code/__DEFINES/ ![code/__DEFINES/mobs.dm0](git.png)
OXYLOSS_PASSOUT_THRESHOLD | Amount of oxyloss that KOs a human |
BLOOD_REGEN_FACTOR | How efficiently humans regenerate blood. |
BLOOD_DEFICIENCY_MODIFIER | Determines the rate at which humans lose blood when they have the blood deficiency quirk. The default is BLOOD_REGEN_FACTOR + BLOOD_DEFICIENCY_MODIFIER. |
BLOOD_STOP_TEMP | Temperature at which blood loss and regen stops. /mob/living/carbon/human/proc/handle_blood |
MOB_HAS_SCREENTIPS_NAME_OVERRIDE | May override the names used in screentips of OTHER OBJECTS hovered over. |
MOB_ORGANIC | The mob is organic, can heal from medical sutures. |
MOB_MINERAL | The mob is of a rocky make, most likely a golem. Iron within, iron without! |
MOB_ROBOTIC | The mob is a synthetic lifeform, like station borgs. |
MOB_UNDEAD | The mob is an shambling undead corpse. Or a halloween species. Pick your poison. |
MOB_HUMANOID | The mob is a human-sized human-like human-creature. |
MOB_BUG | The mob is a bug/insect/arachnid/some other kind of scuttly thing. |
MOB_BEAST | The mob is a wild animal. Domestication may apply. |
MOB_SPECIAL | The mob is some kind of a creature that should be exempt from certain fun interactions for balance reasons, i.e. megafauna or a headslug. |
MOB_REPTILE | The mob is some kind of a scaly reptile creature |
MOB_SPIRIT | The mob is a spooky phantasm or an evil ghast of such nature. |
MOB_PLANT | The mob is a plant-based species, benefitting from light but suffering from darkness and plantkillers. |
MOB_SLIME | The mob is a goopy creature, probably coming from xenobiology. |
MOB_AQUATIC | Mob is fish or water-related. |
BODYTYPE_ORGANIC | The limb is organic. |
BODYTYPE_ROBOTIC | The limb is robotic. |
BODYTYPE_LARVA_PLACEHOLDER | A placeholder bodytype for xeno larva, so their limbs cannot be attached to anything. |
BODYTYPE_ALIEN | The limb is from a xenomorph. |
BODYTYPE_GOLEM | The limb is from a golem |
BODYSHAPE_HUMANOID | The limb fits the human mold. This is not meant to be literal, if the sprite "fits" on a human, it is "humanoid", regardless of origin. |
BODYSHAPE_MONKEY | The limb fits the monkey mold. |
BODYSHAPE_DIGITIGRADE | The limb is digitigrade. |
BODYSHAPE_SNOUTED | The limb is snouted. |
DIGITIGRADE_NEVER | The species does not have digitigrade legs in generation. |
DIGITIGRADE_OPTIONAL | The species can have digitigrade legs in generation |
DIGITIGRADE_FORCED | The species is forced to have digitigrade legs in generation. |
NORMAL_LEGS | Legs that are normal |
DIGITIGRADE_LEGS | Digitgrade legs that are like bended and uhhh no shoes |
BEAT_FAST | Heartbeat is beating fast for hard crit |
BEAT_SLOW | Heartbeat is beating slow for soft crit |
BEAT_NONE | Heartbeat is gone... He's dead Jim :( |
SANITY_LEVEL_MAX | Equal to the highest sanity level |
NO_SLIP_WHEN_WALKING | The mob will not slip if they're walking intent |
SLIDE | Slipping on this will send them sliding a few tiles down |
SLIDE_ICE | Ice slides only go one tile and don't knock you over, they're intended to cause a "slip chain" where you slip on ice until you reach a non-slippable tile (ice puzzles) |
SLIP_WHEN_CRAWLING | Slip works even if you're already on the ground |
SLIPPERY_TURF | the mob won't slip if the turf has the TRAIT_TURF_IGNORE_SLIPPERY trait. |
SLIPPERY_WHEN_LYING_DOWN | For mobs who are slippery, this requires the mob holding it to be lying down. |
WEAK_SLIDE | Like sliding, but it's short, it doesn't knockdown, it doesn't stun, it just staggers a bit. |
SHOCK_NOGLOVES | Flags used by the flags parameter of electrocute act. Makes it so that the shock doesn't take gloves into account. |
SHOCK_TESLA | Used when the shock is from a tesla bolt. |
SHOCK_ILLUSION | Used when an illusion shocks something. Makes the shock deal stamina damage and not trigger certain secondary effects. |
SHOCK_NOSTUN | The shock doesn't stun. |
SHOCK_SUPPRESS_MESSAGE | No default message is sent from the shock |
SHOCK_NO_HUMAN_ANIM | No skeleton animation if a human was shocked |
SHOCK_DELAY_STUN | Prevents the immediate stun, instead only gives the delay |
SHOCK_KNOCKDOWN | Makes the paralyze into a knockdown |
INCORPOREAL_MOVE_BASIC | normal movement, see: /mob/living/var/incorporeal_move |
INCORPOREAL_MOVE_SHADOW | leaves a trail of shadows |
INCORPOREAL_MOVE_JAUNT | is blocked by holy water/salt |
CLOTHING_NUTRITION_GAIN | How much nutrition eating clothes as moth gives and drains |
REM | Shorthand for the above define for ease of use in equations and the like |
RECENT_EXAMINE_MAX_WINDOW | How long it takes for an examined atom to be removed from recent_examines. Should be the max of the below time windows |
EXAMINE_MORE_WINDOW | If you examine the same atom twice in this timeframe, we call examine_more() instead of examine() |
YAWN_PROPAGATION_EXAMINE_WINDOW | If you yawn while someone nearby has examined you within this time frame, it will force them to yawn as well. Tradecraft! |
EYE_CONTACT_RANGE | How far away you can be to make eye contact with someone while examining |
CAN_SUCCUMB | Returns whether or not the given mob can succumb |
STANDING_UP | Mob is standing up, usually associated with lying_angle value of 0. |
LYING_DOWN | Mob is lying down, usually associated with lying_angle values of 90 or 270. |
PIXEL_Y_OFFSET_LYING | How much a mob's sprite should be moved when they're lying down |
SPAWN_MEGAFAUNA | Define for spawning megafauna instead of a mob for cave gen |
SQUASHED_SHOULD_BE_DOWN | Squash flags. For squashable element Squashing will not occur if the mob is not lying down (bodyposition is LYING_DOWN) |
SQUASHED_SHOULD_BE_GIBBED | If present, outright gibs the squashed mob instead of just dealing damage |
SQUASHED_ALWAYS_IF_DEAD | If squashing always passes if the mob is dead |
SQUASHED_DONT_SQUASH_IN_CONTENTS | Don't squash our mob if its not located in a turf |
AI_DISPLAY_DONT_GLOW | Icon state to use for ai displays that just turns them off |
THROW_MODE_DISABLED | Throw modes, defines whether or not to turn off throw mode after |
TOTAL_LAYERS | Total number of layers for mob overlays KEEP THIS UP-TO-DATE OR SHIT WILL BREAK Also consider updating layers_to_offset |
MUTATIONS_LAYER | Mutations layer - Tk headglows, cold resistance glow, etc |
BODY_BEHIND_LAYER | Mutantrace features (tail when looking south) that must appear behind the body parts |
BODYPARTS_LOW_LAYER | Layer for bodyparts that should appear behind every other bodypart - Mostly, legs when facing WEST or EAST |
BODYPARTS_LAYER | Layer for most bodyparts, appears above BODYPARTS_LOW_LAYER and below BODYPARTS_HIGH_LAYER |
BODY_ADJ_LAYER | Mutantrace features (snout, body markings) that must appear above the body parts |
BODY_LAYER | Underwear, undershirts, socks, eyes, lips(makeup) |
FRONT_MUTATIONS_LAYER | Mutations that should appear above body, body_adj and bodyparts layer (e.g. laser eyes) |
DAMAGE_LAYER | Damage indicators (cuts and burns) |
UNIFORM_LAYER | Jumpsuit clothing layer |
ID_LAYER | ID card layer |
ID_CARD_LAYER | ID card layer (might be deprecated) |
BODYPARTS_HIGH_LAYER | Layer for bodyparts that should appear above every other bodypart - Currently only used for hands |
GLOVES_LAYER | Gloves layer |
SHOES_LAYER | Shoes layer |
LOW_FACEMASK_LAYER | Layer for masks that are worn below ears and eyes (like Balaclavas) (layers below hair, use flagsinv=HIDEHAIR as needed) |
EARS_LAYER | Ears layer (Spessmen have ears? Wow) |
LOW_NECK_LAYER | Layer for neck apperal that should appear below the suit slot (like neckties) |
SUIT_LAYER | Suit layer (armor, coats, etc.) |
GLASSES_LAYER | Glasses layer |
BELT_LAYER | Belt layer |
SUIT_STORE_LAYER | Suit storage layer (tucking a gun or baton underneath your armor) |
NECK_LAYER | Neck layer (for wearing capes and bedsheets) |
BACK_LAYER | Back layer (for backpacks and equipment on your back) |
HAIR_LAYER | Hair layer (mess with the fro and you got to go!) |
FACEMASK_LAYER | Facemask layer (gas masks, breath masks, etc.) |
HEAD_LAYER | Head layer (hats, helmets, etc.) |
HANDCUFF_LAYER | Handcuff layer (when your hands are cuffed) |
LEGCUFF_LAYER | Legcuff layer (when your feet are cuffed) |
HANDS_LAYER | Hands layer (for the actual hand, not the arm... I think?) |
BODY_FRONT_LAYER | Body front layer. Usually used for mutant bodyparts that need to be in front of stuff (e.g. cat ears) |
ABOVE_BODY_FRONT_GLASSES_LAYER | Special body layer that actually require to be above the hair (e.g. lifted welding goggles) |
ABOVE_BODY_FRONT_HEAD_LAYER | Special body layer for the rare cases where something on the head needs to be above everything else (e.g. flowers) |
WOUND_LAYER | Bleeding wound icons |
HALO_LAYER | Blood cult ascended halo layer, because there's currently no better solution for adding/removing |
HIGHEST_LAYER | The highest most layer for mob overlays. Unused |
EXTERNAL_FRONT | Draws overlay on the BODY_FRONT_LAYER |
ALL_EXTERNAL_OVERLAYS | Draws organ on all EXTERNAL layers |
EXTERNAL_RESTYLE_PLANT | This organ allows restyle through plant restyling (like secateurs) |
EXTERNAL_RESTYLE_FLESH | This organ allows restyling with flesh restyling stuff (surgery or something idk) |
EXTERNAL_RESTYLE_ENAMEL | This organ allows restyling with enamel restyling (like a fucking file or something?). It's for horns and shit |
UNDER_SUIT_LAYER | The layer underneath the suit |
UNDER_HEAD_LAYER | The layer underneath the head (for hats) |
ABOVE_SHOES_LAYER | The layer above shoes |
ABOVE_BODY_FRONT_LAYER | The layer above mutant body parts |
NEED_GRAVITY | If gravity must be present to perform action (can't use pens without gravity) |
NEED_LITERACY | If reading is required to perform action (can't read a book if you are illiterate) |
NEED_LIGHT | If lighting must be present to perform action (can't heal someone in the dark) |
NEED_DEXTERITY | If other mobs (monkeys, aliens, etc) can perform action (can't use computers if you are a monkey) |
NEED_HANDS | If hands are required to perform action (can't use objects that require hands if you are a cyborg) |
FORBID_TELEKINESIS_REACH | If telekinesis is forbidden to perform action from a distance (ex. canisters are blacklisted from telekinesis manipulation) |
ALLOW_SILICON_REACH | If silicons are allowed to perform action from a distance (silicons can operate airlocks from far away) |
ALLOW_RESTING | If resting on the floor is allowed to perform action (pAIs can play music while resting) |
NEED_VENTCRAWL | If this is accessible to creatures with ventcrawl capabilities |
BYPASS_ADJACENCY | Skips adjacency checks |
NOT_INSIDE_TARGET | Skips recursive loc checks |
SILENT_ADJACENCY | Checks for base adjacency, but silences the error |
ALLOW_PAI | Allows pAIs to perform an action |
RESIZE_DEFAULT_SIZE | The default mob sprite size (used for shrinking or enlarging the mob sprite to regular size) |
CLIENT_FROM_VAR | Get the client from the var |
MOB_VOMIT_MESSAGE | Flag which makes a message send about the vomiting. |
MOB_VOMIT_STUN | Flag which makes the mob get stunned upon vomiting. |
MOB_VOMIT_HARM | Flag which makes the mob incur damage upon vomiting. |
MOB_VOMIT_BLOOD | Flag which makes the mob vomit blood |
MOB_VOMIT_KNOCKDOWN | Flag which will cause the mob to fall over when vomiting. |
MOB_VOMIT_FORCE | Flag which will make the proc skip certain checks when it comes to forcing a vomit. |
VOMIT_CATEGORY_DEFAULT | The default. Gives you might typically expect to happen when you vomit. |
VOMIT_CATEGORY_BLOOD | The vomit you've all come to know and love, but with a little extra "spice" (blood) |
VOMIT_CATEGORY_KNOCKDOWN | Another vomit variant that causes you to get knocked down instead of just only getting a stun. Standard otherwise. |
NO_BUCKLE_LYING | Possible value of /atom/movable/buckle_lying. If set to a different (positive-or-zero) value than this, the buckling thing will force a lying angle on the buckled. |
BUCKLE_MATCH_DIR | Possible value of /atom/movable/buckle_dir. If set to a different (positive-or-zero) value than this, the buckling thing will force a dir on the buckled. |
HEAL_ADMIN | Special flag that means this heal is an admin heal and goes above and beyond Note, this includes things like removing suicide status and handcuffs / legcuffs, use with slight caution. |
HEAL_BRUTE | Heals all brute damage. |
HEAL_BURN | Heals all burn damage. |
HEAL_TOX | Heals all toxin damage, slime people included. |
HEAL_OXY | Heals all oxyloss. |
HEAL_STAM | Heals all stamina damage. |
HEAL_LIMBS | Restore all limbs to their initial state. |
HEAL_ORGANS | Heals all organs from failing. |
HEAL_REFRESH_ORGANS | A "super" heal organs, this refreshes all organs entirely, deleting old and replacing them with new. |
HEAL_WOUNDS | Removes all wounds. |
HEAL_TRAUMAS | Removes all brain traumas, not including permanent ones. |
HEAL_ALL_REAGENTS | Removes all reagents present. |
HEAL_NEGATIVE_DISEASES | Removes all non-positive diseases. |
HEAL_TEMP | Restores body temperature back to nominal. |
HEAL_BLOOD | Restores blood levels to normal. |
HEAL_NEGATIVE_MUTATIONS | Removes all non-positive mutations (neutral included). |
HEAL_STATUS | Removes status effects with this flag set that also have remove_on_fullheal = TRUE. |
HEAL_CC_STATUS | Same as above, removes all CC related status effects with this flag set that also have remove_on_fullheal = TRUE. |
HEAL_RESTRAINTS | Deletes any restraints on the mob (handcuffs / legcuffs) |
HEAL_DAMAGE | Combination flag to only heal the main damage types. |
HEAL_BODY | Combination flag to only heal things messed up things about the mob's body itself. |
HEAL_AFFLICTIONS | Combination flag to heal negative things affecting the mob. |
HEAL_ALL | Full heal that isn't admin forced |
ADMIN_HEAL_ALL | Heals everything and is as strong as / is an admin heal |
READING_CHECK_LITERACY | Checking flags for [/mob/proc/can_read()] |
DEVIATION_NONE | No deviation at all. Flashed from the front or front-left/front-right. Alternatively, flashed in direct view. |
DEVIATION_PARTIAL | Partial deviation. Flashed from the side. Alternatively, flashed out the corner of your eyes. |
DEVIATION_FULL | Full deviation. Flashed from directly behind or behind-left/behind-rack. Not flashed at all. |
NO_REPLACE | In dynamic human icon gen we don't replace the held item. |
HEALING_TOUCH_ANYONE | Flags for whether you can heal yourself or not or only |
NPC_DEFAULT_MIN_TEMP | Default minimum body temperature mobs can exist in before taking damage |
NPC_DEFAULT_MAX_TEMP | Default maximum body temperature mobs can exist in before taking damage |
NO_OBSERVED_MOVEMENT | Flag which stops you from moving while observed |
NO_OBSERVED_ACTIONS | Flag which stops you from using actions while observed |
NO_OBSERVED_ATTACKS | Flag which stops you from attacking while observed |
MINING_MOB_PROJECTILE_VULNERABILITY | Types of bullets that mining mobs take full damage from |
AT_TOXIN_VOMIT_THRESHOLD | Helper macro that determines if the mob is at the threshold to start vomitting due to high toxin levels |
FLIP_EMOTE_DURATION | The duration of the flip emote animation |
TAUNT_EMOTE_DURATION | The duration of a taunt emote, so how long they can deflect projectiles |
ID_EXAMINE_DISTANCE | Distance which you can see someone's ID card Short enough that you can inspect over tables (bartender checking age) |
Define Details
Special body layer that actually require to be above the hair (e.g. lifted welding goggles)
Special body layer for the rare cases where something on the head needs to be above everything else (e.g. flowers)
ABOVE_BODY_FRONT_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 853](git.png)
The layer above mutant body parts
ABOVE_SHOES_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 851](git.png)
The layer above shoes
ADMIN_HEAL_ALL ![code/__DEFINES/ 970](git.png)
Heals everything and is as strong as / is an admin heal
AI_DISPLAY_DONT_GLOW ![code/__DEFINES/ 647](git.png)
Icon state to use for ai displays that just turns them off
ALLOW_PAI ![code/__DEFINES/ 880](git.png)
Allows pAIs to perform an action
ALLOW_RESTING ![code/__DEFINES/ 870](git.png)
If resting on the floor is allowed to perform action (pAIs can play music while resting)
ALLOW_SILICON_REACH ![code/__DEFINES/ 868](git.png)
If silicons are allowed to perform action from a distance (silicons can operate airlocks from far away)
ALL_EXTERNAL_OVERLAYS ![code/__DEFINES/ 831](git.png)
Draws organ on all EXTERNAL layers
AT_TOXIN_VOMIT_THRESHOLD ![code/__DEFINES/ 1009](git.png)
Helper macro that determines if the mob is at the threshold to start vomitting due to high toxin levels
BACK_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 750](git.png)
Back layer (for backpacks and equipment on your back)
BEAT_FAST ![code/__DEFINES/ 172](git.png)
Heartbeat is beating fast for hard crit
BEAT_NONE ![code/__DEFINES/ 176](git.png)
Heartbeat is gone... He's dead Jim :(
BEAT_SLOW ![code/__DEFINES/ 174](git.png)
Heartbeat is beating slow for soft crit
BELT_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 744](git.png)
Belt layer
Determines the rate at which humans lose blood when they have the blood deficiency quirk. The default is BLOOD_REGEN_FACTOR + BLOOD_DEFICIENCY_MODIFIER.
BLOOD_REGEN_FACTOR ![code/__DEFINES/ 28](git.png)
How efficiently humans regenerate blood.
BLOOD_STOP_TEMP ![code/__DEFINES/ 33](git.png)
Temperature at which blood loss and regen stops. /mob/living/carbon/human/proc/handle_blood
BODYPARTS_HIGH_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 728](git.png)
Layer for bodyparts that should appear above every other bodypart - Currently only used for hands
BODYPARTS_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 712](git.png)
Layer for most bodyparts, appears above BODYPARTS_LOW_LAYER and below BODYPARTS_HIGH_LAYER
BODYPARTS_LOW_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 710](git.png)
Layer for bodyparts that should appear behind every other bodypart - Mostly, legs when facing WEST or EAST
The limb is digitigrade.
BODYSHAPE_HUMANOID ![code/__DEFINES/ 101](git.png)
The limb fits the human mold. This is not meant to be literal, if the sprite "fits" on a human, it is "humanoid", regardless of origin.
BODYSHAPE_MONKEY ![code/__DEFINES/ 103](git.png)
The limb fits the monkey mold.
BODYSHAPE_SNOUTED ![code/__DEFINES/ 107](git.png)
The limb is snouted.
BODYTYPE_ALIEN ![code/__DEFINES/ 93](git.png)
The limb is from a xenomorph.
BODYTYPE_GOLEM ![code/__DEFINES/ 95](git.png)
The limb is from a golem
A placeholder bodytype for xeno larva, so their limbs cannot be attached to anything.
BODYTYPE_ORGANIC ![code/__DEFINES/ 87](git.png)
The limb is organic.
BODYTYPE_ROBOTIC ![code/__DEFINES/ 89](git.png)
The limb is robotic.
BODY_ADJ_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 714](git.png)
Mutantrace features (snout, body markings) that must appear above the body parts
BODY_BEHIND_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 708](git.png)
Mutantrace features (tail when looking south) that must appear behind the body parts
BODY_FRONT_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 764](git.png)
Body front layer. Usually used for mutant bodyparts that need to be in front of stuff (e.g. cat ears)
BODY_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 716](git.png)
Underwear, undershirts, socks, eyes, lips(makeup)
BUCKLE_MATCH_DIR ![code/__DEFINES/ 916](git.png)
Possible value of /atom/movable/buckle_dir. If set to a different (positive-or-zero) value than this, the buckling thing will force a dir on the buckled.
BYPASS_ADJACENCY ![code/__DEFINES/ 874](git.png)
Skips adjacency checks
CAN_SUCCUMB ![code/__DEFINES/ 576](git.png)
Returns whether or not the given mob can succumb
CLIENT_FROM_VAR ![code/__DEFINES/ 890](git.png)
Get the client from the var
How much nutrition eating clothes as moth gives and drains
DAMAGE_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 720](git.png)
Damage indicators (cuts and burns)
DEVIATION_FULL ![code/__DEFINES/ 982](git.png)
Full deviation. Flashed from directly behind or behind-left/behind-rack. Not flashed at all.
DEVIATION_NONE ![code/__DEFINES/ 978](git.png)
No deviation at all. Flashed from the front or front-left/front-right. Alternatively, flashed in direct view.
DEVIATION_PARTIAL ![code/__DEFINES/ 980](git.png)
Partial deviation. Flashed from the side. Alternatively, flashed out the corner of your eyes.
DIGITIGRADE_FORCED ![code/__DEFINES/ 159](git.png)
The species is forced to have digitigrade legs in generation.
DIGITIGRADE_LEGS ![code/__DEFINES/ 165](git.png)
Digitgrade legs that are like bended and uhhh no shoes
DIGITIGRADE_NEVER ![code/__DEFINES/ 155](git.png)
The species does not have digitigrade legs in generation.
DIGITIGRADE_OPTIONAL ![code/__DEFINES/ 157](git.png)
The species can have digitigrade legs in generation
EARS_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 736](git.png)
Ears layer (Spessmen have ears? Wow)
EXAMINE_MORE_WINDOW ![code/__DEFINES/ 565](git.png)
If you examine the same atom twice in this timeframe, we call examine_more() instead of examine()
EXTERNAL_ADJACENT ![code/__DEFINES/ 827](git.png)
Draws overlay on the BODY_ADJ_LAYER
EXTERNAL_BEHIND ![code/__DEFINES/ 829](git.png)
Draws overlay on the BODY_BEHIND_LAYER
EXTERNAL_FRONT ![code/__DEFINES/ 825](git.png)
Draws overlay on the BODY_FRONT_LAYER
This organ allows restyling with enamel restyling (like a fucking file or something?). It's for horns and shit
EXTERNAL_RESTYLE_FLESH ![code/__DEFINES/ 837](git.png)
This organ allows restyling with flesh restyling stuff (surgery or something idk)
EXTERNAL_RESTYLE_PLANT ![code/__DEFINES/ 835](git.png)
This organ allows restyle through plant restyling (like secateurs)
EYE_CONTACT_RANGE ![code/__DEFINES/ 570](git.png)
How far away you can be to make eye contact with someone while examining
FACEMASK_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 754](git.png)
Facemask layer (gas masks, breath masks, etc.)
FLIP_EMOTE_DURATION ![code/__DEFINES/ 1012](git.png)
The duration of the flip emote animation
If telekinesis is forbidden to perform action from a distance (ex. canisters are blacklisted from telekinesis manipulation)
FRONT_MUTATIONS_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 718](git.png)
Mutations that should appear above body, body_adj and bodyparts layer (e.g. laser eyes)
GALOSHES_DONT_HELP ![code/__DEFINES/ 381](git.png)
TRAIT_NO_SLIP_WATER does not work on this slip. ONLY TRAIT_NO_SLIP_ALL will
GLASSES_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 742](git.png)
Glasses layer
GLOVES_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 730](git.png)
Gloves layer
HAIR_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 752](git.png)
Hair layer (mess with the fro and you got to go!)
HALO_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 772](git.png)
Blood cult ascended halo layer, because there's currently no better solution for adding/removing
HANDCUFF_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 758](git.png)
Handcuff layer (when your hands are cuffed)
HANDS_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 762](git.png)
Hands layer (for the actual hand, not the arm... I think?)
HEAD_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 756](git.png)
Head layer (hats, helmets, etc.)
HEALING_TOUCH_ANYONE ![code/__DEFINES/ 988](git.png)
Flags for whether you can heal yourself or not or only
HEAL_ADMIN ![code/__DEFINES/ 922](git.png)
Special flag that means this heal is an admin heal and goes above and beyond Note, this includes things like removing suicide status and handcuffs / legcuffs, use with slight caution.
HEAL_AFFLICTIONS ![code/__DEFINES/ 965](git.png)
Combination flag to heal negative things affecting the mob.
HEAL_ALL ![code/__DEFINES/ 968](git.png)
Full heal that isn't admin forced
HEAL_ALL_REAGENTS ![code/__DEFINES/ 944](git.png)
Removes all reagents present.
HEAL_BLOOD ![code/__DEFINES/ 950](git.png)
Restores blood levels to normal.
HEAL_BODY ![code/__DEFINES/ 963](git.png)
Combination flag to only heal things messed up things about the mob's body itself.
HEAL_BRUTE ![code/__DEFINES/ 924](git.png)
Heals all brute damage.
HEAL_BURN ![code/__DEFINES/ 926](git.png)
Heals all burn damage.
HEAL_CC_STATUS ![code/__DEFINES/ 956](git.png)
Same as above, removes all CC related status effects with this flag set that also have remove_on_fullheal = TRUE.
HEAL_DAMAGE ![code/__DEFINES/ 961](git.png)
Combination flag to only heal the main damage types.
HEAL_LIMBS ![code/__DEFINES/ 934](git.png)
Restore all limbs to their initial state.
HEAL_NEGATIVE_DISEASES ![code/__DEFINES/ 946](git.png)
Removes all non-positive diseases.
Removes all non-positive mutations (neutral included).
HEAL_ORGANS ![code/__DEFINES/ 936](git.png)
Heals all organs from failing.
HEAL_OXY ![code/__DEFINES/ 930](git.png)
Heals all oxyloss.
HEAL_REFRESH_ORGANS ![code/__DEFINES/ 938](git.png)
A "super" heal organs, this refreshes all organs entirely, deleting old and replacing them with new.
HEAL_RESTRAINTS ![code/__DEFINES/ 958](git.png)
Deletes any restraints on the mob (handcuffs / legcuffs)
HEAL_STAM ![code/__DEFINES/ 932](git.png)
Heals all stamina damage.
HEAL_STATUS ![code/__DEFINES/ 954](git.png)
Removes status effects with this flag set that also have remove_on_fullheal = TRUE.
HEAL_TEMP ![code/__DEFINES/ 948](git.png)
Restores body temperature back to nominal.
HEAL_TOX ![code/__DEFINES/ 928](git.png)
Heals all toxin damage, slime people included.
HEAL_TRAUMAS ![code/__DEFINES/ 942](git.png)
Removes all brain traumas, not including permanent ones.
HEAL_WOUNDS ![code/__DEFINES/ 940](git.png)
Removes all wounds.
HIGHEST_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 774](git.png)
The highest most layer for mob overlays. Unused
ID_CARD_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 726](git.png)
ID card layer (might be deprecated)
ID_EXAMINE_DISTANCE ![code/__DEFINES/ 1032](git.png)
Distance which you can see someone's ID card Short enough that you can inspect over tables (bartender checking age)
ID_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 724](git.png)
ID card layer
INCORPOREAL_MOVE_BASIC ![code/__DEFINES/ 414](git.png)
normal movement, see: /mob/living/var/incorporeal_move
INCORPOREAL_MOVE_JAUNT ![code/__DEFINES/ 416](git.png)
is blocked by holy water/salt
leaves a trail of shadows
LEGCUFF_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 760](git.png)
Legcuff layer (when your feet are cuffed)
LOW_FACEMASK_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 734](git.png)
Layer for masks that are worn below ears and eyes (like Balaclavas) (layers below hair, use flagsinv=HIDEHAIR as needed)
LOW_NECK_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 738](git.png)
Layer for neck apperal that should appear below the suit slot (like neckties)
LYING_DOWN ![code/__DEFINES/ 582](git.png)
Mob is lying down, usually associated with lying_angle values of 90 or 270.
Types of bullets that mining mobs take full damage from
MOB_AQUATIC ![code/__DEFINES/ 77](git.png)
Mob is fish or water-related.
MOB_BEAST ![code/__DEFINES/ 65](git.png)
The mob is a wild animal. Domestication may apply.
MOB_BUG ![code/__DEFINES/ 63](git.png)
The mob is a bug/insect/arachnid/some other kind of scuttly thing.
May override the names used in screentips of OTHER OBJECTS hovered over.
MOB_HUMANOID ![code/__DEFINES/ 61](git.png)
The mob is a human-sized human-like human-creature.
MOB_MINERAL ![code/__DEFINES/ 55](git.png)
The mob is of a rocky make, most likely a golem. Iron within, iron without!
MOB_ORGANIC ![code/__DEFINES/ 53](git.png)
The mob is organic, can heal from medical sutures.
MOB_PLANT ![code/__DEFINES/ 73](git.png)
The mob is a plant-based species, benefitting from light but suffering from darkness and plantkillers.
MOB_REPTILE ![code/__DEFINES/ 69](git.png)
The mob is some kind of a scaly reptile creature
MOB_ROBOTIC ![code/__DEFINES/ 57](git.png)
The mob is a synthetic lifeform, like station borgs.
MOB_SLIME ![code/__DEFINES/ 75](git.png)
The mob is a goopy creature, probably coming from xenobiology.
MOB_SPECIAL ![code/__DEFINES/ 67](git.png)
The mob is some kind of a creature that should be exempt from certain fun interactions for balance reasons, i.e. megafauna or a headslug.
MOB_SPIRIT ![code/__DEFINES/ 71](git.png)
The mob is a spooky phantasm or an evil ghast of such nature.
MOB_UNDEAD ![code/__DEFINES/ 59](git.png)
The mob is an shambling undead corpse. Or a halloween species. Pick your poison.
MOB_VOMIT_BLOOD ![code/__DEFINES/ 900](git.png)
Flag which makes the mob vomit blood
MOB_VOMIT_FORCE ![code/__DEFINES/ 904](git.png)
Flag which will make the proc skip certain checks when it comes to forcing a vomit.
MOB_VOMIT_HARM ![code/__DEFINES/ 898](git.png)
Flag which makes the mob incur damage upon vomiting.
MOB_VOMIT_KNOCKDOWN ![code/__DEFINES/ 902](git.png)
Flag which will cause the mob to fall over when vomiting.
MOB_VOMIT_MESSAGE ![code/__DEFINES/ 894](git.png)
Flag which makes a message send about the vomiting.
MOB_VOMIT_STUN ![code/__DEFINES/ 896](git.png)
Flag which makes the mob get stunned upon vomiting.
MUTATIONS_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 706](git.png)
Mutations layer - Tk headglows, cold resistance glow, etc
NECK_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 748](git.png)
Neck layer (for wearing capes and bedsheets)
NEED_DEXTERITY ![code/__DEFINES/ 862](git.png)
If other mobs (monkeys, aliens, etc) can perform action (can't use computers if you are a monkey)
NEED_GRAVITY ![code/__DEFINES/ 856](git.png)
If gravity must be present to perform action (can't use pens without gravity)
NEED_HANDS ![code/__DEFINES/ 864](git.png)
If hands are required to perform action (can't use objects that require hands if you are a cyborg)
NEED_LIGHT ![code/__DEFINES/ 860](git.png)
If lighting must be present to perform action (can't heal someone in the dark)
NEED_LITERACY ![code/__DEFINES/ 858](git.png)
If reading is required to perform action (can't read a book if you are illiterate)
NEED_VENTCRAWL ![code/__DEFINES/ 872](git.png)
If this is accessible to creatures with ventcrawl capabilities
NORMAL_LEGS ![code/__DEFINES/ 163](git.png)
Legs that are normal
NOT_INSIDE_TARGET ![code/__DEFINES/ 876](git.png)
Skips recursive loc checks
NO_BUCKLE_LYING ![code/__DEFINES/ 914](git.png)
Possible value of /atom/movable/buckle_lying. If set to a different (positive-or-zero) value than this, the buckling thing will force a lying angle on the buckled.
NO_OBSERVED_ACTIONS ![code/__DEFINES/ 1001](git.png)
Flag which stops you from using actions while observed
NO_OBSERVED_ATTACKS ![code/__DEFINES/ 1003](git.png)
Flag which stops you from attacking while observed
NO_OBSERVED_MOVEMENT ![code/__DEFINES/ 999](git.png)
Flag which stops you from moving while observed
NO_REPLACE ![code/__DEFINES/ 985](git.png)
In dynamic human icon gen we don't replace the held item.
NO_SLIP_WHEN_WALKING ![code/__DEFINES/ 374](git.png)
The mob will not slip if they're walking intent
NPC_DEFAULT_MAX_TEMP ![code/__DEFINES/ 995](git.png)
Default maximum body temperature mobs can exist in before taking damage
NPC_DEFAULT_MIN_TEMP ![code/__DEFINES/ 993](git.png)
Default minimum body temperature mobs can exist in before taking damage
Amount of oxyloss that KOs a human
PIXEL_Y_OFFSET_LYING ![code/__DEFINES/ 585](git.png)
How much a mob's sprite should be moved when they're lying down
READING_CHECK_LITERACY ![code/__DEFINES/ 973](git.png)
Checking flags for [/mob/proc/can_read()]
How long it takes for an examined atom to be removed from recent_examines. Should be the max of the below time windows
REM ![code/__DEFINES/ 465](git.png)
Shorthand for the above define for ease of use in equations and the like
RESIZE_DEFAULT_SIZE ![code/__DEFINES/ 883](git.png)
The default mob sprite size (used for shrinking or enlarging the mob sprite to regular size)
SANITY_LEVEL_MAX ![code/__DEFINES/ 277](git.png)
Equal to the highest sanity level
SHOCK_DELAY_STUN ![code/__DEFINES/ 410](git.png)
Prevents the immediate stun, instead only gives the delay
SHOCK_IGNORE_IMMUNITY ![code/__DEFINES/ 408](git.png)
SHOCK_ILLUSION ![code/__DEFINES/ 400](git.png)
Used when an illusion shocks something. Makes the shock deal stamina damage and not trigger certain secondary effects.
SHOCK_KNOCKDOWN ![code/__DEFINES/ 412](git.png)
Makes the paralyze into a knockdown
SHOCK_NOGLOVES ![code/__DEFINES/ 396](git.png)
Flags used by the flags parameter of electrocute act. Makes it so that the shock doesn't take gloves into account.
SHOCK_NOSTUN ![code/__DEFINES/ 402](git.png)
The shock doesn't stun.
SHOCK_NO_HUMAN_ANIM ![code/__DEFINES/ 406](git.png)
No skeleton animation if a human was shocked
SHOCK_SUPPRESS_MESSAGE ![code/__DEFINES/ 404](git.png)
No default message is sent from the shock
SHOCK_TESLA ![code/__DEFINES/ 398](git.png)
Used when the shock is from a tesla bolt.
SHOES_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 732](git.png)
Shoes layer
SILENT_ADJACENCY ![code/__DEFINES/ 878](git.png)
Checks for base adjacency, but silences the error
SLIDE ![code/__DEFINES/ 376](git.png)
Slipping on this will send them sliding a few tiles down
SLIDE_ICE ![code/__DEFINES/ 379](git.png)
Ice slides only go one tile and don't knock you over, they're intended to cause a "slip chain" where you slip on ice until you reach a non-slippable tile (ice puzzles)
SLIPPERY_TURF ![code/__DEFINES/ 385](git.png)
the mob won't slip if the turf has the TRAIT_TURF_IGNORE_SLIPPERY trait.
SLIPPERY_WHEN_LYING_DOWN ![code/__DEFINES/ 387](git.png)
For mobs who are slippery, this requires the mob holding it to be lying down.
SLIP_WHEN_CRAWLING ![code/__DEFINES/ 383](git.png)
Slip works even if you're already on the ground
SPAWN_MEGAFAUNA ![code/__DEFINES/ 588](git.png)
Define for spawning megafauna instead of a mob for cave gen
SQUASHED_ALWAYS_IF_DEAD ![code/__DEFINES/ 597](git.png)
If squashing always passes if the mob is dead
Don't squash our mob if its not located in a turf
SQUASHED_SHOULD_BE_DOWN ![code/__DEFINES/ 593](git.png)
Squash flags. For squashable element Squashing will not occur if the mob is not lying down (bodyposition is LYING_DOWN)
If present, outright gibs the squashed mob instead of just dealing damage
STANDING_UP ![code/__DEFINES/ 580](git.png)
Mob is standing up, usually associated with lying_angle value of 0.
SUIT_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 740](git.png)
Suit layer (armor, coats, etc.)
SUIT_STORE_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 746](git.png)
Suit storage layer (tucking a gun or baton underneath your armor)
TAUNT_EMOTE_DURATION ![code/__DEFINES/ 1014](git.png)
The duration of a taunt emote, so how long they can deflect projectiles
THROW_MODE_DISABLED ![code/__DEFINES/ 649](git.png)
Throw modes, defines whether or not to turn off throw mode after
TOTAL_LAYERS ![code/__DEFINES/ 704](git.png)
Total number of layers for mob overlays KEEP THIS UP-TO-DATE OR SHIT WILL BREAK Also consider updating layers_to_offset
UNDER_HEAD_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 847](git.png)
The layer underneath the head (for hats)
UNDER_SUIT_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 845](git.png)
The layer underneath the suit
UNIFORM_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 722](git.png)
Jumpsuit clothing layer
VOMIT_CATEGORY_BLOOD ![code/__DEFINES/ 909](git.png)
The vomit you've all come to know and love, but with a little extra "spice" (blood)
VOMIT_CATEGORY_DEFAULT ![code/__DEFINES/ 907](git.png)
The default. Gives you might typically expect to happen when you vomit.
Another vomit variant that causes you to get knocked down instead of just only getting a stun. Standard otherwise.
WEAK_SLIDE ![code/__DEFINES/ 389](git.png)
Like sliding, but it's short, it doesn't knockdown, it doesn't stun, it just staggers a bit.
WOUND_LAYER ![code/__DEFINES/ 770](git.png)
Bleeding wound icons
If you yawn while someone nearby has examined you within this time frame, it will force them to yawn as well. Tradecraft!