/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


BODYPARTS_DEFAULT_MAXIMUMThe standard amount of bodyparts a carbon has. Currently 6, HEAD/L_ARM/R_ARM/CHEST/L_LEG/R_LEG
LIMB_MAX_HP_PROSTHESISLimb Health The max damage a limb can take before it stops taking damage. Used by the max_damage var.
LIMB_BODY_DAMAGE_COEFFICIENT_ADVANCEDLimb Body Damage Coefficient A multiplication of the burn and brute damage that the limb's stored damage contributes to its attached mob's overall wellbeing. For instance, if a limb has 50 damage, and has a coefficient of 50%, the human is considered to have suffered 25 damage to their total health.
AUGGED_LIMB_EMP_BRUTE_DAMAGEThe brute damage an augged limb takes from an EMP.
AUGGED_LIMB_EMP_BURN_DAMAGEThe brute damage an augged limb takes from an EMP.
AUGGED_LIMB_EMP_PARALYZE_TIMEWhen hit by an EMP, the time an augged limb will be paralyzed for if its above the damage threshold.
AUGGED_LEG_EMP_KNOCKDOWN_TIMEWhen hit by an EMP, the time an augged leg will be knocked down for.
AUGGED_CHEST_EMP_STUN_TIMEWhen hit by an EMP, the time a augged chest will cause a hardstun for if its above the damage threshold.
AUGGED_CHEST_EMP_SHAKE_TIMEWhen hit by an EMP, the time an augged chest will cause the mob to shake() for.
AUGGED_HEAD_EMP_GLITCH_DURATIONWhen hit by an EMP, the time an augged head will make vision fucky for.
LIMB_COLOR_ATOM_COLORBase priority for atom colors, gets atom priorities added to it
LIMB_COLOR_VOIDWALKER_CURSEVoidwalker effect color priority

Define Details


When hit by an EMP, the time an augged chest will cause the mob to shake() for.


When hit by an EMP, the time a augged chest will cause a hardstun for if its above the damage threshold.


When hit by an EMP, the time an augged head will make vision fucky for.


When hit by an EMP, the time an augged leg will be knocked down for.


The brute damage an augged limb takes from an EMP.


The brute damage an augged limb takes from an EMP.


When hit by an EMP, the time an augged limb will be paralyzed for if its above the damage threshold.


The standard amount of bodyparts a carbon has. Currently 6, HEAD/L_ARM/R_ARM/CHEST/L_LEG/R_LEG


Limb Body Damage Coefficient A multiplication of the burn and brute damage that the limb's stored damage contributes to its attached mob's overall wellbeing. For instance, if a limb has 50 damage, and has a coefficient of 50%, the human is considered to have suffered 25 damage to their total health.


Base priority for atom colors, gets atom priorities added to it


Voidwalker effect color priority


Xenomorph Limbs


Limb Health The max damage a limb can take before it stops taking damage. Used by the max_damage var.