code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/signals_atom_x_act.dm0](git.png)
COMSIG_ATOM_PRE_EX_ACT | from the EX_ACT wrapper macro: (severity, target) |
COMPONENT_CANCEL_EX_ACT | if returned, don't let the explosion act on this atom |
COMSIG_ATOM_EX_ACT | from the EX_ACT wrapper macro: (severity, target) |
COMSIG_ATOM_PRE_EMP_ACT | from base of atom/emp_act(severity): (severity). return EMP protection flags |
COMSIG_ATOM_EMP_ACT | from base of atom/emp_act(severity): (severity, protection) |
COMSIG_ATOM_FIRE_ACT | from base of atom/fire_act(): (exposed_temperature, exposed_volume) |
COMSIG_ATOM_PRE_BULLET_ACT | from base of atom/bullet_act(): (/obj/proj, def_zone, piercing_hit, blocked) |
COMPONENT_BULLET_ACTED | All this does is prevent default bullet on_hit from being called, [BULLET_ACT_HIT] being return is implied |
COMPONENT_BULLET_BLOCKED | Forces bullet act to return [BULLET_ACT_BLOCK], takes priority over above |
COMPONENT_BULLET_PIERCED | Forces bullet act to return [BULLET_ACT_FORCE_PIERCE], takes priority over above |
COMSIG_ATOM_BULLET_ACT | from base of atom/bullet_act(): (/obj/proj, def_zone, piercing_hit, blocked) |
COMSIG_ATOM_CHECKPARTS | from base of atom/CheckParts(): (list/parts_list, datum/crafting_recipe/R) |
COMSIG_ATOM_USED_IN_CRAFT | from base of atom/CheckParts(): (atom/movable/new_craft) - The atom has just been used in a crafting recipe and has been moved inside new_craft. |
COMSIG_ATOM_BLOB_ACT | from base of atom/blob_act(): (/obj/structure/blob) |
COMPONENT_CANCEL_BLOB_ACT | if returned, forces nothing to happen when the atom is attacked by a blob |
COMSIG_ATOM_ACID_ACT | from base of atom/acid_act(): (acidpwr, acid_volume) |
COMSIG_ATOM_EMAG_ACT | from base of atom/emag_act(): (/mob/user) |
COMSIG_ATOM_NARSIE_ACT | from base of atom/narsie_act(): () |
COMSIG_ATOM_RCD_ACT | from base of atom/rcd_act(): (/mob, /obj/item/construction/rcd, passed_mode) |
COMSIG_ATOM_SING_PULL | from base of atom/singularity_pull(): (/atom, current_size) |
COMSIG_ATOM_BSA_BEAM | from obj/machinery/bsa/full/proc/fire(): () |
COMSIG_ATOM_ITEM_INTERACTION | Sent from atom/proc/item_interaction, when this atom is left-clicked on by a mob with an item Sent from the very beginning of the click chain, intended for generic atom-item interactions Args: (mob/living/user, obj/item/tool, list/modifiers) Return any ITEM_INTERACT_ flags as relevant (see |
COMSIG_ATOM_ITEM_INTERACTION_SECONDARY | Sent from atom/proc/item_interaction, when this atom is right-clicked on by a mob with an item Sent from the very beginning of the click chain, intended for generic atom-item interactions Args: (mob/living/user, obj/item/tool, list/modifiers) Return any ITEM_INTERACT_ flags as relevant (see |
COMSIG_USER_ITEM_INTERACTION | Sent from atom/proc/item_interaction, to a mob clicking on an atom with an item |
COMSIG_ITEM_INTERACTING_WITH_ATOM | Sent from atom/proc/item_interaction, to an item clicking on an atom Args: (mob/living/user, atom/interacting_with, list/modifiers) Return any ITEM_INTERACT_ flags as relevant (see |
COMSIG_ITEM_INTERACTING_WITH_ATOM_SECONDARY | Sent from atom/proc/item_interaction, to an item right-clicking on an atom Args: (mob/living/user, atom/interacting_with, list/modifiers) Return any ITEM_INTERACT_ flags as relevant (see |
COMSIG_USER_ITEM_INTERACTION_SECONDARY | Sent from atom/proc/item_interaction, when this atom is right-clicked on by a mob with a tool |
COMSIG_ATOM_TOOL_ACT | Sent from atom/proc/item_interaction, when this atom is left-clicked on by a mob with a tool of a specific tool type Args: (mob/living/user, obj/item/tool, list/recipes) Return any ITEM_INTERACT_ flags as relevant (see |
COMSIG_ATOM_SECONDARY_TOOL_ACT | Sent from atom/proc/item_interaction, when this atom is right-clicked on by a mob with a tool of a specific tool type Args: (mob/living/user, obj/item/tool) Return any ITEM_INTERACT_ flags as relevant (see |
COMSIG_ATOM_RANGED_ITEM_INTERACTION | Sent from atom/proc/ranged_item_interaction, when this atom is left-clicked on by a mob with an item while not adjacent |
COMSIG_ATOM_RANGED_ITEM_INTERACTION_SECONDARY | Sent from atom/proc/ranged_item_interaction, when this atom is right-clicked on by a mob with an item while not adjacent |
COMSIG_RANGED_ITEM_INTERACTING_WITH_ATOM | Sent from atom/proc/ranged_item_interaction, when a mob is using this item while left-clicking on by an atom while not adjacent |
COMSIG_RANGED_ITEM_INTERACTING_WITH_ATOM_SECONDARY | Sent from atom/proc/ranged_item_interaction, when a mob is using this item while right-clicking on by an atom while not adjacent |
COMSIG_ITEM_TOOL_ACTED | Sent from atom/proc/item_interaction, when this atom is used as a tool and an event occurs |
COMSIG_ATOM_SABOTEUR_ACT | from /obj/projectile/energy/fisher/on_hit() or /obj/item/gun/energy/recharge/fisher when striking a target |
COMSIG_ATOM_MOUSE_ENTERED | signal sent when a mouse is hovering over us, sent by atom/proc/on_mouse_entered |
Define Details
COMPONENT_BULLET_ACTED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 20](git.png)
All this does is prevent default bullet on_hit from being called, [BULLET_ACT_HIT] being return is implied
COMPONENT_BULLET_BLOCKED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 22](git.png)
Forces bullet act to return [BULLET_ACT_BLOCK], takes priority over above
COMPONENT_BULLET_PIERCED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 24](git.png)
Forces bullet act to return [BULLET_ACT_FORCE_PIERCE], takes priority over above
COMPONENT_CANCEL_BLOB_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 34](git.png)
if returned, forces nothing to happen when the atom is attacked by a blob
COMPONENT_CANCEL_EX_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 8](git.png)
if returned, don't let the explosion act on this atom
COMSIG_ATOM_ACID_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 36](git.png)
from base of atom/acid_act(): (acidpwr, acid_volume)
COMSIG_ATOM_BLOB_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 32](git.png)
from base of atom/blob_act(): (/obj/structure/blob)
COMSIG_ATOM_BSA_BEAM ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 46](git.png)
from obj/machinery/bsa/full/proc/fire(): ()
COMSIG_ATOM_BULLET_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 26](git.png)
from base of atom/bullet_act(): (/obj/proj, def_zone, piercing_hit, blocked)
COMSIG_ATOM_CHECKPARTS ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 28](git.png)
from base of atom/CheckParts(): (list/parts_list, datum/crafting_recipe/R)
COMSIG_ATOM_EMAG_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 38](git.png)
from base of atom/emag_act(): (/mob/user)
COMSIG_ATOM_EMP_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 14](git.png)
from base of atom/emp_act(severity): (severity, protection)
COMSIG_ATOM_EX_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 10](git.png)
from the EX_ACT wrapper macro: (severity, target)
COMSIG_ATOM_FIRE_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 16](git.png)
from base of atom/fire_act(): (exposed_temperature, exposed_volume)
COMSIG_ATOM_ITEM_INTERACTION ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 53](git.png)
Sent from atom/proc/item_interaction, when this atom is left-clicked on by a mob with an item Sent from the very beginning of the click chain, intended for generic atom-item interactions Args: (mob/living/user, obj/item/tool, list/modifiers) Return any ITEM_INTERACT_ flags as relevant (see
COMSIG_ATOM_ITEM_INTERACTION_SECONDARY ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 58](git.png)
Sent from atom/proc/item_interaction, when this atom is right-clicked on by a mob with an item Sent from the very beginning of the click chain, intended for generic atom-item interactions Args: (mob/living/user, obj/item/tool, list/modifiers) Return any ITEM_INTERACT_ flags as relevant (see
COMSIG_ATOM_MOUSE_ENTERED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 97](git.png)
signal sent when a mouse is hovering over us, sent by atom/proc/on_mouse_entered
COMSIG_ATOM_NARSIE_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 40](git.png)
from base of atom/narsie_act(): ()
COMSIG_ATOM_PRE_BULLET_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 18](git.png)
from base of atom/bullet_act(): (/obj/proj, def_zone, piercing_hit, blocked)
COMSIG_ATOM_PRE_EMP_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 12](git.png)
from base of atom/emp_act(severity): (severity). return EMP protection flags
COMSIG_ATOM_PRE_EX_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 6](git.png)
from the EX_ACT wrapper macro: (severity, target)
COMSIG_ATOM_RANGED_ITEM_INTERACTION ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 81](git.png)
Sent from atom/proc/ranged_item_interaction, when this atom is left-clicked on by a mob with an item while not adjacent
COMSIG_ATOM_RANGED_ITEM_INTERACTION_SECONDARY ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 83](git.png)
Sent from atom/proc/ranged_item_interaction, when this atom is right-clicked on by a mob with an item while not adjacent
COMSIG_ATOM_RCD_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 42](git.png)
from base of atom/rcd_act(): (/mob, /obj/item/construction/rcd, passed_mode)
COMSIG_ATOM_SABOTEUR_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 93](git.png)
from /obj/projectile/energy/fisher/on_hit() or /obj/item/gun/energy/recharge/fisher when striking a target
COMSIG_ATOM_SECONDARY_TOOL_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 78](git.png)
Sent from atom/proc/item_interaction, when this atom is right-clicked on by a mob with a tool of a specific tool type Args: (mob/living/user, obj/item/tool) Return any ITEM_INTERACT_ flags as relevant (see
COMSIG_ATOM_SING_PULL ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 44](git.png)
from base of atom/singularity_pull(): (/atom, current_size)
COMSIG_ATOM_TOOL_ACT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 74](git.png)
Sent from atom/proc/item_interaction, when this atom is left-clicked on by a mob with a tool of a specific tool type Args: (mob/living/user, obj/item/tool, list/recipes) Return any ITEM_INTERACT_ flags as relevant (see
COMSIG_ATOM_USED_IN_CRAFT ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 30](git.png)
from base of atom/CheckParts(): (atom/movable/new_craft) - The atom has just been used in a crafting recipe and has been moved inside new_craft.
COMSIG_ITEM_INTERACTING_WITH_ATOM ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 64](git.png)
Sent from atom/proc/item_interaction, to an item clicking on an atom Args: (mob/living/user, atom/interacting_with, list/modifiers) Return any ITEM_INTERACT_ flags as relevant (see
COMSIG_ITEM_INTERACTING_WITH_ATOM_SECONDARY ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 68](git.png)
Sent from atom/proc/item_interaction, to an item right-clicking on an atom Args: (mob/living/user, atom/interacting_with, list/modifiers) Return any ITEM_INTERACT_ flags as relevant (see
COMSIG_ITEM_TOOL_ACTED ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 90](git.png)
Sent from atom/proc/item_interaction, when this atom is used as a tool and an event occurs
COMSIG_RANGED_ITEM_INTERACTING_WITH_ATOM ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 85](git.png)
Sent from atom/proc/ranged_item_interaction, when a mob is using this item while left-clicking on by an atom while not adjacent
COMSIG_RANGED_ITEM_INTERACTING_WITH_ATOM_SECONDARY ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 87](git.png)
Sent from atom/proc/ranged_item_interaction, when a mob is using this item while right-clicking on by an atom while not adjacent
COMSIG_USER_ITEM_INTERACTION ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 60](git.png)
Sent from atom/proc/item_interaction, to a mob clicking on an atom with an item
COMSIG_USER_ITEM_INTERACTION_SECONDARY ![code/__DEFINES/dcs/signals/signals_atom/ 70](git.png)
Sent from atom/proc/item_interaction, when this atom is right-clicked on by a mob with a tool