/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


ACCESS_COMMANDCommand General Access, typically used for accessing the doors to the bridge, as well as being the general access that Tablet/Computer Programs check for "heads".
ACCESS_AI_UPLOADAccess to the AI Upload Room Doors as well as the AI satellite. Also used for controlling the machinery in the AI Upload (turrets, foam dispensers)
ACCESS_TELEPORTERAccess to the Teleporter Room, and some cargo crates.
ACCESS_EVAAccess to the EVA Storage Room, and some cargo crates.
ACCESS_RC_ANNOUNCEAccess to make an announcement through the Requests Console found in an office.
ACCESS_KEYCARD_AUTHAccess used for events (Red Alert, BSA, Emergency Maintenance) which require at least two people to swipe at the same time to authorize it
ACCESS_MINISATAccess for the "minisat", but is actually used for the small maintenance cubicle some AI satellites may have.
ACCESS_NETWORKAccess used to run the NTNet Tablet Application WireCarp, which allows you to diagnose and view NTNet logging.
ACCESS_GATEWAYAccess used to access the Gateway Room, which will further lead you to get to Away Missions.
ACCESS_ALL_PERSONAL_LOCKERSAccess used to override "personal control" on a personal locker, meaning you are able to open any of those lockers/wardrobes.
ACCESS_CHANGE_IDSAccess used for Access-Changing Programs, this one will unlock all options that can be ever given via that program.
ACCESS_CAPTAINAccess used for the Captain's personal quarters in mapping, as well as what allows one to order emergency shuttles.
ACCESS_HOPAccess used for the Head of Personnel's personal quarters in mapping, as well as the security console and other HoP-related things.
ACCESS_SECURITYSecurity's General Access. In mapping, grants access to spaces such as to the "meeting room" or firing range, as well as being the general access that Tablet/Computer Programs check for "heads". Also unlocks other types of security equipment.
ACCESS_BRIG_ENTRANCEAccess that ONLY grants access to the front doors of the Brig. Never use this more for anything than that, please.
ACCESS_BRIGAccess to brig cells, brig timers, permabrig, gulag, gulag teleporter, gulag shuttle, prisoner management console, and some security cargo crates.
ACCESS_ARMORYAccess to the armory, security incinerator (when present), and the execution/re-education chamber.
ACCESS_COURTAccess to the "secure" portion of the courtroom, like where the judge and everyone sits..
ACCESS_WEAPONSThe "Weapons Permit" Access, or the one that lets you walk past secbots without them charging at you as you hold your weaponry.
ACCESS_HOSAccess used for the Head of Security's personal quarters in mapping, as well as other HoS-related things.
ACCESS_DETECTIVEAccess for the detective to get into their office, the medical data console, and some other detective-related stuff.
ACCESS_ENGINEERINGEngineering General Access, grants access to the standard parts of engineering (as well as the Supermatter and related equipment).
ACCESS_ATMOSPHERICSAccess to Atmospherics Sections of the Engineering Department, as well as air alarms.
ACCESS_MAINT_TUNNELSAccess to all maintenance tunnels on the station. This overrides any "departmental maintenance" access, this has free roaming range everywhere.
ACCESS_ENGINE_EQUIPAccess to get into APCs, engineering equipment lockers, typically mapped in for key power rooms across the station, engineering vending machines, emitters, and some other stuff.
ACCESS_CONSTRUCTIONAccess to "construction" areas of the station. However, in mapping, it's used to get access to the front door and lathe room of the engineering department.
ACCESS_TECH_STORAGEAccess to the technical storage room (contains all the boards and other miscellaneous engineering gear).
ACCESS_TCOMMSAccess to the telecomms satellite, machinery, and tablets.
ACCESS_AUX_BASEAccess to the Auxiliary Base Room, as well as the ability over launching it.
ACCESS_EXTERNAL_AIRLOCKSAccess to all external "space facing" airlocks on the station. Used such that people don't easily "jump ship", or restict free ingress/egress to only a few points on the station.
ACCESS_CEAccess for the Chief Engineer's personal quarters in mapping, as well as some other CE-related things.
ACCESS_MEDICALGeneral access to Medbay, like the front doors, the treatment center, the medical records console, defibrillator mounts, and more.
ACCESS_MORGUEAccess to the Morgue.
ACCESS_MORGUE_SECUREAccess to the secure morgue area.
ACCESS_PHARMACYAccess to the Pharmacy, or the smaller room in medical with the multiple chem dispensers and pill pressers. The Chemist's main position.
ACCESS_SURGERYAccess to the surgery rooms.
ACCESS_PLUMBINGAllows access to the larger room for Chemistry plumbing machinery setups.
ACCESS_VIROLOGYAccess to the Virology portion of the medical department, as well as the virology crate.
ACCESS_PSYCHOLOGYAccess to the Psychologist's office.
ACCESS_CMOAccess for the Chief Medical Officer's personal quarters in mapping, as well as some other CMO-related things.
ACCESS_CARGOGeneral access for Cargo, allows for entry to Cargo Bay and Cargo's Office.
ACCESS_SHIPPINGAccess to the Shipping and Mailing Rooms on several maps.
ACCESS_MINERAL_STOREROOMAccess for a room where the ORM may be kept, or to release materials from the ORM.
ACCESS_MININGAccess to the "on-station" Mining Portion of the Cargo Department.
ACCESS_MINING_STATIONAccess to the "off-station" Mining Station, which contains gear dedicated for miners to do their job best, as well as seek shelter from the inhospitable elements.
ACCESS_VAULTAccess to the vault on the station, for accessing the station's budget, the nuke core, or the Ore Silo.
ACCESS_QMAccess for the Quartermaster's personal quarters in mapping, as well as some other QM-related things.
ACCESS_BIT_DENAccess for the bitrunning den
ACCESS_SCIENCEGeneral access for Science, allows for entry to the general hallways of Science, as well as the main lathe room.
ACCESS_RESEARCHAccess to the specialized research experimentation rooms within Science, as well as what gives access to lockers and access to TechWeb programs.
ACCESS_ORDNANCEAccess to the Ordnance Mixing Lab and the Ordnance Bomb Range.
ACCESS_ORDNANCE_STORAGEAccess to the Ordnance Storage Room, where all of the bomb-making gases are stored.
ACCESS_GENETICSAccess to the Genetics division of Science.
ACCESS_ROBOTICSAccess to the Robotics division of Science, as well as opening up silicon cyborgs and other simple robots.
ACCESS_XENOBIOLOGYAccess to the Xenobiology division of Science.
ACCESS_RDAccess for the Research Director's personal quarters in mapping, as well as some other RD-related things.
ACCESS_SERVICEGeneral access for Service, allows for entry to the Service Hallway.
ACCESS_THEATREAccess to the Theatre, as well as other vending machines related to the theatre. Sometimes also used as the "clown's" access in code.
ACCESS_CHAPEL_OFFICEAccess to the Chaplain's office.
ACCESS_CREMATORIUMAccess to the chapel's crematorium.
ACCESS_LIBRARYAccess to the curator's private rooms in the Library and the trophy display cases, as well as access both into and out of the Library via Maintenance.
ACCESS_BARAccess to the Bar, the Bar's Backroom, the bar sign, the bar robot portal, and the bar's vending machines. Some other bar-things too.
ACCESS_KITCHENAccess to the Kitchen, the Kitchen's Coldroom, the kitchen's vending machines, and the food robot portal. Some other chef-things too.
ACCESS_HYDROPONICSAccess to the Botany Division of the station and some other Botanist things.
ACCESS_JANITORAccess to the Janitor's room, and some tablet apps for control of the station's janitorial equipment.
ACCESS_LAWYERAccess to the Lawyer's office.
ACCESS_BLUESHIELDAccess to Blueshield's office and closet
ACCESS_NANOTRASEN_REPRESENTATIVEAccess to Nanotrasen Representative's office and closet
ACCESS_MAGISTRATEAccess to Magistrate's office and closet
ACCESS_CENT_SPECOPSSpecial Ops. Captain's display case, Marauder and Seraph mechs. Remind me to separate to captain, centcom, and syndicate mech access later -SonofSpace
LOG_ID_ACCESS_CHANGELogging define for ID card access changes
ACCESS_FLAG_COMMON_NAMEDisplayed name for Common ID card accesses.
ACCESS_FLAG_COMMONBitflag for Common ID card accesses. See COMMON_ACCESS.
ACCESS_FLAG_COMMAND_NAMEDisplayed name for Command ID card accesses.
ACCESS_FLAG_COMMANDBitflag for Command ID card accesses. See COMMAND_ACCESS.
ACCESS_FLAG_PRV_COMMAND_NAMEDisplayed name for Private Command ID card accesses.
ACCESS_FLAG_PRV_COMMANDBitflag for Private Command ID card accesses. See PRIVATE_COMMAND_ACCESS.
ACCESS_FLAG_CAPTAIN_NAMEDisplayed name for Captain ID card accesses.
ACCESS_FLAG_CAPTAINBitflag for Captain ID card accesses. See CAPTAIN_ACCESS.
ACCESS_FLAG_CENTCOM_NAMEDisplayed name for Centcom ID card accesses.
ACCESS_FLAG_CENTCOMBitflag for Centcom ID card accesses. See CENTCOM_ACCESS.
ACCESS_FLAG_SYNDICATE_NAMEDisplayed name for Syndicate ID card accesses.
ACCESS_FLAG_SYNDICATEBitflag for Syndicate ID card accesses. See SYNDICATE_ACCESS.
ACCESS_FLAG_AWAY_NAMEDisplayed name for Offstation/Ruin/Away Mission ID card accesses.
ACCESS_FLAG_AWAYBitflag for Offstation/Ruin/Away Mission ID card accesses. See AWAY_ACCESS.
ACCESS_FLAG_SPECIAL_NAMEDisplayed name for Special accesses that ordinaryily shouldn't be on ID cards.
ACCESS_FLAG_SPECIALBitflag for Special accesses that ordinaryily shouldn't be on ID cards. See CULT_ACCESS.
WILDCARD_FLAG_ALLThis wildcraft flag accepts any access level.
WILDCARD_NAME_ALLName associated with the all wildcard bitflag.
WILDCARD_FLAG_COMMONAccess flags that can be applied to common wildcard slots.
WILDCARD_NAME_COMMONName associated with the common wildcard bitflag.
WILDCARD_FLAG_COMMANDAccess flags that can be applied to command wildcard slots.
WILDCARD_NAME_COMMANDName associated with the command wildcard bitflag.
WILDCARD_FLAG_PRV_COMMANDAccess flags that can be applied to private command wildcard slots.
WILDCARD_NAME_PRV_COMMANDName associated with the private command wildcard bitflag.
WILDCARD_FLAG_CAPTAINAccess flags that can be applied to captain wildcard slots.
WILDCARD_NAME_CAPTAINName associated with the captain wildcard bitflag.
WILDCARD_FLAG_CENTCOMAccess flags that can be applied to centcom wildcard slots.
WILDCARD_NAME_CENTCOMName associated with the centcom wildcard bitflag.
WILDCARD_FLAG_SYNDICATEAccess flags that can be applied to syndicate wildcard slots.
WILDCARD_NAME_SYNDICATEName associated with the syndicate wildcard bitflag.
WILDCARD_FLAG_AWAYAccess flags that can be applied to offstation wildcard slots.
WILDCARD_NAME_AWAYName associated with the offstation wildcard bitflag.
WILDCARD_FLAG_SPECIALAccess flags that can be applied to super special weird wildcard slots.
WILDCARD_NAME_SPECIALName associated with the super special weird wildcard bitflag.
WILDCARD_FLAG_FORCEDAccess flag that indicates a wildcard was forced onto an ID card.
WILDCARD_NAME_FORCEDName associated with the wildcard bitflag that covers wildcards that have been forced onto an ID card that could not accept them.
COMMON_ACCESSDepartmental/general/common area accesses. Do not use direct, access via SSid_access.get_flag_access_list(ACCESS_FLAG_COMMON)
COMMAND_ACCESSCommand staff/secure accesses, think bridge/armoury, ai_upload, notably access to modify ID cards themselves. Do not use direct, access via SSid_access.get_flag_access_list(ACCESS_FLAG_COMMAND)
PRIVATE_COMMAND_ACCESSPrivate head of staff offices, usually only granted to most cards by trimming. Do not use direct, access via SSid_access.get_flag_access_list(ACCESS_FLAG_PRV_COMMAND)
CAPTAIN_ACCESSCaptains private rooms. Do not use direct, access via SSid_access.get_flag_access_list(ACCESS_FLAG_CAPTAIN)
CENTCOM_ACCESSCentcom area stuff. Do not use direct, access via SSid_access.get_flag_access_list(ACCESS_FLAG_CENTCOM)
SYNDICATE_ACCESSSyndicate areas off station. Do not use direct, access via SSid_access.get_flag_access_list(ACCESS_FLAG_SYNDICATE)
AWAY_ACCESSAway missions/gateway/space ruins. Do not use direct, access via SSid_access.get_flag_access_list(ACCESS_FLAG_AWAY)
CULT_ACCESSWeird internal Cult access that prevents non-cult from using their doors. Do not use direct, access via SSid_access.get_flag_access_list(ACCESS_FLAG_SPECIAL)
REGION_ALL_GLOBALName for the Global region.
REGION_ACCESS_ALL_GLOBALUsed to seed the accesses_by_region list in SSid_access. A list of every single access in the game.
REGION_ALL_STATIONName for the Station All Access region.
REGION_ACCESS_ALL_STATIONUsed to seed the accesses_by_region list in SSid_access. A list of all station accesses.
REGION_GENERALName for the General region.
REGION_ACCESS_GENERALUsed to seed the accesses_by_region list in SSid_access. A list of general service accesses that are overseen by the HoP.
REGION_SECURITYName for the Security region.
REGION_ACCESS_SECURITYUsed to seed the accesses_by_region list in SSid_access. A list of all security regional accesses that are overseen by the HoS.
REGION_MEDBAYName for the Medbay region.
REGION_ACCESS_MEDBAYUsed to seed the accesses_by_region list in SSid_access. A list of all medbay regional accesses that are overseen by the CMO.
REGION_RESEARCHName for the Research region.
REGION_ACCESS_RESEARCHUsed to seed the accesses_by_region list in SSid_access. A list of all research regional accesses that are overseen by the RD.
REGION_ENGINEERINGName for the Engineering region.
REGION_ACCESS_ENGINEERINGUsed to seed the accesses_by_region list in SSid_access. A list of all engineering regional accesses that are overseen by the CE.
REGION_SUPPLYName for the Supply region.
REGION_ACCESS_SUPPLYUsed to seed the accesses_by_region list in SSid_access. A list of all cargo regional accesses that are overseen by the HoP.
REGION_COMMANDName for the Command region.
REGION_ACCESS_COMMANDUsed to seed the accesses_by_region list in SSid_access. A list of all command regional accesses that are overseen by the Captain.
REGION_CENTCOMName for the Centcom region.
REGION_ACCESS_CENTCOMUsed to seed the accesses_by_region list in SSid_access. A list of all CENTCOM_ACCESS regional accesses.
PDA_PAINTING_REGIONSA list of PDA paths that can be painted as well as the regional heads which should be able to paint them. If a PDA is not in this list, it cannot be painted using the PDA & ID Painter. If a PDA is in this list, it can always be painted with ACCESS_CHANGE_IDS. Used to see pda_region in /datum/controller/subsystem/id_access/proc/setup_tgui_lists
REGION_AREA_STATIONAll regions that make up the station area. Helper define to quickly designate a region as part of the station or not. Access via SSid_access.station_regions.
TRY_ADD_ALLUsed in ID card access adding procs. Will try to add all accesses and utilises free wildcards, skipping over any accesses it can't add.
TRY_ADD_ALL_NO_WILDCARDUsed in ID card access adding procs. Will try to add all accesses and does not utilise wildcards, skipping anything requiring a wildcard.
FORCE_ADD_ALLUsed in ID card access adding procs. Will forcefully add all accesses.
ERROR_ON_FAILUsed in ID card access adding procs. Will stack trace on fail.

Define Details


Access to the AI Upload Room Doors as well as the AI satellite. Also used for controlling the machinery in the AI Upload (turrets, foam dispensers)



Access used to override "personal control" on a personal locker, meaning you are able to open any of those lockers/wardrobes.


Access to the armory, security incinerator (when present), and the execution/re-education chamber.


Access to Atmospherics Sections of the Engineering Department, as well as air alarms.


Access to the Auxiliary Base Room, as well as the ability over launching it.



Access to the Bar, the Bar's Backroom, the bar sign, the bar robot portal, and the bar's vending machines. Some other bar-things too.


Access for the bitrunning den




Access to Blueshield's office and closet


Access to brig cells, brig timers, permabrig, gulag, gulag teleporter, gulag shuttle, prisoner management console, and some security cargo crates.


Access that ONLY grants access to the front doors of the Brig. Never use this more for anything than that, please.


Access used for the Captain's personal quarters in mapping, as well as what allows one to order emergency shuttles.


General access for Cargo, allows for entry to Cargo Bay and Cargo's Office.


Access for the Chief Engineer's personal quarters in mapping, as well as some other CE-related things.



Special Ops. Captain's display case, Marauder and Seraph mechs. Remind me to separate to captain, centcom, and syndicate mech access later -SonofSpace


Access used for Access-Changing Programs, this one will unlock all options that can be ever given via that program.


Access to the Chaplain's office.


Access for the Chief Medical Officer's personal quarters in mapping, as well as some other CMO-related things.


Command General Access, typically used for accessing the doors to the bridge, as well as being the general access that Tablet/Computer Programs check for "heads".


Access to "construction" areas of the station. However, in mapping, it's used to get access to the front door and lathe room of the engineering department.


Access to the "secure" portion of the courtroom, like where the judge and everyone sits..


Access to the chapel's crematorium.


Access for the detective to get into their office, the medical data console, and some other detective-related stuff.


Engineering General Access, grants access to the standard parts of engineering (as well as the Supermatter and related equipment).


Access to get into APCs, engineering equipment lockers, typically mapped in for key power rooms across the station, engineering vending machines, emitters, and some other stuff.


Access to the EVA Storage Room, and some cargo crates.


Access to all external "space facing" airlocks on the station. Used such that people don't easily "jump ship", or restict free ingress/egress to only a few points on the station.


Bitflag for Offstation/Ruin/Away Mission ID card accesses. See AWAY_ACCESS.


Displayed name for Offstation/Ruin/Away Mission ID card accesses.


Bitflag for Captain ID card accesses. See CAPTAIN_ACCESS.


Displayed name for Captain ID card accesses.


Bitflag for Centcom ID card accesses. See CENTCOM_ACCESS.


Displayed name for Centcom ID card accesses.


Bitflag for Command ID card accesses. See COMMAND_ACCESS.


Displayed name for Command ID card accesses.


Bitflag for Common ID card accesses. See COMMON_ACCESS.


Displayed name for Common ID card accesses.


Bitflag for Private Command ID card accesses. See PRIVATE_COMMAND_ACCESS.


Displayed name for Private Command ID card accesses.


Bitflag for Special accesses that ordinaryily shouldn't be on ID cards. See CULT_ACCESS.


Displayed name for Special accesses that ordinaryily shouldn't be on ID cards.


Bitflag for Syndicate ID card accesses. See SYNDICATE_ACCESS.


Displayed name for Syndicate ID card accesses.


Access used to access the Gateway Room, which will further lead you to get to Away Missions.


Access to the Genetics division of Science.


Access used for the Head of Personnel's personal quarters in mapping, as well as the security console and other HoP-related things.


Access used for the Head of Security's personal quarters in mapping, as well as other HoS-related things.




Access to the Botany Division of the station and some other Botanist things.



Access to the Janitor's room, and some tablet apps for control of the station's janitorial equipment.


Access used for events (Red Alert, BSA, Emergency Maintenance) which require at least two people to swipe at the same time to authorize it


Access to the Kitchen, the Kitchen's Coldroom, the kitchen's vending machines, and the food robot portal. Some other chef-things too.


Access to the Lawyer's office.


Access to the curator's private rooms in the Library and the trophy display cases, as well as access both into and out of the Library via Maintenance.


Access to Magistrate's office and closet


Access to all maintenance tunnels on the station. This overrides any "departmental maintenance" access, this has free roaming range everywhere.



General access to Medbay, like the front doors, the treatment center, the medical records console, defibrillator mounts, and more.


Access for a room where the ORM may be kept, or to release materials from the ORM.


Access to the "on-station" Mining Portion of the Cargo Department.


Access to the "off-station" Mining Station, which contains gear dedicated for miners to do their job best, as well as seek shelter from the inhospitable elements.


Access for the "minisat", but is actually used for the small maintenance cubicle some AI satellites may have.


Access to the Morgue.


Access to the secure morgue area.


Access to Nanotrasen Representative's office and closet


Access used to run the NTNet Tablet Application WireCarp, which allows you to diagnose and view NTNet logging.


Access to the Ordnance Mixing Lab and the Ordnance Bomb Range.


Access to the Ordnance Storage Room, where all of the bomb-making gases are stored.


Access to the Pharmacy, or the smaller room in medical with the multiple chem dispensers and pill pressers. The Chemist's main position.


Allows access to the larger room for Chemistry plumbing machinery setups.


Access to the Psychologist's office.


Access for the Quartermaster's personal quarters in mapping, as well as some other QM-related things.


Access to make an announcement through the Requests Console found in an office.


Access for the Research Director's personal quarters in mapping, as well as some other RD-related things.


Access to the specialized research experimentation rooms within Science, as well as what gives access to lockers and access to TechWeb programs.


Access to the Robotics division of Science, as well as opening up silicon cyborgs and other simple robots.


General access for Science, allows for entry to the general hallways of Science, as well as the main lathe room.


Security's General Access. In mapping, grants access to spaces such as to the "meeting room" or firing range, as well as being the general access that Tablet/Computer Programs check for "heads". Also unlocks other types of security equipment.


General access for Service, allows for entry to the Service Hallway.


Access to the Shipping and Mailing Rooms on several maps.


Access to the surgery rooms.



Access to the telecomms satellite, machinery, and tablets.


Access to the technical storage room (contains all the boards and other miscellaneous engineering gear).


Access to the Teleporter Room, and some cargo crates.


Access to the Theatre, as well as other vending machines related to the theatre. Sometimes also used as the "clown's" access in code.


Access to the vault on the station, for accessing the station's budget, the nuke core, or the Ore Silo.


Access to the Virology portion of the medical department, as well as the virology crate.


The "Weapons Permit" Access, or the one that lets you walk past secbots without them charging at you as you hold your weaponry.


Access to the Xenobiology division of Science.


Away missions/gateway/space ruins. Do not use direct, access via SSid_access.get_flag_access_list(ACCESS_FLAG_AWAY)


Captains private rooms. Do not use direct, access via SSid_access.get_flag_access_list(ACCESS_FLAG_CAPTAIN)


Centcom area stuff. Do not use direct, access via SSid_access.get_flag_access_list(ACCESS_FLAG_CENTCOM)


Command staff/secure accesses, think bridge/armoury, ai_upload, notably access to modify ID cards themselves. Do not use direct, access via SSid_access.get_flag_access_list(ACCESS_FLAG_COMMAND)


Departmental/general/common area accesses. Do not use direct, access via SSid_access.get_flag_access_list(ACCESS_FLAG_COMMON)


Weird internal Cult access that prevents non-cult from using their doors. Do not use direct, access via SSid_access.get_flag_access_list(ACCESS_FLAG_SPECIAL)


Used in ID card access adding procs. Will stack trace on fail.


Used in ID card access adding procs. Will forcefully add all accesses.


Logging define for ID card access changes


A list of PDA paths that can be painted as well as the regional heads which should be able to paint them. If a PDA is not in this list, it cannot be painted using the PDA & ID Painter. If a PDA is in this list, it can always be painted with ACCESS_CHANGE_IDS. Used to see pda_region in /datum/controller/subsystem/id_access/proc/setup_tgui_lists


Private head of staff offices, usually only granted to most cards by trimming. Do not use direct, access via SSid_access.get_flag_access_list(ACCESS_FLAG_PRV_COMMAND)


Used to seed the accesses_by_region list in SSid_access. A list of every single access in the game.


Used to seed the accesses_by_region list in SSid_access. A list of all station accesses.


Used to seed the accesses_by_region list in SSid_access. A list of all CENTCOM_ACCESS regional accesses.


Used to seed the accesses_by_region list in SSid_access. A list of all command regional accesses that are overseen by the Captain.


Used to seed the accesses_by_region list in SSid_access. A list of all engineering regional accesses that are overseen by the CE.


Used to seed the accesses_by_region list in SSid_access. A list of general service accesses that are overseen by the HoP.


Used to seed the accesses_by_region list in SSid_access. A list of all medbay regional accesses that are overseen by the CMO.


Used to seed the accesses_by_region list in SSid_access. A list of all research regional accesses that are overseen by the RD.


Used to seed the accesses_by_region list in SSid_access. A list of all security regional accesses that are overseen by the HoS.


Used to seed the accesses_by_region list in SSid_access. A list of all cargo regional accesses that are overseen by the HoP.


Name for the Global region.


Name for the Station All Access region.


All regions that make up the station area. Helper define to quickly designate a region as part of the station or not. Access via SSid_access.station_regions.


Name for the Centcom region.


Name for the Command region.


Name for the Engineering region.


Name for the General region.


Name for the Medbay region.


Name for the Research region.


Name for the Security region.


Name for the Supply region.


Syndicate areas off station. Do not use direct, access via SSid_access.get_flag_access_list(ACCESS_FLAG_SYNDICATE)


Used in ID card access adding procs. Will try to add all accesses and utilises free wildcards, skipping over any accesses it can't add.


Used in ID card access adding procs. Will try to add all accesses and does not utilise wildcards, skipping anything requiring a wildcard.


This wildcraft flag accepts any access level.


Access flags that can be applied to offstation wildcard slots.


Access flags that can be applied to captain wildcard slots.


Access flags that can be applied to centcom wildcard slots.


Access flags that can be applied to command wildcard slots.


Access flags that can be applied to common wildcard slots.


Access flag that indicates a wildcard was forced onto an ID card.


Access flags that can be applied to private command wildcard slots.


Access flags that can be applied to super special weird wildcard slots.


Access flags that can be applied to syndicate wildcard slots.


Name associated with the all wildcard bitflag.


Name associated with the offstation wildcard bitflag.


Name associated with the captain wildcard bitflag.


Name associated with the centcom wildcard bitflag.


Name associated with the command wildcard bitflag.


Name associated with the common wildcard bitflag.


Name associated with the wildcard bitflag that covers wildcards that have been forced onto an ID card that could not accept them.


Name associated with the private command wildcard bitflag.


Name associated with the super special weird wildcard bitflag.


Name associated with the syndicate wildcard bitflag.