code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_food.dm0](git.png)
COMSIG_FOOD_EATEN | From datum/component/edible/proc/TakeBite: (mob/living/eater, mob/feeder, bitecount, bitesize) |
COMSIG_FOOD_CROSSED | From base of datum/component/edible/on_entered: (mob/crosser, bitecount) |
COMSIG_FOOD_CONSUMED | From base of Component/edible/On_Consume: (mob/living/eater, mob/living/feeder) |
COMSIG_PILL_CONSUMED | called when a pill is injested (mob/living/eater, mob/living/feeder) |
COMSIG_ITEM_USED_AS_INGREDIENT | called when an item is used as an ingredient: (atom/customized) |
COMSIG_FOOD_INGREDIENT_ADDED | called when an edible ingredient is added: (datum/component/edible/ingredient) |
COMSIG_FOOD_GET_EXTRA_COMPLEXITY | from base of /datum/component/edible/get_recipe_complexity(): (list/extra_complexity) |
COMSIG_ITEM_FRIED | An item becomes fried - From /datum/element/fried_item/Attach: (fry_time) |
COMSIG_ITEM_ENTERED_FRYER | An item entering the deep frying (not fried yet) - From obj/machinery/deepfryer/start_fry: () |
COMSIG_ITEM_MICROWAVE_ACT | called on item when microwaved (): (obj/machinery/microwave/microwave, mob/microwaver) |
COMPONENT_MICROWAVE_SUCCESS | Return on success - that is, a microwaved item was produced |
COMPONENT_MICROWAVE_BAD_RECIPE | Returned on "failure" - an item was produced but it was the default fail recipe |
COMSIG_ITEM_MICROWAVE_COOKED | called on item when created through microwaving (): (obj/machinery/microwave/M, cooking_efficiency) |
COMSIG_ITEM_MICROWAVE_COOKED_FROM | called on the ingredient through microwawing: (result) |
COMSIG_ITEM_GRILL_PLACED | Called when an object is placed onto a griddle |
COMSIG_ITEM_GRILL_TURNED_ON | Called when a griddle is turned on |
COMSIG_ITEM_GRILL_TURNED_OFF | Called when a griddle is turned off |
COMSIG_ITEM_GRILL_PROCESS | Called when an object is grilled ontop of a griddle |
COMPONENT_HANDLED_GRILLING | Return to not burn the item |
COMSIG_ITEM_GRILLED | Called when an object is turned into another item through grilling ontop of a griddle |
COMSIG_ITEM_BARBEQUE_GRILLED | Called when the object is grilled by the grill (not to be confused by the griddle, but oh gee the two should be merged in one) |
COMPONENT_HANDLED_BAKING | Return to not burn the item |
COMPONENT_BAKING_GOOD_RESULT | Return if the result of the baking was a good thing |
COMPONENT_BAKING_BAD_RESULT | Return if the result of the baking was a bad thing / failuire |
COMSIG_ITEM_BAKED | Called when an object is turned into another item through baking in an oven |
COMSIG_GLASS_DRANK | from base of obj/item/reagent_containers/cup/attack(): (mob/M, mob/user) |
Define Details
COMPONENT_BAKING_BAD_RESULT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 67](git.png)
Return if the result of the baking was a bad thing / failuire
COMPONENT_BAKING_GOOD_RESULT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 65](git.png)
Return if the result of the baking was a good thing
COMPONENT_HANDLED_BAKING ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 63](git.png)
Return to not burn the item
COMPONENT_HANDLED_GRILLING ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 50](git.png)
Return to not burn the item
COMPONENT_MICROWAVE_BAD_RECIPE ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 34](git.png)
Returned on "failure" - an item was produced but it was the default fail recipe
COMPONENT_MICROWAVE_SUCCESS ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 32](git.png)
Return on success - that is, a microwaved item was produced
COMSIG_FOOD_CONSUMED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 11](git.png)
From base of Component/edible/On_Consume: (mob/living/eater, mob/living/feeder)
COMSIG_FOOD_CROSSED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 9](git.png)
From base of datum/component/edible/on_entered: (mob/crosser, bitecount)
COMSIG_FOOD_EATEN ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 6](git.png)
From datum/component/edible/proc/TakeBite: (mob/living/eater, mob/feeder, bitecount, bitesize)
COMSIG_FOOD_GET_EXTRA_COMPLEXITY ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 20](git.png)
from base of /datum/component/edible/get_recipe_complexity(): (list/extra_complexity)
COMSIG_FOOD_INGREDIENT_ADDED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 17](git.png)
called when an edible ingredient is added: (datum/component/edible/ingredient)
COMSIG_GLASS_DRANK ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 74](git.png)
from base of obj/item/reagent_containers/cup/attack(): (mob/M, mob/user)
COMSIG_ITEM_BAKED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 69](git.png)
Called when an object is turned into another item through baking in an oven
COMSIG_ITEM_BARBEQUE_GRILLED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 55](git.png)
Called when the object is grilled by the grill (not to be confused by the griddle, but oh gee the two should be merged in one)
COMSIG_ITEM_ENTERED_FRYER ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 26](git.png)
An item entering the deep frying (not fried yet) - From obj/machinery/deepfryer/start_fry: ()
COMSIG_ITEM_FRIED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 24](git.png)
An item becomes fried - From /datum/element/fried_item/Attach: (fry_time)
COMSIG_ITEM_GRILLED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 52](git.png)
Called when an object is turned into another item through grilling ontop of a griddle
COMSIG_ITEM_GRILL_PLACED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 42](git.png)
Called when an object is placed onto a griddle
COMSIG_ITEM_GRILL_PROCESS ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 48](git.png)
Called when an object is grilled ontop of a griddle
COMSIG_ITEM_GRILL_TURNED_OFF ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 46](git.png)
Called when a griddle is turned off
COMSIG_ITEM_GRILL_TURNED_ON ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 44](git.png)
Called when a griddle is turned on
COMSIG_ITEM_MICROWAVE_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 30](git.png)
called on item when microwaved (): (obj/machinery/microwave/microwave, mob/microwaver)
COMSIG_ITEM_MICROWAVE_COOKED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 36](git.png)
called on item when created through microwaving (): (obj/machinery/microwave/M, cooking_efficiency)
COMSIG_ITEM_MICROWAVE_COOKED_FROM ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 38](git.png)
called on the ingredient through microwawing: (result)
COMSIG_ITEM_USED_AS_INGREDIENT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 15](git.png)
called when an item is used as an ingredient: (atom/customized)
COMSIG_PILL_CONSUMED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 13](git.png)
called when a pill is injested (mob/living/eater, mob/living/feeder)