/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

CHAT_RELIABILITY_HISTORY_SIZEHow many chat payloads to keep in history
CHAT_RELIABILITY_MAX_RESENDSHow many resends to allow before giving up
CHAT_MESSAGE_MAX_LENGTHMax length of chat message in characters
debug_worldUsed for debug messages to the world
debug_usrUsed for debug messages to the player
debug_adminsUsed for debug messages to the admins
debug_world_logUsed for debug messages to the server
boxed_messageAdds a generic box around whatever message you're sending in chat. Really makes things stand out.
custom_boxed_messageAdds a box around whatever message you're sending in chat. Can apply color and/or additional classes. Available colors: red, green, blue, purple. Use it like red_box
fieldset_blockMakes a fieldset with a neaty styled name. Can apply additional classes.
separator_hrMakes a horizontal line with text in the middle
RUNECHAT_BOLDEmboldens runechat messages
conditional_tooltipHelper which creates a chat message which may have a tooltip in some contexts, but not others.

Define Details


Max length of chat message in characters


How many chat payloads to keep in history


How many resends to allow before giving up


Emboldens runechat messages


Adds a generic box around whatever message you're sending in chat. Really makes things stand out.


Helper which creates a chat message which may have a tooltip in some contexts, but not others.


Adds a box around whatever message you're sending in chat. Can apply color and/or additional classes. Available colors: red, green, blue, purple. Use it like red_box


Used for debug messages to the admins


Used for debug messages to the player


Used for debug messages to the world


Used for debug messages to the server


Makes a fieldset with a neaty styled name. Can apply additional classes.


Makes a horizontal line with text in the middle