code/__DEFINES/ai/ ![code/__DEFINES/ai/bot_keys.dm0](git.png)
HONKBOT_MODE_SLIP | can honkbots slip people? |
HONKBOT_CHECK_IDS | can honkbots check IDs? |
HONKBOT_CHECK_RECORDS | can honkbots check records? |
HONKBOT_HANDCUFF_TARGET | can honkbots handcuff people? |
REPAIRBOT_FIX_BREACHES | can we fix breaches |
REPAIRBOT_REPLACE_WINDOWS | can we fix grilles |
REPAIRBOT_REPLACE_TILES | can we replace tiles |
REPAIRBOT_FIX_GIRDERS | can we fix girders |
REPAIRBOT_BUILD_GIRDERS | can we build girders |
BB_BEACON_TARGET | The first beacon we find |
BB_PREVIOUS_BEACON_TARGET | The last beacon we found, we will use its codes to find the next beacon |
BB_BOT_SUMMON_TARGET | Location of whoever summoned us |
BB_SALUTE_MESSAGES | salute messages to beepsky |
BB_SALUTE_TARGET | the beepsky we will salute |
BB_ANNOUNCE_ABILITY | our announcement ability |
BB_RADIO_CHANNEL | list of our radio channels |
BB_TEMPORARY_IGNORE_LIST | list of unreachable things we will temporarily ignore |
BB_BOT_BEACON_COOLDOWN | penalty cooldown if we are unable to path to any beacons |
BB_PATIENT_TARGET | the patient we must heal |
BB_WAIT_SPEECH | list holding our wait dialogue |
BB_AFTERHEAL_SPEECH | what we will say to our patient after we heal them |
BB_IDLE_SPEECH | things we will say when we are bored |
BB_EMAGGED_SPEECH | speech unlocked after being emagged |
BB_WORRIED_ANNOUNCEMENTS | speech when we are tipped |
BB_NEAR_DEATH_SPEECH | speech when our patient is near death |
BB_PATIENT_IN_CRIT | in crit patient we must alert medbay about |
BB_UNREACHABLE_LIST_COOLDOWN | how much time interval before we clear list |
BB_CLEAR_LIST_READY | can we clear the list now |
BB_CLEANBOT_FOAM | key that holds the foaming ability |
BB_CLEANABLE_DECALS | key that holds decals we hunt |
BB_CLEANABLE_BLOOD | key that holds blood we hunt |
BB_HUNTABLE_PESTS | key that holds pests we hunt |
BB_CLEANBOT_EMAGGED_PHRASES | key that holds emagged speech |
BB_CLEANABLE_DRAWINGS | key that holds drawings we hunt |
BB_CLEAN_TARGET | Key that holds our clean target |
BB_FRIENDLY_JANITOR | key that holds the janitor we will befriend |
BB_ACID_SPRAY_TARGET | key that holds the victim we will spray |
BB_HUNTABLE_TRASH | key that holds trash we will burn |
BB_WASH_THREATS | key that holds our threats |
BB_WASH_FOUND | key that holds speech when we find our target |
BB_WASH_DONE | key that holds speech when we cleaned our target |
BB_WASH_TARGET | key that holds target we will wash |
BB_WASH_FRUSTRATION | key that holds how frustrated we are when target is running away |
BB_POST_CLEAN_COOLDOWN | key that holds cooldown after we finish cleaning something, so we dont immediately run off to patrol |
BB_CLOWNS_LIST | key that holds all possible clown friends |
BB_CLOWN_FRIEND | key that holds the clown we play with |
BB_SLIPPERY_ITEMS | key that holds the list of slippery items |
BB_SLIP_LIST | key that holds list of types we will attempt to slip |
BB_SLIPPERY_TARGET | key that holds the slippery item we will drag people too |
BB_SLIP_TARGET | key that holds the victim we will slip |
BB_HONK_ABILITY | key that holds our honk ability |
BB_FIREBOT_CAN_EXTINGUISH | things we can extinguish |
BB_FIREBOT_EXTINGUISH_TARGET | the target we will extinguish |
BB_FIREBOT_FIRE_DETECTED_LINES | lines we say when we detect a fire |
BB_FIREBOT_IDLE_LINES | lines we say when we are idle |
BB_FIREBOT_EMAGGED_LINES | lines we say when we are emagged |
BB_VIBEBOT_PARTY_ABILITY | key that holds our partying ability |
BB_VIBEBOT_BIRTHDAY_SONG | key that holds our birthday song |
BB_VIBEBOT_HAPPY_SONG | key that holds happy songs we play to depressed targets |
BB_VIBEBOT_GRIM_SONG | key that holds grim song we play when emagged |
BB_VIBEBOT_PARTY_TARGET | key that holds neutral targets we vibe with |
BB_VIBEBOT_INSTRUMENT | key that holds our instrument |
BB_TILELESS_FLOOR | key that holds the floor we should tile over |
BB_GIRDER_TARGET | key that holds the turf we should place a girder over |
BB_GIRDER_TO_WALL_TARGET | key that holds the girder we should place a wall over |
BB_WINDOW_FRAMETARGET | key that holds the grille we must fix |
BB_WELDER_TARGET | key that holds the machinery we repair with a welder |
BB_GIRDER_BUILD_ABILITY | our wall girder ability |
BB_BREACHED_FLOOR | key that holds breached floors we should repair |
BB_REPAIRBOT_EMAGGED_SPEECH | key that holds our emagged speech |
BB_REPAIRBOT_NORMAL_SPEECH | key that holds our normal speech |
BB_DECONSTRUCT_TARGET | key that holds the thing we should deconstruct |
BB_REPAIRBOT_SPEECH_COOLDOWN | key that holds our speech timer |
BB_ROBOT_TARGET | key that holds our target borg |
BB_REFILLABLE_TARGET | key that holds materials we can refill |
Define Details
BB_ACID_SPRAY_TARGET ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 98](git.png)
key that holds the victim we will spray
BB_AFTERHEAL_SPEECH ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 64](git.png)
what we will say to our patient after we heal them
BB_ANNOUNCE_ABILITY ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 50](git.png)
our announcement ability
BB_BEACON_TARGET ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 40](git.png)
The first beacon we find
BB_BOT_BEACON_COOLDOWN ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 56](git.png)
penalty cooldown if we are unable to path to any beacons
BB_BOT_SUMMON_TARGET ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 44](git.png)
Location of whoever summoned us
BB_BREACHED_FLOOR ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 172](git.png)
key that holds breached floors we should repair
BB_CLEANABLE_BLOOD ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 86](git.png)
key that holds blood we hunt
BB_CLEANABLE_DECALS ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 84](git.png)
key that holds decals we hunt
BB_CLEANABLE_DRAWINGS ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 92](git.png)
key that holds drawings we hunt
key that holds emagged speech
BB_CLEANBOT_FOAM ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 82](git.png)
key that holds the foaming ability
BB_CLEAN_TARGET ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 94](git.png)
Key that holds our clean target
BB_CLEAR_LIST_READY ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 78](git.png)
can we clear the list now
BB_CLOWNS_LIST ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 118](git.png)
key that holds all possible clown friends
BB_CLOWN_FRIEND ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 120](git.png)
key that holds the clown we play with
BB_DECONSTRUCT_TARGET ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 178](git.png)
key that holds the thing we should deconstruct
BB_EMAGGED_SPEECH ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 68](git.png)
speech unlocked after being emagged
BB_FIREBOT_CAN_EXTINGUISH ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 134](git.png)
things we can extinguish
BB_FIREBOT_EMAGGED_LINES ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 142](git.png)
lines we say when we are emagged
the target we will extinguish
lines we say when we detect a fire
BB_FIREBOT_IDLE_LINES ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 140](git.png)
lines we say when we are idle
BB_FRIENDLY_JANITOR ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 96](git.png)
key that holds the janitor we will befriend
BB_GIRDER_BUILD_ABILITY ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 170](git.png)
our wall girder ability
BB_GIRDER_TARGET ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 162](git.png)
key that holds the turf we should place a girder over
BB_GIRDER_TO_WALL_TARGET ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 164](git.png)
key that holds the girder we should place a wall over
BB_HONK_ABILITY ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 130](git.png)
key that holds our honk ability
BB_HUNTABLE_PESTS ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 88](git.png)
key that holds pests we hunt
BB_HUNTABLE_TRASH ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 100](git.png)
key that holds trash we will burn
BB_IDLE_SPEECH ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 66](git.png)
things we will say when we are bored
BB_NEAR_DEATH_SPEECH ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 72](git.png)
speech when our patient is near death
BB_PATIENT_IN_CRIT ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 74](git.png)
in crit patient we must alert medbay about
BB_PATIENT_TARGET ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 60](git.png)
the patient we must heal
BB_POST_CLEAN_COOLDOWN ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 114](git.png)
key that holds cooldown after we finish cleaning something, so we dont immediately run off to patrol
BB_PREVIOUS_BEACON_TARGET ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 42](git.png)
The last beacon we found, we will use its codes to find the next beacon
BB_RADIO_CHANNEL ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 52](git.png)
list of our radio channels
BB_REFILLABLE_TARGET ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 184](git.png)
key that holds materials we can refill
BB_REPAIRBOT_EMAGGED_SPEECH ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 174](git.png)
key that holds our emagged speech
BB_REPAIRBOT_NORMAL_SPEECH ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 176](git.png)
key that holds our normal speech
key that holds our speech timer
BB_ROBOT_TARGET ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 182](git.png)
key that holds our target borg
BB_SALUTE_MESSAGES ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 46](git.png)
salute messages to beepsky
BB_SALUTE_TARGET ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 48](git.png)
the beepsky we will salute
BB_SLIPPERY_ITEMS ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 122](git.png)
key that holds the list of slippery items
BB_SLIPPERY_TARGET ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 126](git.png)
key that holds the slippery item we will drag people too
BB_SLIP_LIST ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 124](git.png)
key that holds list of types we will attempt to slip
BB_SLIP_TARGET ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 128](git.png)
key that holds the victim we will slip
BB_TEMPORARY_IGNORE_LIST ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 54](git.png)
list of unreachable things we will temporarily ignore
BB_TILELESS_FLOOR ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 160](git.png)
key that holds the floor we should tile over
how much time interval before we clear list
BB_VIBEBOT_BIRTHDAY_SONG ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 148](git.png)
key that holds our birthday song
BB_VIBEBOT_GRIM_SONG ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 152](git.png)
key that holds grim song we play when emagged
BB_VIBEBOT_HAPPY_SONG ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 150](git.png)
key that holds happy songs we play to depressed targets
BB_VIBEBOT_INSTRUMENT ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 156](git.png)
key that holds our instrument
BB_VIBEBOT_PARTY_ABILITY ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 146](git.png)
key that holds our partying ability
BB_VIBEBOT_PARTY_TARGET ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 154](git.png)
key that holds neutral targets we vibe with
BB_WAIT_SPEECH ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 62](git.png)
list holding our wait dialogue
BB_WASH_DONE ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 108](git.png)
key that holds speech when we cleaned our target
BB_WASH_FOUND ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 106](git.png)
key that holds speech when we find our target
BB_WASH_FRUSTRATION ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 112](git.png)
key that holds how frustrated we are when target is running away
BB_WASH_TARGET ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 110](git.png)
key that holds target we will wash
BB_WASH_THREATS ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 104](git.png)
key that holds our threats
BB_WELDER_TARGET ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 168](git.png)
key that holds the machinery we repair with a welder
BB_WINDOW_FRAMETARGET ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 166](git.png)
key that holds the grille we must fix
BB_WORRIED_ANNOUNCEMENTS ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 70](git.png)
speech when we are tipped
HONKBOT_CHECK_IDS ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 6](git.png)
can honkbots check IDs?
HONKBOT_CHECK_RECORDS ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 8](git.png)
can honkbots check records?
HONKBOT_HANDCUFF_TARGET ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 10](git.png)
can honkbots handcuff people?
HONKBOT_MODE_SLIP ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 4](git.png)
can honkbots slip people?
REPAIRBOT_BUILD_GIRDERS ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 28](git.png)
can we build girders
REPAIRBOT_FIX_BREACHES ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 20](git.png)
can we fix breaches
REPAIRBOT_FIX_GIRDERS ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 26](git.png)
can we fix girders
REPAIRBOT_REPLACE_TILES ![code/__DEFINES/ai/ 24](git.png)
can we replace tiles
can we fix grilles