/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



active_movementA list containing arguments for Moved().
affected_dynamic_lightsLazylist to keep track on the sources of illumination.
affecting_dynamic_lumiHighest-intensity light affecting us, which determines our visibility.
buckle_dirBed-like behaviour, sets mob dir to buckle_dir if not set to BUCKLE_MATCH_DIR. If set to BUCKLE_MATCH_DIR, makes mob dir match ours.
buckle_lyingBed-like behaviour, forces mob.lying = buckle_lying if not set to NO_BUCKLE_LYING.
buckle_prevents_pullWhether things buckled to this atom can be pulled while they're buckled
buckle_requires_restraintsRequire people to be handcuffed before being able to buckle. eg: pipes
buckled_mobsThe mobs currently buckled to this atom
can_be_unanchoredUsed for the calculate_adjacencies proc for icon smoothing.
can_buckleWhether the atom allows mobs to be buckled to it. Can be ignored in [/atom/movable/proc/buckle_mob()] if force = TRUE
client_mobs_in_contentscontains every client mob corresponding to every client eye in this container. lazily updated by SSparallax and is sparse: only the last container of a client eye has this list assuming no movement since SSparallax's last fire
contents_pressure_protectionThe degree of pressure protection that mobs in list/contents have from the external environment, between 0 and 1
contents_thermal_insulationThe degree of thermal insulation that mobs in list/contents have from the external environment, between 0 and 1
currently_z_movingis the mob currently ascending or descending through z levels?
drift_handlerDatum that keeps all data related to zero-g drifting and handles related code/comsigs
em_blockInternal holder for emissive blocker object, do not use directly use blocks_emissive
explosion_blockValue used to increment ex_act() if reactionary_explosions is on How much we as a source block explosions by Will not automatically apply to the turf below you, you need to apply /datum/element/block_explosives in conjunction with this
factionThe list of factions this atom belongs to
generic_canpassIf false makes CanPass call CanPassThrough on this type instead of using default behaviour
important_recursive_contentsan associative lazylist of relevant nested contents by "channel", the list is of the form: list(channel = list(important nested contents of that type)) each channel has a specific purpose and is meant to replace potentially expensive nested contents iteration. do NOT add channels to this for little reason as it can add considerable memory usage.
inertia_force_weightObject "weight", higher weight reduces acceleration applied to the object
inertia_move_multiplierMultiplier for inertia based movement in space
inertia_movingAre we moving with inertia? Mostly used as an optimization
initial_language_holderWhat language holder type to init as
language_holderHolds all languages this mob can speak and understand
last_pushoffThe last time we pushed off something This is a hack to get around dumb him him me scenarios
max_buckled_mobsThe maximum number of mob/livings allowed to be buckled to this atom at once
max_grabThe strongest grab we can acomplish
move_packetHolds information about any movement loops currently running/waiting to run on the movable. Lazy, will be null if nothing's going on
movement_typeIn case you have multiple types, you automatically use the most useful one. IE: Skating on ice, flippers on water, flying over chasm/space, etc. I recommend you use the movetype_handler system and not modify this directly, especially for living mobs.
moving_diagonally0: not doing a diagonal move. 1 and 2: doing the first/second step of the diagonal move
moving_from_pullattempt to resume grab after moving instead of before.
pass_flagsThings we can pass through while moving. If any of this matches the thing we're trying to pass's [pass_flags_self], then we can pass through.
pitchThe pitch adjustment that this movable uses when speaking.
pressure_resistanceHow much delta pressure is needed for us to move
req_accessList of accesses needed to use this object: The user must possess all accesses in this list in order to use the object. Example: If req_access = list(ACCESS_ENGINE, ACCESS_CE)- then the user must have both ACCESS_ENGINE and ACCESS_CE in order to use the object.
req_one_accessList of accesses needed to use this object: The user must possess at least one access in this list in order to use the object. Example: If req_one_access = list(ACCESS_ENGINE, ACCESS_CE)- then the user must have either ACCESS_ENGINE or ACCESS_CE in order to use the object.
set_dir_on_moveWhether this atom should have its dir automatically changed when it moves. Setting this to FALSE allows for things such as directional windows to retain dir on moving without snowflake code all of the place.
spatial_grid_keyString representing the spatial grid groups we want to be held in. acts as a key to the list of spatial grid contents types we exist in via SSspatial_grid.spatial_grid_categories. We do it like this to prevent people trying to mutate them and to save memory on holding the lists ourselves
tk_throw_rangeMax range this atom can be thrown via telekinesis
tts_silicon_voice_effectSet to anything other than "" to activate the silicon voice effect for TTS messages.
verb_sayUse get_default_say_verb() in say.dm instead of reading verb_say.
voiceThe voice that this movable makes when speaking
voice_filterThe filter to apply to the voice when processing the TTS audio message.


CanEnterDisposalsCalled to check if an atom can fit inside the diposal
CanPassThroughReturns true or false to allow src to move through the blocker, mover has final say
Crosseddefault byond proc that is deprecated for us in lieu of signals. do not call
HearCalled when this movable hears a message from a source. Returns TRUE if the message was received and understood.
MovedCalled after a successful Move(). By this point, we've already moved. Arguments:
Process_SpacemoveCalled whenever an object moves and by mobs when they attempt to move themselves through space And when an object or action applies a force on src, see newtonian_move
UncrossUncross() is a default BYOND proc that is called when something is going to exit this atom's turf. It is prefered over Uncrossed when you want to deny that movement, such as in the case of border objects, objects that allow you to walk through them in any direction except the one they block (think side windows).
Uncrosseddefault byond proc that is normally called on everything inside the previous turf a movable was in after moving to its current turf this is wasteful since the vast majority of objects do not use Uncrossed use connect_loc to register to COMSIG_ATOM_EXITED instead
abstract_movemeant for movement with zero side effects. only use for objects that are supposed to move "invisibly" (like eye mobs or ghosts) if you want something to move onto a tile with a beartrap or recycler or tripmine or mouse without that object knowing about it at all, use this most of the time you want forceMove()
add_blocked_languageAdds a language to the blocked language list. Use this over remove_language in cases where you will give languages back later.
admin_teleportProc to hook user-enacted teleporting behavior and keep logging of the event.
allowedReturns TRUE if this mob has sufficient access to use this object
apply_crit_crushShould be where critcase effects are actually implemented. Use this to apply critcases. Args:
become_active_storagecalled when this movable becomes the parent of a storage component that is currently being viewed by a player. uses important_recursive_contents
become_area_sensitiveallows this movable to know when it has "entered" another area no matter how many movable atoms its stuffed into, uses important_recursive_contents
become_hearing_sensitiveallows this movable to hear and adds itself to the important_recursive_contents list of itself and every movable loc its in
blendedWhat should The atom that blended an object do with it afterwards? Default behaviour is to delete it
buckle_mobSet a mob as buckled to src
can_infusereturns a boolean whether a machine occupant can be infused
can_speakChecks if our movable can currently speak, vocally, in general. Should NOT include feedback messages about why someone can or can't speak
can_speak_languageChecks if atom can speak the language.
can_z_moveChecks if the destination turf is elegible for z movement from the start turf to a given direction and returns it if so. Args:
check_pullingChecks if the pulling and pulledby should be stopped because they're out of reach. If z_allowed is TRUE, the z level of the pulling will be ignored.This is to allow things to be dragged up and down stairs.
copy_languagesCopies all languages into the supplied atom/language holder. Source should be overridden when you do not want the language overwritten by later atom updates or want to avoid blocked languages.
could_speak_languageReturns the result of tongue specific limitations on spoken languages.
deadchat_playsAdds the deadchat_plays component to this atom with simple movement commands.
dustThis is the proc for turning an atom into ash. Dusting robots does not eject the MMI, so it's a bit more powerful than gib()
dust_animationAnimates turning into dust. Does not delete src afterwards, BUT it will become invisible (and grey), so ensure you handle that yourself
faction_check_atomCheck if the other atom/movable has any factions the same as us. Defined at the atom/movable level so it can be defined for just about anything.
fall_and_crushCauses src to fall onto [target], crushing everything on it (including itself) with [damage] and a small chance to do a spectacular effect per entity (if a chance above 0 is provided).
fall_and_crush_crit_rebate_tableAllows damage to be reduced on certain crit cases. Args:
get_cellReturns an atom's power cell, if it has one. Overload for individual items. Args
get_crit_crush_chancesReturns a assoc list of (critcase -> num), where critcase is a critical define in crushing.dm and num is a weight. Use with pickweight to acquire a random critcase.
get_default_say_verbGets the say verb we default to if no special verb is chosen. This is primarily a hook for inheritors, like human_say.dm's tongue-based verb_say changes.
get_infusion_entryreturns /datum/infuser_entry that matches an item being used for infusion, returns a fly mutation on failure
get_language_holderGets or creates the relevant language holder. For mindless atoms, gets the local one. For atom with mind, gets the mind one.
get_random_spoken_languageGets a random spoken language, useful for forced speech and such.
get_random_understood_languageGets a random understood language, useful for hallucinations and such.
get_selected_languageReturns selected language, if it can be spoken, or finds, sets and returns a new selected language if possible.
get_z_move_affectedReturns a list of movables that should also be affected when src moves through zlevels, and src.
grant_all_languagesGrants every language.
grant_languageGrants the supplied language and sets omnitongue true.
grant_random_uncommon_languageTeaches a random non-common language and sets it as the active language
has_buckled_mobsReturns TRUE if there are mobs buckled to this atom and FALSE otherwise
has_languageChecks if atom has the language. If spoken is true, only checks if atom can speak the language.
is_buckle_possibleSimple helper proc that runs a suite of checks to test whether it is possible or not to buckle the target mob to src.
is_user_buckle_possibleSimple helper proc that runs a suite of checks to test whether it is possible or not for user to buckle target mob to src.
keybind_face_directionA wrapper for setDir that should only be able to fail by living mobs.
lose_active_storagecalled when this movable's storage component is no longer viewed by any players, unsets important_recursive_contents
lose_area_sensitivityremoves the area sensitive channel from the important_recursive_contents list of this and all nested locs containing us if there are no more source of the trait left
lose_hearing_sensitivityremoves the hearing sensitivity channel from the important_recursive_contents list of this and all nested locs containing us if there are no more sources of the trait left since RECURSIVE_CONTENTS_HEARING_SENSITIVE is also a spatial grid content type, removes us from the spatial grid if the trait is removed
mouse_buckle_handlingDoes some typechecks and then calls user_buckle_mob
move_from_pullCalled when src is being moved to a target turf because another movable (puller) is moving around.
newtonian_moveOnly moves the object if it's under no gravity Accepts the direction to move, if the push should be instant, and an optional parameter to fine tune the start delay Drift force determines how much acceleration should be applied. Controlled cap, if set, will ensure that if the object was moving slower than the cap before, it cannot accelerate past the cap from this move.
onShuttleMoveCalled on atoms to move the atom to the new location
on_changed_z_levelCalled when a movable changes z-levels.
on_enter_storagecalled when this atom is added into a storage item, which is passed on as S. The loc variable is already set to the storage item.
on_exit_storagecalled when this atom is removed from a storage item, which is passed on as S. The loc variable is already set to the new destination before this is called.
point_atPoint at an atom
post_crush_livingExists for the purposes of custom behavior. Called directly after [crushed] is crushed.
post_tiltExists for the purposes of custom behavior. Called directly after src actually rotates and falls over.
pre_impactCalled before we attempt to call hitby and send the COMSIG_MOVABLE_IMPACT signal
randomize_language_if_on_stationRandomizes our atom's language to an uncommon language if:
relay_container_resist_actcalled when a mob resists while inside a container that is itself inside something.
remove_all_languagesRemoves every language and sets omnitongue false.
remove_blocked_languageRemoves a language from the blocked language list.
remove_languageRemoves a single language.
sayWhat makes things... talk.
say_emphasisScans the input sentence for speech emphasis modifiers, notably |italics|, +bold+, and underline -mothblocks
say_quoteThis prock is used to generate a message for chat Generates the says, "<span class='red'>meme</span>" part of the Grey Tider says, "meme".
setGrabStateUpdates the grab state of the movable
set_active_languageSets the passed path as the active language Returns the currently selected language if successful, if the language was not valid, returns null
set_anchoredSets the anchored var and returns if it was successfully changed or not.
set_currently_z_movingSets the currently_z_moving variable to a new value. Used to allow some zMovement sources to have precedence over others.
set_light_range_power_colorHelper to change several lighting overlay settings.
set_pulledbyReports the event of the change in value of the pulledby variable.
shuttleRotateBase /atom/movable proc
throw_atIf this returns FALSE then callback will not be called.
translate_languageModifies the message by comparing the languages of the speaker with the languages of the hearer. Called on the hearer.
try_speakChecks if our movable can speak the provided message, passing it through filters and spam detection. Does not call can_speak. CAN include feedback messages about why someone can or can't speak
unbuckle_all_mobsCall /atom/movable/proc/unbuckle_mob for all buckled mobs
unbuckle_mobSet a mob as unbuckled from src
update_dynamic_luminosityKeeps track of the sources of dynamic luminosity and updates our visibility with the highest.
user_buckle_mobHandles a mob buckling another mob to src and sends a visible_message
user_unbuckle_mobHandles a user unbuckling a mob from src and sends a visible_message

Var Details


A list containing arguments for Moved().


Lazylist to keep track on the sources of illumination.


Highest-intensity light affecting us, which determines our visibility.




Bed-like behaviour, sets mob dir to buckle_dir if not set to BUCKLE_MATCH_DIR. If set to BUCKLE_MATCH_DIR, makes mob dir match ours.


Bed-like behaviour, forces mob.lying = buckle_lying if not set to NO_BUCKLE_LYING.


Whether things buckled to this atom can be pulled while they're buckled


Require people to be handcuffed before being able to buckle. eg: pipes


The mobs currently buckled to this atom


Used for the calculate_adjacencies proc for icon smoothing.


Whether the atom allows mobs to be buckled to it. Can be ignored in [/atom/movable/proc/buckle_mob()] if force = TRUE


contains every client mob corresponding to every client eye in this container. lazily updated by SSparallax and is sparse: only the last container of a client eye has this list assuming no movement since SSparallax's last fire


The degree of pressure protection that mobs in list/contents have from the external environment, between 0 and 1


The degree of thermal insulation that mobs in list/contents have from the external environment, between 0 and 1


is the mob currently ascending or descending through z levels?


Datum that keeps all data related to zero-g drifting and handles related code/comsigs


Internal holder for emissive blocker object, do not use directly use blocks_emissive


Value used to increment ex_act() if reactionary_explosions is on How much we as a source block explosions by Will not automatically apply to the turf below you, you need to apply /datum/element/block_explosives in conjunction with this


The list of factions this atom belongs to


If false makes CanPass call CanPassThrough on this type instead of using default behaviour


an associative lazylist of relevant nested contents by "channel", the list is of the form: list(channel = list(important nested contents of that type)) each channel has a specific purpose and is meant to replace potentially expensive nested contents iteration. do NOT add channels to this for little reason as it can add considerable memory usage.


Object "weight", higher weight reduces acceleration applied to the object


Multiplier for inertia based movement in space


Are we moving with inertia? Mostly used as an optimization


What language holder type to init as


Holds all languages this mob can speak and understand


The last time we pushed off something This is a hack to get around dumb him him me scenarios


The maximum number of mob/livings allowed to be buckled to this atom at once


The strongest grab we can acomplish


Holds information about any movement loops currently running/waiting to run on the movable. Lazy, will be null if nothing's going on


In case you have multiple types, you automatically use the most useful one. IE: Skating on ice, flippers on water, flying over chasm/space, etc. I recommend you use the movetype_handler system and not modify this directly, especially for living mobs.


0: not doing a diagonal move. 1 and 2: doing the first/second step of the diagonal move


attempt to resume grab after moving instead of before.


Things we can pass through while moving. If any of this matches the thing we're trying to pass's [pass_flags_self], then we can pass through.


The pitch adjustment that this movable uses when speaking.


How much delta pressure is needed for us to move


List of accesses needed to use this object: The user must possess all accesses in this list in order to use the object. Example: If req_access = list(ACCESS_ENGINE, ACCESS_CE)- then the user must have both ACCESS_ENGINE and ACCESS_CE in order to use the object.


List of accesses needed to use this object: The user must possess at least one access in this list in order to use the object. Example: If req_one_access = list(ACCESS_ENGINE, ACCESS_CE)- then the user must have either ACCESS_ENGINE or ACCESS_CE in order to use the object.


Whether this atom should have its dir automatically changed when it moves. Setting this to FALSE allows for things such as directional windows to retain dir on moving without snowflake code all of the place.


String representing the spatial grid groups we want to be held in. acts as a key to the list of spatial grid contents types we exist in via SSspatial_grid.spatial_grid_categories. We do it like this to prevent people trying to mutate them and to save memory on holding the lists ourselves


Max range this atom can be thrown via telekinesis


Set to anything other than "" to activate the silicon voice effect for TTS messages.


Use get_default_say_verb() in say.dm instead of reading verb_say.


The voice that this movable makes when speaking


The filter to apply to the voice when processing the TTS audio message.

Proc Details


Called to check if an atom can fit inside the diposal


Returns true or false to allow src to move through the blocker, mover has final say


default byond proc that is deprecated for us in lieu of signals. do not call


Called when this movable hears a message from a source. Returns TRUE if the message was received and understood.


Called after a successful Move(). By this point, we've already moved. Arguments:


Called whenever an object moves and by mobs when they attempt to move themselves through space And when an object or action applies a force on src, see newtonian_move

Return FALSE to have src start/keep drifting in a no-grav area and TRUE to stop/not start drifting

Mobs should return 1 if they should be able to move of their own volition, see /client/proc/Move



Uncross() is a default BYOND proc that is called when something is going to exit this atom's turf. It is prefered over Uncrossed when you want to deny that movement, such as in the case of border objects, objects that allow you to walk through them in any direction except the one they block (think side windows).

While being seemingly harmless, most everything doesn't actually want to use this, meaning that we are wasting proc calls for every single atom on a turf, every single time something exits it, when basically nothing cares.

This overhead caused real problems on Sybil round #159709, where lag attributed to Uncross was so bad that the entire master controller collapsed and people made Among Us lobbies in OOC.

If you want to replicate the old Uncross() behavior, the most apt replacement is [/datum/element/connect_loc] while hooking onto [COMSIG_ATOM_EXIT].


default byond proc that is normally called on everything inside the previous turf a movable was in after moving to its current turf this is wasteful since the vast majority of objects do not use Uncrossed use connect_loc to register to COMSIG_ATOM_EXITED instead


meant for movement with zero side effects. only use for objects that are supposed to move "invisibly" (like eye mobs or ghosts) if you want something to move onto a tile with a beartrap or recycler or tripmine or mouse without that object knowing about it at all, use this most of the time you want forceMove()


Adds a language to the blocked language list. Use this over remove_language in cases where you will give languages back later.


Proc to hook user-enacted teleporting behavior and keep logging of the event.


Returns TRUE if this mob has sufficient access to use this object


Should be where critcase effects are actually implemented. Use this to apply critcases. Args:

Returns: TRUE if a crit case is successfully applied, FALSE otherwise.


called when this movable becomes the parent of a storage component that is currently being viewed by a player. uses important_recursive_contents


allows this movable to know when it has "entered" another area no matter how many movable atoms its stuffed into, uses important_recursive_contents


allows this movable to hear and adds itself to the important_recursive_contents list of itself and every movable loc its in


What should The atom that blended an object do with it afterwards? Default behaviour is to delete it


Set a mob as buckled to src

If you want to have a mob buckling another mob to something, or you want a chat message sent, use user_buckle_mob instead. Arguments: M - The mob to be buckled to src force - Set to TRUE to ignore src's can_buckle and M's can_buckle_to check_loc - Set to FALSE to allow buckling from adjacent turfs, or TRUE if buckling is only allowed with src and M on the same turf. buckle_mob_flags- Used for riding cyborgs and humans if we need to reserve an arm or two on either the rider or the ridden mob. ignore_self - If set to TRUE, this will not do a check to see if the user can move into the turf of the mob and will just automatically mount them.


returns a boolean whether a machine occupant can be infused


Checks if our movable can currently speak, vocally, in general. Should NOT include feedback messages about why someone can or can't speak

Used in various places to check if a movable is simply able to speak in general, regardless of OOC status (being muted) and regardless of what they're actually saying.

Checked AFTER handling of xeno channels. (I'm not sure what this comment means, but it was here in the past, so I'll maintain it here.)

allow_mimes - Determines if this check should skip over mimes. (Only matters for living mobs and up.) If FALSE, this check will always fail if the movable has a mind and is miming. if TRUE, we will check if the movable can speak REGARDLESS of if they have an active mime vow.


Checks if atom can speak the language.


Checks if the destination turf is elegible for z movement from the start turf to a given direction and returns it if so. Args:


Checks if the pulling and pulledby should be stopped because they're out of reach. If z_allowed is TRUE, the z level of the pulling will be ignored.This is to allow things to be dragged up and down stairs.


Copies all languages into the supplied atom/language holder. Source should be overridden when you do not want the language overwritten by later atom updates or want to avoid blocked languages.


Returns the result of tongue specific limitations on spoken languages.


Adds the deadchat_plays component to this atom with simple movement commands.

Returns the component added. Arguments:


This is the proc for turning an atom into ash. Dusting robots does not eject the MMI, so it's a bit more powerful than gib()

Arguments: (Only used for mobs)


Animates turning into dust. Does not delete src afterwards, BUT it will become invisible (and grey), so ensure you handle that yourself


Check if the other atom/movable has any factions the same as us. Defined at the atom/movable level so it can be defined for just about anything.

If exact match is set, then all our factions must match exactly


Causes src to fall onto [target], crushing everything on it (including itself) with [damage] and a small chance to do a spectacular effect per entity (if a chance above 0 is provided).


Returns: A collection of bitflags defined in crushing.dm. Read that file's documentation for info.


Allows damage to be reduced on certain crit cases. Args:


Returns an atom's power cell, if it has one. Overload for individual items. Args


Returns a assoc list of (critcase -> num), where critcase is a critical define in crushing.dm and num is a weight. Use with pickweight to acquire a random critcase.


Gets the say verb we default to if no special verb is chosen. This is primarily a hook for inheritors, like human_say.dm's tongue-based verb_say changes.


returns /datum/infuser_entry that matches an item being used for infusion, returns a fly mutation on failure


Gets or creates the relevant language holder. For mindless atoms, gets the local one. For atom with mind, gets the mind one.


Gets a random spoken language, useful for forced speech and such.


Gets a random understood language, useful for hallucinations and such.


Returns selected language, if it can be spoken, or finds, sets and returns a new selected language if possible.


Returns a list of movables that should also be affected when src moves through zlevels, and src.


Grants every language.


Grants the supplied language and sets omnitongue true.


Teaches a random non-common language and sets it as the active language


Returns TRUE if there are mobs buckled to this atom and FALSE otherwise


Checks if atom has the language. If spoken is true, only checks if atom can speak the language.


Simple helper proc that runs a suite of checks to test whether it is possible or not to buckle the target mob to src.

Returns FALSE if any conditions that should prevent buckling are satisfied. Returns TRUE otherwise. Called from /atom/movable/proc/buckle_mob and /atom/movable/proc/is_user_buckle_possible. Arguments:


Simple helper proc that runs a suite of checks to test whether it is possible or not for user to buckle target mob to src.

Returns FALSE if any conditions that should prevent buckling are satisfied. Returns TRUE otherwise. Called from /atom/movable/proc/user_buckle_mob. Arguments:


A wrapper for setDir that should only be able to fail by living mobs.

Called from [/atom/movable/proc/keyLoop], this exists to be overwritten by living mobs with a check to see if we're actually alive enough to change directions


called when this movable's storage component is no longer viewed by any players, unsets important_recursive_contents


removes the area sensitive channel from the important_recursive_contents list of this and all nested locs containing us if there are no more source of the trait left


removes the hearing sensitivity channel from the important_recursive_contents list of this and all nested locs containing us if there are no more sources of the trait left since RECURSIVE_CONTENTS_HEARING_SENSITIVE is also a spatial grid content type, removes us from the spatial grid if the trait is removed


Does some typechecks and then calls user_buckle_mob

Arguments: M - The mob being buckled to src user - The mob buckling M to src


Called when src is being moved to a target turf because another movable (puller) is moving around.


Only moves the object if it's under no gravity Accepts the direction to move, if the push should be instant, and an optional parameter to fine tune the start delay Drift force determines how much acceleration should be applied. Controlled cap, if set, will ensure that if the object was moving slower than the cap before, it cannot accelerate past the cap from this move.


Called on atoms to move the atom to the new location


Called when a movable changes z-levels.



called when this atom is added into a storage item, which is passed on as S. The loc variable is already set to the storage item.


called when this atom is removed from a storage item, which is passed on as S. The loc variable is already set to the new destination before this is called.


Point at an atom

Intended to enable and standardise the pointing animation for all atoms

Not intended as a replacement for the mob verb


Exists for the purposes of custom behavior. Called directly after [crushed] is crushed.



Exists for the purposes of custom behavior. Called directly after src actually rotates and falls over.


Called before we attempt to call hitby and send the COMSIG_MOVABLE_IMPACT signal


Randomizes our atom's language to an uncommon language if:


called when a mob resists while inside a container that is itself inside something.


Removes every language and sets omnitongue false.


Removes a language from the blocked language list.


Removes a single language.


What makes things... talk.


Scans the input sentence for speech emphasis modifiers, notably |italics|, +bold+, and underline -mothblocks


This prock is used to generate a message for chat Generates the says, "<span class='red'>meme</span>" part of the Grey Tider says, "meme".

input - The message to be said spans - A list of spans to attach to the message. Includes the atom's speech span by default message_mods - A list of message modifiers, i.e. whispering/singing


Updates the grab state of the movable

This exists to act as a hook for behaviour


Sets the passed path as the active language Returns the currently selected language if successful, if the language was not valid, returns null


Sets the anchored var and returns if it was successfully changed or not.


Sets the currently_z_moving variable to a new value. Used to allow some zMovement sources to have precedence over others.


Helper to change several lighting overlay settings.


Reports the event of the change in value of the pulledby variable.


Base /atom/movable proc


If this returns FALSE then callback will not be called.


Modifies the message by comparing the languages of the speaker with the languages of the hearer. Called on the hearer.


Checks if our movable can speak the provided message, passing it through filters and spam detection. Does not call can_speak. CAN include feedback messages about why someone can or can't speak

Used in [proc/say] and other methods of speech (radios) after a movable has inputted some message. If you just want to check if the movable is able to speak in character, use [proc/can_speak] instead.


Returns: TRUE of FASE depending on if our movable can speak


Call /atom/movable/proc/unbuckle_mob for all buckled mobs


Set a mob as unbuckled from src

The mob must actually be buckled to src or else bad things will happen. Arguments: buckled_mob - The mob to be unbuckled force - TRUE if we should ignore buckled_mob.can_buckle_to


Keeps track of the sources of dynamic luminosity and updates our visibility with the highest.


Handles a mob buckling another mob to src and sends a visible_message

Basically exists to do some checks on the user and then call buckle_mob where the real buckling happens. First, checks if the buckle is valid and cancels if it isn't. Second, checks if src is on a different turf from the target; if it is, does a do_after and another check for sanity Finally, calls /atom/movable/proc/buckle_mob to buckle the target to src then gives chat feedback Arguments:


Handles a user unbuckling a mob from src and sends a visible_message

Basically just calls unbuckle_mob, sets fingerprint, and sends a visible_message about the user unbuckling the mob Arguments: buckled_mob - The mob/living to unbuckle user - The mob unbuckling buckled_mob