/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


TGUI_LAYOUT_DEFAULTDefault layout will be used. It can be either a grid or a list
TGUI_LAYOUT_GRIDForce grid layout, even if default is a list.
TGUI_LAYOUT_LISTForce list layout, even if default is a grid.
PREFERENCE_CHARACTERThis preference is character specific.
PREFERENCE_PLAYERThis preference is account specific.
PREFERENCE_TAB_CHARACTER_PREFERENCESOpen the character preference window
PREFERENCE_TAB_GAME_PREFERENCESOpen the game preferences window
PREFERENCE_TAB_KEYBINDINGSOpen the keybindings window
PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_FEATURESThese will be shown in the character sidebar, but at the bottom.
PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_CLOTHINGAny preferences that will show to the sides of the character in the setup menu.
PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_NON_CONTEXTUALPreferences that will be put into the 3rd list, and are not contextual.
PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_GAME_PREFERENCESWill be put under the game preferences window.
PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_SECONDARY_FEATURESThese will show in the list to the right of the character preview.
PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_SUPPLEMENTAL_FEATURESThese are preferences that are supplementary for main features, such as hair color being affixed to hair.
PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_MANUALLY_RENDEREDThese preferences will not be rendered on the preferences page, and are practically invisible unless specifically rendered. Used for quirks, currently.
PLAYTIME_HARDCORE_RANDOMThe time needed to unlock hardcore random mode in preferences
PLAYTIME_VETERANThe time needed to unlock the gamer cloak in preferences
SPRITE_ACCESSORY_NONEThe key used for sprite accessories that should never actually be applied to the player.
DONT_GREYSCALEUsed to make something not recolorable even if it's capable
INFO_GREYSCALETracks GAGS color information
INFO_NAMEDUsed to set custom names
INFO_RESKINUsed for specific alt-reskins, like the pride pin
INFO_LAYERHandles which layer the item will be on, for accessories

Define Details


Used to make something not recolorable even if it's capable


Tracks GAGS color information


Handles which layer the item will be on, for accessories


Used to set custom names


Used for specific alt-reskins, like the pride pin


The time needed to unlock hardcore random mode in preferences


The time needed to unlock the gamer cloak in preferences


Any preferences that will show to the sides of the character in the setup menu.


These will be shown in the character sidebar, but at the bottom.


Will be put under the game preferences window.


These preferences will not be rendered on the preferences page, and are practically invisible unless specifically rendered. Used for quirks, currently.


Preferences that will be put into the 3rd list, and are not contextual.


These will show in the list to the right of the character preview.


These are preferences that are supplementary for main features, such as hair color being affixed to hair.


This preference is character specific.


This preference is account specific.


Open the character preference window


Open the game preferences window


Open the keybindings window


The key used for sprite accessories that should never actually be applied to the player.


Default layout will be used. It can be either a grid or a list


Force grid layout, even if default is a list.


Force list layout, even if default is a grid.