/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


CARGO_CRATE_VALUEThe baseline unit for cargo crates. Adjusting this will change the cost of all in-game shuttles, crate export values, bounty rewards, and all supply pack import values, as they use this as their unit of measurement.
CARGO_MAX_ORDERThe highest amount of orders you can have of one thing at any one time
OVER_ORDER_LIMITReturned by /obj/docking_port/mobile/supply/proc/get_order_count to signify us going over the order limit
SCAN_EXPORTSUniversal Scanner mode for export scanning.
SCAN_SALES_TAGUniversal Scanner mode for using the sales tagger.
SCAN_PRICE_TAGUniversal Scanner mode for using the price tagger.
COUPON_OMENUsed by coupons to define that they're cursed
SUPPLY_PACK_NOT_DISCOUNTABLEDiscount categories for coupons. This one is for anything that isn't discountable.
SUPPLY_PACK_STD_DISCOUNTABLEDiscount category for the standard stuff, mostly goodies.
SUPPLY_PACK_UNCOMMON_DISCOUNTABLEDiscount category for stuff that's mostly niche and/or that might be useful.
SUPPLY_PACK_RARE_DISCOUNTABLEDiscount category for the silly, overpriced, joke content, sometimes useful or plain bad.
EXPORT_NOT_SOLDStandard export define for not selling the item.
EXPORT_SOLDSell the item
EXPORT_SOLD_DONT_DELETESell the item, but for the love of god, don't delete it, we're handling it in a fancier way.
DEPARTMENTAL_ORDER_COOLDOWN_COEFFICIENTMultiplies the logarithmic value calculating the free crate cooldown
DEPARTMENTAL_ORDER_COOLDOWN_EXPONENTUsed for the power of the logarithmic value for the free crate cooldown
DEPARTMENTAL_ORDER_REWARD_COEFFICIENTMultiplies the logarithmic value calculating the free crate delivery reward
DEPARTMENTAL_ORDER_REWARD_EXPONENTUsed for the power of the logarithmic value for the free crate delivery reward

Define Details


The baseline unit for cargo crates. Adjusting this will change the cost of all in-game shuttles, crate export values, bounty rewards, and all supply pack import values, as they use this as their unit of measurement.


The highest amount of orders you can have of one thing at any one time


Used by coupons to define that they're cursed


Multiplies the logarithmic value calculating the free crate cooldown


Used for the power of the logarithmic value for the free crate cooldown


Multiplies the logarithmic value calculating the free crate delivery reward


Used for the power of the logarithmic value for the free crate delivery reward


Standard export define for not selling the item.


Sell the item


Sell the item, but for the love of god, don't delete it, we're handling it in a fancier way.


Returned by /obj/docking_port/mobile/supply/proc/get_order_count to signify us going over the order limit


Universal Scanner mode for export scanning.


Universal Scanner mode for using the price tagger.


Universal Scanner mode for using the sales tagger.


Discount categories for coupons. This one is for anything that isn't discountable.


Discount category for the silly, overpriced, joke content, sometimes useful or plain bad.


Discount category for the standard stuff, mostly goodies.


Discount category for stuff that's mostly niche and/or that might be useful.