code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_circuit.dm0](git.png)
COMSIG_PORT_SET_VALUE | Sent when the value of a port is set. |
COMSIG_PORT_SET_TYPE | Sent when the type of a port is set. |
COMSIG_PORT_DISCONNECT | Sent when a port disconnects from everything. |
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_ADD_COMPONENT | Sent when a /obj/item/circuit_component is added to a circuit. |
COMPONENT_CANCEL_ADD_COMPONENT | Cancels adding the component to the circuit. |
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_ADD_COMPONENT_MANUALLY | Sent when a /obj/item/circuit_component is added to a circuit manually, by putting the item inside directly. Accepts COMPONENT_CANCEL_ADD_COMPONENT. |
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_SHELL_REMOVED | Sent when a circuit is removed from its shell |
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_COMPONENT_ADDED | Send to /obj/item/circuit_component when it is added to a circuit. (/obj/item/integrated_circuit) |
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_COMPONENT_REMOVED | Sent to /obj/item/circuit_component when it is removed from a circuit. (/obj/item/integrated_circuit) |
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_SET_CELL | Called when the integrated circuit's cell is set. |
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_SET_ON | Called when the integrated circuit is turned on or off. |
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_SET_SHELL | Called when the integrated circuit's shell is set. |
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_SET_LOCKED | Called when the integrated circuit is locked. |
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_PRE_POWER_USAGE | Called before power is used in an integrated circuit (power_to_use) |
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_PRE_SAVE_TO_JSON | Called right before the integrated circuit data is converted to json. Allows modification to the data right before it is returned. |
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_POST_LOAD | Called when the integrated circuit is loaded. |
COMSIG_ATOM_USB_CABLE_TRY_ATTACH | Sent to an atom when a /obj/item/usb_cable attempts to connect to something. (/obj/item/usb_cable/usb_cable, /mob/user) |
COMSIG_USB_CABLE_ATTACHED | Attaches the USB cable to the atom. If the USB cables moves away, it will disconnect. |
COMSIG_USB_CABLE_CONNECTED_TO_CIRCUIT | Attaches the USB cable to a circuit. Producers of this are expected to set the usb_cable's
attached_circuit variable. |
COMSIG_CANCEL_USB_CABLE_ATTACK | Cancels the attack chain, but without performing any other action. |
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_COMPONENT_SAVE | Called when the circuit component is saved. |
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_COMPONENT_SAVE_DATA | Called when circuit component data should be saved |
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_COMPONENT_LOAD_DATA | Called when circuit component data should be loaded |
COMSIG_MOVABLE_CIRCUIT_LOADED | Called when an external object is loaded. |
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_COMPONENT_PERFORM_ACTION | Called when a ui action is sent for the circuit component |
COMSIG_GLOB_CIRCUIT_NTNET_DATA_SENT | Called when an Ntnet sender is sending Ntnet data |
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_ACTION_COMPONENT_REGISTERED | Called when an equipment action component is added to a shell (/obj/item/circuit_component/equipment_action/action_comp) |
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_ACTION_COMPONENT_UNREGISTERED | Called when an equipment action component is removed from a shell (/obj/item/circuit_component/equipment_action/action_comp) |
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_NFC_DATA_SENT | Called when an NFC sender sends data to this circuit |
COMSIG_SHELL_CIRCUIT_ATTACHED | Sent to the shell component when a circuit is attached. |
COMSIG_SHELL_CIRCUIT_REMOVED | Sent to the shell component when a circuit is removed. |
Define Details
COMPONENT_CANCEL_ADD_COMPONENT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 16](git.png)
Cancels adding the component to the circuit.
COMSIG_ATOM_USB_CABLE_TRY_ATTACH ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 54](git.png)
Sent to an atom when a /obj/item/usb_cable attempts to connect to something. (/obj/item/usb_cable/usb_cable, /mob/user)
COMSIG_CANCEL_USB_CABLE_ATTACK ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 63](git.png)
Cancels the attack chain, but without performing any other action.
Called when an equipment action component is added to a shell (/obj/item/circuit_component/equipment_action/action_comp)
Called when an equipment action component is removed from a shell (/obj/item/circuit_component/equipment_action/action_comp)
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_ADD_COMPONENT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 14](git.png)
Sent when a /obj/item/circuit_component is added to a circuit.
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_ADD_COMPONENT_MANUALLY ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 20](git.png)
Sent when a /obj/item/circuit_component is added to a circuit manually, by putting the item inside directly. Accepts COMPONENT_CANCEL_ADD_COMPONENT.
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_COMPONENT_ADDED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 26](git.png)
Send to /obj/item/circuit_component when it is added to a circuit. (/obj/item/integrated_circuit)
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_COMPONENT_LOAD_DATA ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 71](git.png)
Called when circuit component data should be loaded
Called when a ui action is sent for the circuit component
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_COMPONENT_REMOVED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 29](git.png)
Sent to /obj/item/circuit_component when it is removed from a circuit. (/obj/item/integrated_circuit)
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_COMPONENT_SAVE ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 66](git.png)
Called when the circuit component is saved.
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_COMPONENT_SAVE_DATA ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 69](git.png)
Called when circuit component data should be saved
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_NFC_DATA_SENT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 89](git.png)
Called when an NFC sender sends data to this circuit
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_POST_LOAD ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 51](git.png)
Called when the integrated circuit is loaded.
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_PRE_POWER_USAGE ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 44](git.png)
Called before power is used in an integrated circuit (power_to_use)
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_PRE_SAVE_TO_JSON ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 48](git.png)
Called right before the integrated circuit data is converted to json. Allows modification to the data right before it is returned.
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_SET_CELL ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 32](git.png)
Called when the integrated circuit's cell is set.
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_SET_LOCKED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 41](git.png)
Called when the integrated circuit is locked.
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_SET_ON ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 35](git.png)
Called when the integrated circuit is turned on or off.
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_SET_SHELL ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 38](git.png)
Called when the integrated circuit's shell is set.
COMSIG_CIRCUIT_SHELL_REMOVED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 23](git.png)
Sent when a circuit is removed from its shell
COMSIG_GLOB_CIRCUIT_NTNET_DATA_SENT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 80](git.png)
Called when an Ntnet sender is sending Ntnet data
COMSIG_MOVABLE_CIRCUIT_LOADED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 74](git.png)
Called when an external object is loaded.
COMSIG_PORT_DISCONNECT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 11](git.png)
Sent when a port disconnects from everything.
COMSIG_PORT_SET_TYPE ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 9](git.png)
Sent when the type of a port is set.
COMSIG_PORT_SET_VALUE ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 7](git.png)
Sent when the value of a port is set.
COMSIG_SHELL_CIRCUIT_ATTACHED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 92](git.png)
Sent to the shell component when a circuit is attached.
COMSIG_SHELL_CIRCUIT_REMOVED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 94](git.png)
Sent to the shell component when a circuit is removed.
COMSIG_USB_CABLE_ATTACHED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 56](git.png)
Attaches the USB cable to the atom. If the USB cables moves away, it will disconnect.
COMSIG_USB_CABLE_CONNECTED_TO_CIRCUIT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/ 60](git.png)
Attaches the USB cable to a circuit. Producers of this are expected to set the usb_cable's