mob is using the scope component
TRAIT_USES_SKINTONES ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 155](git.png)
Species with this trait use skin tones for coloration
TRAIT_VALID_DNA_INFUSION ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 122](git.png)
This non-living object is valid to be used in dna infusers
TRAIT_VIRUSIMMUNE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 135](git.png)
Can't be given viruses
TRAIT_VIRUS_RESISTANCE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 139](git.png)
Reduces the chance viruses will spread to this mob, and if the mob has a virus, slows its advancement
TRAIT_WADDLING ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 761](git.png)
Required by the waddling element since there are multiple sources of it.
TRAIT_WALLMOUNTED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1023](git.png)
Trait given to objects with the wallmounted component
TRAIT_WAS_EVOLVED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1201](git.png)
Simple trait that just holds if we came into growth from a specific mob type. Should hold a REF(src) to the type of mob that caused the growth, not anything else.
TRAIT_WAS_RENAMED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 541](git.png)
Trait that tracks if something has been renamed. Typically holds a REF() to the object itself (AKA src) for wide addition/removal.
TRAIT_WATER_ADAPTATION ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 259](git.png)
Improved boons from showers and some features centered around water, should also suppress TRAIT_WATER_HATER
TRAIT_WATER_HATER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 257](git.png)
Mobs that hate showers, being sprayed with water etc.
TRAIT_WEAK_SOUL ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 447](git.png)
Revenants draining you only get a very small benefit.
TRAIT_WEB_SURFER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 356](git.png)
Can navigate the web without getting stuck
TRAIT_WEB_WEAVER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 354](git.png)
Can weave webs into cloth
TRAIT_WET_FOR_LONGER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 263](git.png)
Mobs with this trait stay wet for longer and resist fire decaying wetness
TRAIT_WIELDED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 850](git.png)
Properly wielded two handed item
TRAIT_WING_BUFFET ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1268](git.png)
Trait given while using /datum/action/cooldown/mob_cooldown/wing_buffet
TRAIT_WING_BUFFET_TIRED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 1270](git.png)
Trait given while tired after using /datum/action/cooldown/mob_cooldown/wing_buffet
TRAIT_WOUND_LICKER ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 269](git.png)
These mobs have particularly hygienic tongues
TRAIT_WOUND_SCANNED ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 293](git.png)
Applied into wounds when they're scanned with the wound analyzer, halves time to treat them manually.
TRAIT_XENO_HOST ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 93](git.png)
Tracks whether we're gonna be a baby alien's mummy.
TRAIT_XENO_IMMUNE ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 390](git.png)
prevents xeno huggies implanting skeletons
TRAIT_XRAY_HEARING ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 344](git.png)
Allows you to hear speech through walls
TRAIT_XRAY_VISION ![code/__DEFINES/traits/ 326](git.png)
Gives us turf, mob and object vision through walls