code/__DEFINES/ ![code/__DEFINES/apc_defines.dm0](git.png)
APC_ELECTRONICS_MISSING | There are no electronics in the APC. |
APC_ELECTRONICS_INSTALLED | The electronics are installed but not secured. |
APC_ELECTRONICS_SECURED | The electronics are installed and secured. |
APC_COVER_CLOSED | The APCs cover is closed. |
APC_COVER_OPENED | The APCs cover is open. |
APC_COVER_REMOVED | The APCs cover is missing. |
APC_PIXEL_OFFSET | Pixel offset of the APC from the floor turf |
APC_NOT_CHARGING | The APC is not charging. |
APC_CHARGING | The APC is charging. |
APC_FULLY_CHARGED | The APC is fully charged. |
APC_CHANNEL_OFF | The APCs power channel is manually set off. |
APC_CHANNEL_AUTO_OFF | The APCs power channel is automatically off. |
APC_CHANNEL_ON | The APCs power channel is manually set on. |
APC_CHANNEL_AUTO_ON | The APCs power channel is automatically on. |
AUTOSET_FORCE_OFF | The APC turns automated and manual power channels off. |
AUTOSET_OFF | The APC turns automated power channels off. |
AUTOSET_ON | The APC turns automated power channels on. |
APC_NO_POWER | The APC either isn't attached to a powernet or there is no power on the external powernet. |
APC_LOW_POWER | The APCs external powernet does not have enough power to charge the APC. |
APC_HAS_POWER | The APCs external powernet has enough power to charge the APC. |
APC_RESET_EMP | The wire value used to reset the APCs wires after one's EMPed. |
UPSTATE_COVER_SHIFT | The bit shift for the APCs cover status. |
UPSTATE_OPENED1 | The bitflag representing the APCs cover being open for icon purposes. |
UPSTATE_OPENED2 | The bitflag representing the APCs cover being missing for icon purposes. |
UPSTATE_CELL_IN | The APC has a power cell. |
UPSTATE_BROKE | The APC is broken or damaged. |
UPSTATE_MAINT | The APC is undergoing maintenance. |
UPSTATE_WIREEXP | The APCs wires are exposed. |
UPOVERLAY_OPERATING | Bitflag indicating that the APCs operating status overlay should be shown. |
UPOVERLAY_LOCKED | Bitflag indicating that the APCs locked status overlay should be shown. |
UPOVERLAY_CHARGING_SHIFT | Bit shift for the charging status of the APC. |
UPOVERLAY_EQUIPMENT_SHIFT | Bit shift for the equipment status of the APC. |
UPOVERLAY_LIGHTING_SHIFT | Bit shift for the lighting channel status of the APC. |
UPOVERLAY_ENVIRON_SHIFT | Bit shift for the environment channel status of the APC. |
Define Details
APC_CHANNEL_AUTO_OFF ![code/__DEFINES/ 33](git.png)
The APCs power channel is automatically off.
APC_CHANNEL_AUTO_ON ![code/__DEFINES/ 37](git.png)
The APCs power channel is automatically on.
APC_CHANNEL_OFF ![code/__DEFINES/ 31](git.png)
The APCs power channel is manually set off.
APC_CHANNEL_ON ![code/__DEFINES/ 35](git.png)
The APCs power channel is manually set on.
APC_CHARGING ![code/__DEFINES/ 25](git.png)
The APC is charging.
APC_COVER_CLOSED ![code/__DEFINES/ 11](git.png)
The APCs cover is closed.
APC_COVER_OPENED ![code/__DEFINES/ 13](git.png)
The APCs cover is open.
APC_COVER_REMOVED ![code/__DEFINES/ 15](git.png)
The APCs cover is missing.
The electronics are installed but not secured.
There are no electronics in the APC.
The electronics are installed and secured.
APC_FULLY_CHARGED ![code/__DEFINES/ 27](git.png)
The APC is fully charged.
APC_HAS_POWER ![code/__DEFINES/ 55](git.png)
The APCs external powernet has enough power to charge the APC.
APC_LOW_POWER ![code/__DEFINES/ 53](git.png)
The APCs external powernet does not have enough power to charge the APC.
APC_NOT_CHARGING ![code/__DEFINES/ 23](git.png)
The APC is not charging.
APC_NO_POWER ![code/__DEFINES/ 51](git.png)
The APC either isn't attached to a powernet or there is no power on the external powernet.
APC_PIXEL_OFFSET ![code/__DEFINES/ 19](git.png)
Pixel offset of the APC from the floor turf
APC_RESET_EMP ![code/__DEFINES/ 59](git.png)
The wire value used to reset the APCs wires after one's EMPed.
AUTOSET_FORCE_OFF ![code/__DEFINES/ 43](git.png)
The APC turns automated and manual power channels off.
AUTOSET_OFF ![code/__DEFINES/ 45](git.png)
The APC turns automated power channels off.
AUTOSET_ON ![code/__DEFINES/ 47](git.png)
The APC turns automated power channels on.
Bit shift for the charging status of the APC.
Bit shift for the environment channel status of the APC.
Bit shift for the equipment status of the APC.
Bit shift for the lighting channel status of the APC.
UPOVERLAY_LOCKED ![code/__DEFINES/ 85](git.png)
Bitflag indicating that the APCs locked status overlay should be shown.
UPOVERLAY_OPERATING ![code/__DEFINES/ 83](git.png)
Bitflag indicating that the APCs operating status overlay should be shown.
UPSTATE_BROKE ![code/__DEFINES/ 74](git.png)
The APC is broken or damaged.
UPSTATE_CELL_IN ![code/__DEFINES/ 72](git.png)
The APC has a power cell.
UPSTATE_COVER_SHIFT ![code/__DEFINES/ 64](git.png)
The bit shift for the APCs cover status.
UPSTATE_MAINT ![code/__DEFINES/ 76](git.png)
The APC is undergoing maintenance.
UPSTATE_OPENED1 ![code/__DEFINES/ 66](git.png)
The bitflag representing the APCs cover being open for icon purposes.
UPSTATE_OPENED2 ![code/__DEFINES/ 68](git.png)
The bitflag representing the APCs cover being missing for icon purposes.
UPSTATE_WIREEXP ![code/__DEFINES/ 78](git.png)
The APCs wires are exposed.