code/__DEFINES/ ![code/__DEFINES/_flags.dm0](git.png)
ALL_CARDINALS | All the cardinal direction bitflags. |
DF_STATIC_OBJECT | Placed on datums that have a static, constant reference. Primarily only used for turfs. |
ATMOS_IS_PROCESSING_1 | Is this object currently processing in the atmos object list? |
ON_BORDER_1 | item has priority to check when entering or leaving |
NO_SCREENTIPS_1 | Whether or not this atom shows screentips when hovered over |
PREVENT_CLICK_UNDER_1 | Prevent clicking things below it on the same turf eg. doors/ fulltile windows |
HOLOGRAM_1 | specifies that this atom is a hologram that isn't real |
INITIALIZED_1 | Whether /atom/Initialize() has already run for the object |
ADMIN_SPAWNED_1 | was this spawned by an admin? used for stat tracking stuff. |
PREVENT_CONTENTS_EXPLOSION_1 | should not get harmed if this gets caught by an explosion? |
ALLOW_DARK_PAINTS_1 | Should this object be paintable with very dark colors? |
UNPAINTABLE_1 | Should this object be unpaintable? |
IS_ONTOP_1 | Is this atom on top of another atom, and as such has click priority? |
SUPERMATTER_IGNORES_1 | Is this atom immune to being dusted by the supermatter? |
CAN_BE_DIRTY_1 | If a turf can be made dirty at roundstart. This is also used in areas. |
HTML_USE_INITAL_ICON_1 | Should we use the initial icon for display? Mostly used by overlay only objects |
IS_PLAYER_COLORABLE_1 | Can players recolor this in-game via vendors (and maybe more if support is added)? |
HAS_CONTEXTUAL_SCREENTIPS_1 | Whether or not this atom has contextual screentips when hovered OVER |
HAS_DISASSOCIATED_STORAGE_1 | Whether or not this atom is storing contents for a disassociated storage object |
DECAL_INIT_UPDATE_EXPERIENCED_1 | If this atom has experienced a decal element "init finished" sourced appearance update We use this to ensure stacked decals don't double up appearance updates for no reason Flag as an optimization, don't make this a trait without profiling Yes I know this is a stupid flag, no you can't take him from me |
IGNORE_TURF_PIXEL_OFFSET_1 | This atom always returns its turf in get_turf_pixel instead of the turf from its offsets |
UPDATE_NAME | Update the atom's name |
UPDATE_DESC | Update the atom's desc |
UPDATE_ICON_STATE | Update the atom's icon state |
UPDATE_OVERLAYS | Update the atom's overlays |
UPDATE_GREYSCALE | Update the atom's greyscaling |
UPDATE_SMOOTHING | Update the atom's smoothing. (More accurately, queue it for an update) |
UPDATE_ICON | Update the atom's icon |
RICOCHET_SHINY | If the thing can reflect light (lasers/energy) |
RICOCHET_HARD | If the thing can reflect matter (bullets/bomb shrapnel) |
NOJAUNT | If a turf can't be jaunted through. |
UNUSED_RESERVATION_TURF | If a turf is an unused reservation turf awaiting assignment |
RESERVATION_TURF | If a turf is a reserved turf |
NO_LAVA_GEN | Blocks lava rivers being generated on the turf. |
NO_RUINS | Blocks ruins spawning on the turf. |
NO_RUST | Blocks this turf from being rusted |
IS_SOLID | Is this turf is "solid". Space and lava aren't for instance |
NO_CLEARING | This turf will never be cleared away by other objects on Initialize. |
TURF_BLOCKS_POPULATE_TERRAIN_FLORAFEATURES | This atom is a pseudo-floor that blocks map generation's checkPlaceAtom() from placing things like trees ontop of it. |
VALID_TERRITORY | /////////////Area flags\\\\\\\ If it's a valid territory for cult summoning or the CRAB-17 phone to spawn |
BLOBS_ALLOWED | If blobs can spawn there and if it counts towards their score. |
CAVES_ALLOWED | If mining tunnel generation is allowed in this area |
FLORA_ALLOWED | If flora are allowed to spawn in this area randomly through tunnel generation |
MOB_SPAWN_ALLOWED | If mobs can be spawned by natural random generation |
MEGAFAUNA_SPAWN_ALLOWED | If megafauna can be spawned by natural random generation |
NOTELEPORT | Are you forbidden from teleporting to the area? (centcom, mobs, wizard, hand teleporter) |
HIDDEN_AREA | Hides area from player Teleport function. |
UNIQUE_AREA | If false, loading multiple maps with this area type will create multiple instances. |
BLOCK_SUICIDE | If people are allowed to suicide in it. Mostly for OOC stuff like minigames |
XENOBIOLOGY_COMPATIBLE | If set, this area will be innately traversable by Xenobiology camera consoles. |
CULT_PERMITTED | If blood cultists can draw runes or build structures on this AREA. |
PERSISTENT_ENGRAVINGS | If engravings are persistent in this area |
NO_DEATH_MESSAGE | Mobs that die in this area don't produce a dead chat message |
EVENT_PROTECTED | This area should have extra shielding from certain event effects |
QUIET_LOGS | This Area Doesn't have Flood or Bomb Admin Messages, but will still log |
VIRTUAL_SAFE_AREA | This area does not allow virtual entities to enter. |
BINARY_JAMMING | This area does not allow the Binary channel |
NO_BOH | This area prevents Bag of Holding rifts from being opened. |
UNLIMITED_FISHING | This area prevents fishing from removing unique/limited loot from sources that're also used outside of it. |
NO_GRAVITY | This area is prevented from having gravity (ie. space, nearstation, or outside solars) |
LOCAL_TELEPORT | This area can be teleported in, but -only- to locations within that same area. |
PASSTABLE | Allows you to pass over tables. |
PASSGLASS | Allows you to pass over glass(this generally includes anything see-through that's glass-adjacent, ie. windows, windoors, airlocks with glass, etc.) |
PASSGRILLE | Allows you to pass over grilles. |
PASSBLOB | Allows you to pass over blob tiles. |
PASSMOB | Allows you to pass over mobs. |
PASSCLOSEDTURF | Allows you to pass over closed turfs, ie. walls. |
LETPASSTHROW | Let thrown things past us. ONLY MEANINGFUL ON pass_flags_self! |
PASSMACHINE | Allows you to pass over machinery, ie. vending machines, computers, protolathes, etc. |
PASSSTRUCTURE | Allows you to pass over structures, ie. racks, tables(if you don't already have PASSTABLE), etc. |
PASSFLAPS | Allows you to pass over plastic flaps, often found at cargo or MULE dropoffs. |
PASSDOORS | Allows you to pass over airlocks and mineral doors. |
PASSVEHICLE | Allows you to pass over vehicles, ie. mecha, secways, the pimpin' ride, etc. |
PASSITEM | Allows you to pass over dense items. |
LETPASSCLICKS | Do not intercept click attempts during Adjacent() checks. See [turf/proc/ClickCross]. ONLY MEANINGFUL ON pass_flags_self! |
PASSWINDOW | Allows you to pass over windows and window-adjacent stuff, like windows and windoors. Does not include airlocks with glass in them. |
PHASING | When moving, will Cross() everything, but won't stop or Bump() anything. |
UPSIDE_DOWN | The mob is walking on the ceiling. Or is generally just, upside down. |
MOVETYPES_NOT_TOUCHING_GROUND | Combination flag for movetypes which, for all intents and purposes, mean the mob is not touching the ground |
FIRE_PROOF | 100% immune to fire damage (but not necessarily to lava or heat) |
FLAMMABLE | atom is flammable and can have the burning component |
ON_FIRE | currently burning |
UNACIDABLE | acid can't even appear on it, let alone melt it. |
ACID_PROOF | acid stuck on it doesn't melt it. |
INDESTRUCTIBLE | doesn't take damage |
FREEZE_PROOF | can't be frozen |
SHUTTLE_CRUSH_PROOF | can't be shuttle crushed. |
ZAP_LOW_POWER_GEN | Zaps with this flag will generate less power through tesla coils |
EMP_PROTECT_SELF | EMP will protect itself. |
EMP_PROTECT_CONTENTS | EMP will protect the contents from also being EMPed. |
EMP_PROTECT_WIRES | EMP will protect the wires. |
EMP_PROTECT_ALL | Protects against all EMP types. |
MOBILITY_MOVE | can move |
MOBILITY_STAND | can, and is, standing up |
MOBILITY_PICKUP | can pickup items |
MOBILITY_USE | can hold and use items |
MOBILITY_UI | can use interfaces like machinery |
MOBILITY_STORAGE | can use storage item |
MOBILITY_PULL | can pull things |
MOBILITY_REST | can rest |
MOBILITY_LIEDOWN | can lie down |
MAX_BITFLAG_DIGITS | 33554431 (2^24 - 1) is the maximum value our bitflags can reach. |
IGNORE_USER_LOC_CHANGE | Can do the action even if mob moves location |
IGNORE_TARGET_LOC_CHANGE | Can do the action even if the target moves location |
IGNORE_HELD_ITEM | Can do the action even if the item is no longer being held |
IGNORE_INCAPACITATED | Can do the action even if the mob is incapacitated (ex. handcuffed) |
IGNORE_SLOWDOWNS | Used to prevent important slowdowns from being abused by drugs like kronkaine |
SPACEVINE_HEAT_RESISTANT | Is the spacevine / flower bud heat resistant |
SPACEVINE_COLD_RESISTANT | Is the spacevine / flower bud cold resistant |
EMOTE_AUDIBLE | Is the emote audible |
EMOTE_VISIBLE | Is the emote visible |
EMOTE_IMPORTANT | Is it an emote that should be shown regardless of blindness/deafness |
EMOTE_RUNECHAT | Emote only prints to runechat, not to the chat window |
Define Details
ACID_PROOF ![code/__DEFINES/ 210](git.png)
acid stuck on it doesn't melt it.
ADMIN_SPAWNED_1 ![code/__DEFINES/ 33](git.png)
was this spawned by an admin? used for stat tracking stuff.
ALLOW_DARK_PAINTS_1 ![code/__DEFINES/ 37](git.png)
Should this object be paintable with very dark colors?
ALL_CARDINALS ![code/__DEFINES/ 8](git.png)
All the cardinal direction bitflags.
ATMOS_IS_PROCESSING_1 ![code/__DEFINES/ 21](git.png)
Is this object currently processing in the atmos object list?
BINARY_JAMMING ![code/__DEFINES/ 140](git.png)
This area does not allow the Binary channel
BLOBS_ALLOWED ![code/__DEFINES/ 108](git.png)
If blobs can spawn there and if it counts towards their score.
BLOCK_SUICIDE ![code/__DEFINES/ 124](git.png)
If people are allowed to suicide in it. Mostly for OOC stuff like minigames
CAN_BE_DIRTY_1 ![code/__DEFINES/ 45](git.png)
If a turf can be made dirty at roundstart. This is also used in areas.
CAVES_ALLOWED ![code/__DEFINES/ 110](git.png)
If mining tunnel generation is allowed in this area
CULT_PERMITTED ![code/__DEFINES/ 128](git.png)
If blood cultists can draw runes or build structures on this AREA.
If this atom has experienced a decal element "init finished" sourced appearance update We use this to ensure stacked decals don't double up appearance updates for no reason Flag as an optimization, don't make this a trait without profiling Yes I know this is a stupid flag, no you can't take him from me
DF_STATIC_OBJECT ![code/__DEFINES/ 15](git.png)
Placed on datums that have a static, constant reference. Primarily only used for turfs.
EMOTE_AUDIBLE ![code/__DEFINES/ 327](git.png)
Is the emote audible
EMOTE_IMPORTANT ![code/__DEFINES/ 331](git.png)
Is it an emote that should be shown regardless of blindness/deafness
EMOTE_RUNECHAT ![code/__DEFINES/ 333](git.png)
Emote only prints to runechat, not to the chat window
EMOTE_VISIBLE ![code/__DEFINES/ 329](git.png)
Is the emote visible
EMP_PROTECT_ALL ![code/__DEFINES/ 240](git.png)
Protects against all EMP types.
EMP_PROTECT_CONTENTS ![code/__DEFINES/ 235](git.png)
EMP will protect the contents from also being EMPed.
EMP_PROTECT_SELF ![code/__DEFINES/ 233](git.png)
EMP will protect itself.
EMP_PROTECT_WIRES ![code/__DEFINES/ 237](git.png)
EMP will protect the wires.
EVENT_PROTECTED ![code/__DEFINES/ 134](git.png)
This area should have extra shielding from certain event effects
FIRE_PROOF ![code/__DEFINES/ 202](git.png)
100% immune to fire damage (but not necessarily to lava or heat)
FLAMMABLE ![code/__DEFINES/ 204](git.png)
atom is flammable and can have the burning component
FLORA_ALLOWED ![code/__DEFINES/ 112](git.png)
If flora are allowed to spawn in this area randomly through tunnel generation
FREEZE_PROOF ![code/__DEFINES/ 214](git.png)
can't be frozen
Whether or not this atom has contextual screentips when hovered OVER
Whether or not this atom is storing contents for a disassociated storage object
HIDDEN_AREA ![code/__DEFINES/ 120](git.png)
Hides area from player Teleport function.
HOLOGRAM_1 ![code/__DEFINES/ 29](git.png)
specifies that this atom is a hologram that isn't real
HTML_USE_INITAL_ICON_1 ![code/__DEFINES/ 47](git.png)
Should we use the initial icon for display? Mostly used by overlay only objects
IGNORE_HELD_ITEM ![code/__DEFINES/ 308](git.png)
Can do the action even if the item is no longer being held
IGNORE_INCAPACITATED ![code/__DEFINES/ 310](git.png)
Can do the action even if the mob is incapacitated (ex. handcuffed)
IGNORE_SLOWDOWNS ![code/__DEFINES/ 312](git.png)
Used to prevent important slowdowns from being abused by drugs like kronkaine
IGNORE_TARGET_LOC_CHANGE ![code/__DEFINES/ 306](git.png)
Can do the action even if the target moves location
IGNORE_TURF_PIXEL_OFFSET_1 ![code/__DEFINES/ 60](git.png)
This atom always returns its turf in get_turf_pixel instead of the turf from its offsets
IGNORE_USER_LOC_CHANGE ![code/__DEFINES/ 304](git.png)
Can do the action even if mob moves location
INDESTRUCTIBLE ![code/__DEFINES/ 212](git.png)
doesn't take damage
INITIALIZED_1 ![code/__DEFINES/ 31](git.png)
Whether /atom/Initialize() has already run for the object
IS_ONTOP_1 ![code/__DEFINES/ 41](git.png)
Is this atom on top of another atom, and as such has click priority?
IS_PLAYER_COLORABLE_1 ![code/__DEFINES/ 49](git.png)
Can players recolor this in-game via vendors (and maybe more if support is added)?
IS_SOLID ![code/__DEFINES/ 97](git.png)
Is this turf is "solid". Space and lava aren't for instance
LETPASSCLICKS ![code/__DEFINES/ 182](git.png)
Do not intercept click attempts during Adjacent() checks. See [turf/proc/ClickCross]. ONLY MEANINGFUL ON pass_flags_self!
LETPASSTHROW ![code/__DEFINES/ 168](git.png)
Let thrown things past us. ONLY MEANINGFUL ON pass_flags_self!
LOCAL_TELEPORT ![code/__DEFINES/ 148](git.png)
This area can be teleported in, but -only- to locations within that same area.
MAX_BITFLAG_DIGITS ![code/__DEFINES/ 300](git.png)
33554431 (2^24 - 1) is the maximum value our bitflags can reach.
If megafauna can be spawned by natural random generation
MOBILITY_LIEDOWN ![code/__DEFINES/ 260](git.png)
can lie down
MOBILITY_MOVE ![code/__DEFINES/ 244](git.png)
can move
MOBILITY_PICKUP ![code/__DEFINES/ 248](git.png)
can pickup items
MOBILITY_PULL ![code/__DEFINES/ 256](git.png)
can pull things
MOBILITY_REST ![code/__DEFINES/ 258](git.png)
can rest
MOBILITY_STAND ![code/__DEFINES/ 246](git.png)
can, and is, standing up
MOBILITY_STORAGE ![code/__DEFINES/ 254](git.png)
can use storage item
MOBILITY_UI ![code/__DEFINES/ 252](git.png)
can use interfaces like machinery
MOBILITY_USE ![code/__DEFINES/ 250](git.png)
can hold and use items
MOB_SPAWN_ALLOWED ![code/__DEFINES/ 114](git.png)
If mobs can be spawned by natural random generation
Combination flag for movetypes which, for all intents and purposes, mean the mob is not touching the ground
NOJAUNT ![code/__DEFINES/ 85](git.png)
If a turf can't be jaunted through.
NOTELEPORT ![code/__DEFINES/ 118](git.png)
Are you forbidden from teleporting to the area? (centcom, mobs, wizard, hand teleporter)
NO_BOH ![code/__DEFINES/ 142](git.png)
This area prevents Bag of Holding rifts from being opened.
NO_CLEARING ![code/__DEFINES/ 99](git.png)
This turf will never be cleared away by other objects on Initialize.
NO_DEATH_MESSAGE ![code/__DEFINES/ 132](git.png)
Mobs that die in this area don't produce a dead chat message
NO_GRAVITY ![code/__DEFINES/ 146](git.png)
This area is prevented from having gravity (ie. space, nearstation, or outside solars)
NO_LAVA_GEN ![code/__DEFINES/ 91](git.png)
Blocks lava rivers being generated on the turf.
NO_RUINS ![code/__DEFINES/ 93](git.png)
Blocks ruins spawning on the turf.
NO_RUST ![code/__DEFINES/ 95](git.png)
Blocks this turf from being rusted
NO_SCREENTIPS_1 ![code/__DEFINES/ 25](git.png)
Whether or not this atom shows screentips when hovered over
ON_BORDER_1 ![code/__DEFINES/ 23](git.png)
item has priority to check when entering or leaving
ON_FIRE ![code/__DEFINES/ 206](git.png)
currently burning
PASSBLOB ![code/__DEFINES/ 162](git.png)
Allows you to pass over blob tiles.
PASSCLOSEDTURF ![code/__DEFINES/ 166](git.png)
Allows you to pass over closed turfs, ie. walls.
PASSDOORS ![code/__DEFINES/ 176](git.png)
Allows you to pass over airlocks and mineral doors.
PASSFLAPS ![code/__DEFINES/ 174](git.png)
Allows you to pass over plastic flaps, often found at cargo or MULE dropoffs.
PASSGLASS ![code/__DEFINES/ 158](git.png)
Allows you to pass over glass(this generally includes anything see-through that's glass-adjacent, ie. windows, windoors, airlocks with glass, etc.)
PASSGRILLE ![code/__DEFINES/ 160](git.png)
Allows you to pass over grilles.
PASSITEM ![code/__DEFINES/ 180](git.png)
Allows you to pass over dense items.
PASSMACHINE ![code/__DEFINES/ 170](git.png)
Allows you to pass over machinery, ie. vending machines, computers, protolathes, etc.
PASSMOB ![code/__DEFINES/ 164](git.png)
Allows you to pass over mobs.
PASSSTRUCTURE ![code/__DEFINES/ 172](git.png)
Allows you to pass over structures, ie. racks, tables(if you don't already have PASSTABLE), etc.
PASSTABLE ![code/__DEFINES/ 156](git.png)
Allows you to pass over tables.
PASSVEHICLE ![code/__DEFINES/ 178](git.png)
Allows you to pass over vehicles, ie. mecha, secways, the pimpin' ride, etc.
PASSWINDOW ![code/__DEFINES/ 184](git.png)
Allows you to pass over windows and window-adjacent stuff, like windows and windoors. Does not include airlocks with glass in them.
If engravings are persistent in this area
PHASING ![code/__DEFINES/ 192](git.png)
When moving, will Cross() everything, but won't stop or Bump() anything.
PREVENT_CLICK_UNDER_1 ![code/__DEFINES/ 27](git.png)
Prevent clicking things below it on the same turf eg. doors/ fulltile windows
should not get harmed if this gets caught by an explosion?
QUIET_LOGS ![code/__DEFINES/ 136](git.png)
This Area Doesn't have Flood or Bomb Admin Messages, but will still log
RESERVATION_TURF ![code/__DEFINES/ 89](git.png)
If a turf is a reserved turf
RICOCHET_HARD ![code/__DEFINES/ 81](git.png)
If the thing can reflect matter (bullets/bomb shrapnel)
RICOCHET_SHINY ![code/__DEFINES/ 79](git.png)
If the thing can reflect light (lasers/energy)
SHUTTLE_CRUSH_PROOF ![code/__DEFINES/ 216](git.png)
can't be shuttle crushed.
Is the spacevine / flower bud cold resistant
Is the spacevine / flower bud heat resistant
SUPERMATTER_IGNORES_1 ![code/__DEFINES/ 43](git.png)
Is this atom immune to being dusted by the supermatter?
This atom is a pseudo-floor that blocks map generation's checkPlaceAtom() from placing things like trees ontop of it.
UNACIDABLE ![code/__DEFINES/ 208](git.png)
acid can't even appear on it, let alone melt it.
UNIQUE_AREA ![code/__DEFINES/ 122](git.png)
If false, loading multiple maps with this area type will create multiple instances.
UNLIMITED_FISHING ![code/__DEFINES/ 144](git.png)
This area prevents fishing from removing unique/limited loot from sources that're also used outside of it.
UNPAINTABLE_1 ![code/__DEFINES/ 39](git.png)
Should this object be unpaintable?
If a turf is an unused reservation turf awaiting assignment
UPDATE_DESC ![code/__DEFINES/ 66](git.png)
Update the atom's desc
UPDATE_GREYSCALE ![code/__DEFINES/ 72](git.png)
Update the atom's greyscaling
UPDATE_ICON ![code/__DEFINES/ 76](git.png)
Update the atom's icon
UPDATE_ICON_STATE ![code/__DEFINES/ 68](git.png)
Update the atom's icon state
UPDATE_NAME ![code/__DEFINES/ 64](git.png)
Update the atom's name
UPDATE_OVERLAYS ![code/__DEFINES/ 70](git.png)
Update the atom's overlays
UPDATE_SMOOTHING ![code/__DEFINES/ 74](git.png)
Update the atom's smoothing. (More accurately, queue it for an update)
UPSIDE_DOWN ![code/__DEFINES/ 194](git.png)
The mob is walking on the ceiling. Or is generally just, upside down.
VALID_TERRITORY ![code/__DEFINES/ 106](git.png)
/////////////Area flags\\\\\\\ If it's a valid territory for cult summoning or the CRAB-17 phone to spawn
VIRTUAL_SAFE_AREA ![code/__DEFINES/ 138](git.png)
This area does not allow virtual entities to enter.
If set, this area will be innately traversable by Xenobiology camera consoles.
ZAP_LOW_POWER_GEN ![code/__DEFINES/ 226](git.png)
Zaps with this flag will generate less power through tesla coils